Merci是巧克力的一个品牌,其创作理念是为你所爱的人制作礼物,感谢他们在你身边。品牌名称从法语翻译过来就是"谢谢"。谢谢巧克力的标志由一个优雅字体的粗体小写 logo组成,大量的字母以渐变金色着色,而“我”上方的圆点由一个优雅的红色心形取代,右侧带有一些黑色渐变。
美国最古老的冰淇淋品牌之一"好幽默"的视觉形象也有一颗心。红白相间的双轮廓心形绘制成一条线,内尾微微弯曲,为形象增添了俏皮感。这颗心被画在一辆红色冰激凌车的车顶上,车顶上有两层醒目的白色 logo。徽章上有两个红色的小孩剪影,他们跟在卡车后面。
DocMorris是一家德国连锁药店,在全国各地都有分店。该公司还使用心形符号作为其视觉 logo,但它是用三种绿色色调绘制的,这是一种众所周知的健康、新生命和幸福的颜色听到这里。的特点是一个有趣的漩涡图案(设置在深绿色衬线字体的左侧,上面的" R"s," C "和“我”上面的点是实心圆,就像 logo中心的那个一样。
IGtools是一个在线平台,帮助照片墙用户获得更多的喜欢和关注。因此,该服务的视觉识别特征是将心脏作为元素之一,因为心脏是照片墙上"喜欢"的等价物IGtools。的徽章设置在调色板中,类似于著名的社交媒体的色调,从紫色到橙色的渐变,在白色背景上有一颗粉红色的心,位于圆形框架内,四条圆形水平线向左延伸。 logo后面是同样颜色的小写字母。
在心脏公司的标志上,该符号取代了字母" A "成为一种时尚的小写标志,以醒目的红色字母设置,轮廓清晰,线条笔直。心脏与左边的字母" E "相连“E”的上半部分呈对角线,与心形字母轮廓的圆形边缘形成一条平行线。该标志看起来非常现代和圆滑,执行专业,并唤起了卓越和当代优雅的感觉。
这家斯堪的纳维亚运动器材制造商的主徽章上现在确实有一颗心,尽管 logo是用红黑色调色板绘制的,但该徽标的扩展版有一条加粗的窄无衬线标语"倾听你的心",其中"心"一词被一个实心的红色图形心符号所取代。红色图形元素支持徽章主线中的红色“O”,指向公司的价值观。
一年一度的校际足球比赛"达拉斯杯之心"的视觉形象是一颗浅蓝色的小心脏,镶嵌在字母" D "的负空间中。这不是徽章上最引人注目的元素,这使它更有趣,因为,从杯的名字来看,任何人都希望标志围绕着一个巨大的明亮的心形。在这里,它只是一个次要元素,与醒目的白色字体相得益彰。
世界上最著名的成人内容在线平台之一你色彩也在其标志中使用了一颗心,作为爱和感情的象征。在这里,轮廓分明的粉红色心形取代了大写 logo中的字母“O”,第一个是黑色的"你",第二个是粉红色的"色彩"。碑文是设置在一个简单的白色背景,没有额外的元素。它看起来简单而谦虚,虽然代表了平台的宗旨和本质。
Jojo Siwa
JoJo Siwa是美国著名的优图伯和舞蹈家。她的标志是基于她的名字,写在两行自定义草书字体,设置在渐变粉红色到紫色的阴影。字母的底部线条由两个实心五角星装饰,镶嵌在两侧,而上部的《啾啾》线条略微放大,两个字母" J "的尾部弯曲,形成两个心形。它看起来非常女性化和明亮,唤起友好和善良的感情。
斯特拉麦卡特尼是一个奢侈时尚品牌,专门从事女性服装和配饰。品牌徽章的所有元素,包括图形部分和 logo,都用小黑点绘制。 logo全部采用大写字母,具有现代无衬线轮廓,而 logo由一颗精致的小心脏组成,细长的线条向下延伸,使元素的轮廓保持开放。
WeHeartIt是社交媒体的名称,成立于美国,基于照片和图形内容。这里的"心"不仅仅是名称的一部分,或者一个 logo,更是人们对所见内容反应的图形表示。社交媒体的徽标基于粗体灰色 logo,以小写的现代和沉重的无衬线字体设置,世界“红心”由粉红色到橙色渐变的图形心形符号取代。
Nandos是一家南非连锁快餐店,它的菜单基于鸡肉及其视觉形象——基于其风格化的形象。黑公鸡以冷冷的非洲风格绘制,以白色和红色为元素,黑色的身体中央放置了一颗实心的红心。图形 logo的红色部分由同样红色的粗体实心字母支撑。碑文镶嵌在黑红相间的公鸡下面。
Blugirl Folies是一个女装品牌,其系列通常以女性轮廓和明亮的颜色为特色。该品牌的标志是黑白相间的,其中“福利”部分被放大并加粗,字母“哦”的负空间被一个白色手绘心脏取代,一个白色箭头对角穿过它,在直立的方向。
IHeartRadio是在线流媒体平台的名称,创建于美国。这项服务归一家公司所有,它有一个相似的名字,iHeartMedia .收音机的标志由一个醒目的白色字母“我”组成,类似于一个人的抽象图形,设置在一个实心的红色心形上,白色圆形支架位于实心白点的左右两侧。 logo还配有一个两层的题词,上面用黑色和灰色写着电台的名称。
威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校有一个非常经典和传统的标志,一颗心雕刻在一个大胆华丽的金色框架中,周围有细细的黑色轮廓。这里的心脏又高又窄,它的上半部分几乎是平的,这就是为什么你在看这个标志的时候通常看不到心脏。 logo位于两层铭文之上,上面用白色书写了一个醒目的字母“W”,这是一种定制的衬线字体。
欧洲最著名的歌唱比赛欧洲电视网的官方徽章在铭文的中央镶嵌了一个心形符号,取代了大写字母" V .用一种别致的手写字体,黑色线条,文字标记看起来圆滑而优雅,心脏只是提升了这些品质。欧洲电视中心的负空间通常被涂上竞赛举办地的国旗颜色。
著名的女孩系列"我的小马"的视觉识别也有一颗心作为主要标志之一。它以白色为背景,带有醒目的紫色轮廓,位于徽章文字第二行的字母" P "和“哦”上方。还有两个紫色的实心小心形,镶嵌在"小马"文字标记中相同字母的空白处。整个徽章以白色和紫色为主色调,并在字母上方饰以不同深浅的粉色和紫色彩虹。
字体公司徽章上的三叶草标志由四颗心组成,代表花瓣。每个心形都是以下颜色之一:粉色、蓝色、绿色和黄色,并且其主体被涂上了纯色。明亮而强烈的 logo由中等重量的深灰色字体平衡,小写字母采用现代简洁的无衬线字体。
Apink是一个韩国女子乐队的名字,该乐队的标志;徽标中也使用了心形图案。除了乐队名称中的"粉色"部分(这是其视觉 logo调色板中唯一的颜色)之外,该标志还采用了一个心形的抽象框架,该图形由一些字母的拉长线条构成。心脏的轮廓在左右两边都是开放的。
美国食品品牌的标志采用时尚经典的蓝色和红色调色板, logo和两层字体采用粗体无衬线字体,背景为白色。该公司的标志以风格化的草书字母组合为特色,用一条粗弯曲的蓝线绘制,上面镶有实心红心,向右移动。
sCrafters" />LensCrafters is a North American chain of stores, which offer eyewear and sunglasses. The company has more than a thousand stores all over the United States, Canada, and internationally, and its logo is widely recognized. The badge of the chain is composed of stylish black lettering in a custom modern font with thin lines and slightly visible serifs on their ends, and two graphical symbols, which can be placed on the right from the inscription, or above it. The symbols are a solid red heart and an abstract eye with eyelashes, drawn in sky-blue, white, and black. McKamey Animal CenterMcKamey Animal Center, also known as simple MAC, is a shelter for animals in the United States, where people do their best to help abandoned and sick pets. The logo of the organization is formed by a graphical emblem and two-leveled lettering, written on the right. The emblem features a solid dark-green silhouette of a house with a dog paw in light pink set over it. The paw has its main part drawn as a heart, turned upside-down.
RoxyRoxy is a brand of surf and snowboard apparel for women and girls, hence its logotype combines both the extreme and the feminine aspects of the brand’s core idea. It is a white heart, created in the negative space between two stylized hands in black, which hold two triangles with the abstract depiction of a snowy mountain on each. The mountains are set diagonally, with the peaks pointing up in the center, and also create a geometric heart shape.
AetnaThe logo of the American insurance company features an image of a geometrically stylized heart, set on the left from the bold lowercase inscription. Both elements of the badge’s design are set in a bright purple color, evoking a sense of reliability and confidence. The heart here reflects its direct meaning, as the company is mostly known for its health insurance plans.
Stranger LiveStranger Live is an application, built to give people an opportunity to find new friends, and probably even some romantic relationships. And this romantic side is reflected in its mobile app icon. The badge of the application is set in a smooth and bright pink and white color palette, with the small white heart placed above the solid white geometric camera with straight lines and angles. This edginess of the camera is balanced by the smooth lines of the heart and the rounded angles of the icon itself.
AirbnbThe famous holiday apartment service Airbnb also uses a heart symbol for its visual identity, although here it is not that obvious. The heart of the Airbnb logo is turned upside down and looks like a stylized contoured letter “A”, standing for the first letter in the service’s name. The emblem and the sans-serif lowercase logotype are both set in a soft shade of pink, a color of love and attention, which brilliantly supports the abstract heart symbol.
I Love New YorkThe symbol of the New York City, which is known by people from all over the globe is the black “I Love New York” lettering with the word “Love” replaced by a solid red heart. The heart is set on the top line, at the Igor from the black “I” and above the black “NY” set in a rounded serif font, in a typewriter-style. The simplicity of design and color palette has made this logo truly iconic and instantly recognizable.
Belarusian OpositionThe visual identity of the Belarusian Opposition features a color hand-drawn design, with the concept built around three symbols — a heart, a fist, and a hand showing a victory sign with two fingers. It should be read as it is: the opposition is for love and unity, fights and victory. The badge is executed in black bold contours, with the heart colored in red, and two other elements having thin red lines around their perimeters.
CVS HealthAnother health-related organization with the heart symbol on its logo of CVS Health, an American company, which owns a chain of pharmacies all over the country. The logo of the company is composed of a solid red heart, with geometric contours, followed by an extra-bold red “CVS” and a black lightweight “Health” written in the title case of a full-shaped serif font. The bold red sans-serif capitals balance the massive heart emblem, while the black serif characters add a touch of professionalism and trustworthiness.
NYXThe famous make-up brand, NYX cosmetics, has a solid small heart, supporting its modern bold logotype in solid black. The heart is placed under the vertical bar of the letter “Y”, in the very middle of the badge, and above the lightweight sans-serif “Professional Makeup” tagline, set in a traditional sans-serif font. The heart softens the futuristic shapes of the letters in the top line of the badge, and adds a feminine touch, as all products of the company are made for women in the first place.
XOThe bold and minimalist logo of the record label, established by the famous musician The Weeknd, has a tiny hand-drawn heart in it. The symbol is set in the upper part of the badge, between the top segments of the two uppercase letters. Executed in a black-and-white color palette, the badge can be drawn in white lines over the black background, and vice versa.
Luisa SpagnoliThe heart of the logo of the fashion brand Luisa Spagnoli is not what you pay attention to at the first glance. It is formed by an extra-thin elongated tail of the letter “L”, merging into the vertical bar of the lowercase “S” in “Luisa” and the uppercase “S” in the “Spagnoli”. The line is very delicate and sophisticated, and the heart is beautifully inscribed into a feminine elegant concept of the logo, based on cursive lettering with lines and loops of different thicknesses.
CVS PharmacyThe pharmacies of the CVS Health chain have their logo, with the same geometric heart symbol, and same uppercase “CVS” lettering in the extra-bold sans-serif, but instead of the black title case “Health”, this logo features a red lowercase “Pharmacy”, executed in a traditional sans-serif typeface, and placed on a small distance from the bold part of the logo. The red-on-white CVS Pharmacy badge looks warm and friendly.
Pure RomancePure Romance is a brand of sex toys and accessories for women, that’s why the logo of the company is 100% feminine. Set in a pink and white color palette, the badge has a stylized heart, made up of a smooth ribbon, and placed above the uppercase delicate lettering, as the main element. The heart here is wide and bold, and looks tender and soft, evoking a sense of comfort, which is one of the main characteristics of the brand’s products, and one of the main aims of the company.
TrainlineThe online platform for buying train tickets, Trainline, has the heart on its logo stylized and drawn in a manner, which reflects the purpose of the application best. It is composed of two curved lines, which leave the contour of the heart open and remind of the rails, or a route map. The emblem is set in the calm turquoise shade, which is supported by the bold lowercase logotype in a traditional sans-serif, written in the same color.
BadooBadoo is an online dating service, which helps people find their love. Although the heart is the most logical symbol for the logo of the brand in this sphere, Badoo stylized it and made it more modern. The heart of the Badoo logo has its bottom line softened and rounded and is embellished with a white smiley line, set over its solid purple background.
MunchkinMunchkin is an American company, which is specialized in the manufacturing and distribution of products for kids and toddlers. The brand is all about love and care, and this is what you can see in its logo. The Munchkins badge is composed of a bold lowercase logotype in a modern sans-serif typeface, with each letter drawn in a different color. The dot above the orange “I” is replaced by a contoured heart in red and white, set diagonally, with the pointed side looking to the down left corner of the logo.
GoDaddyAfter the recent redesign, the famous domain registration platform has adopted a new emblem, which resembles a heart. The emblem of the company is composed of the letter “G” and “O”, which are set diagonally, slanted to the center from the sides, forming a stylized contoured heart in light turquoise. The emblem is balanced with a stable bold logotype, set in a traditional sans-serif font, in the same shade of turquoise.
Polk AudioThe American manufacturer of audio equipment, based in California, also uses a heart as the main graphical element of its logo. The small solid white symbol is drawn over a solid red circular emblem, placed on the left from the modern black sans-serif lettering in the lowercase. The logo looks very powerful and stylish despite the use of the feminine symbol. Here the heart is progressive and cool.
BurlingtonThe heart on the logo of the American clothing retailer Burlington is not the only graphical element and the brand’s signifier, set on its icon. The diagonally placed symbol with a bold pink outline and a white negative space also replaces the first letter of the inscription, the “B”. It looks cool and unique, making the retailer recognizable. The lettering, following the emblem, is written in the same shade of pink, and executed in a bold and elegant serif typeface.
Heart of MidlothianHeart of Midlothian is a professional football club from Scotland, which has the “Heart” not only in its name but also in its logo. The badge of the club features a heart shape, with the main part set in dark red, the outline in yellow, the internal frame in light gray, and the lettering on the badge in yellow. The central element of the club’s logo is a contoured football in red and yellow, enclosed into a super-wide frame, formed by three brick layers in gray and red. The same bricks, but with a more square shape, make up the internal gray framing of the badge.
EtsyThe visual identity of Etsy, an e-commerce platform, is set in a warm and energetic orange and white color palette and features a heart as the main graphical element. The heart here is set diagonally, with its sharp bottom part pointing down-right. On the calm and intense orange body of the main element, the white “Etsy” in a softened typewriter serif font is set diagonally, from the bottom left to the upper right corners direction. The badge looks simple, but very kind and welcoming, brilliantly reflecting the “handmade” focus of the platform.
LazadaLazada is a large e-commerce company, owned by Alibaba Group, and its power and confidence are perfectly depicted in the logo of the platform. The Lazada badge is composed of a stylized geometric heart emblem in gradient shades from orange to purple and fuchsia, drawn three-dimensionally, on the left from the simple yet stable and strong dark blue logotype, executed in the title case of a modern geometric sans-serif font, where the lines of the letters have clean contours and straight cuts.
Heart with Eyes Logo Comme des GarçonsComme des Garçons is a luxury fashion brand from France, which is known for the edgy design of its super-stylish casual clothing. The brand mostly has its collections executed in the black and white color palette, so its logo, based on a solid red hand-drawn image of a heart with two eyes, looks great on the tags and as embroidery on the Comme des Garçons garments. The logo of the fashion label is composed of a red heart emblem, placed above or on the left of the bold black lettering in a clean medium-weight sans-serif typeface, with the “Ç” stylized as a “C” with “*” under it, and all letter but the “des” set in the uppercase.
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