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Car brands that start with P


logo Peugeot



logo Pontiac庞蒂克是通用汽车公司在整个20世纪的主要品牌之一。这是一个美国品牌,生产各种乘用车,大多是小型车。他们的许多产品也是高性能或豪华车。21世纪,公司遭遇财务困难,倒闭。他们的标志描绘了一个向下的窄箭头。它的中心是明亮的红色,周围是厚厚的银色边框。在红色部分的顶部附近,他们还放置了一个白色的四角星。


logo Porsche

保时捷是德国最大的高性能汽车生产商。目前的名单主要包括跑车和运动跨界车。该公司在赛车运动方面也有显著表现。简而言之,他们的汽车被认为是同类中最好的。他们的 logo充满了他们家乡城市和家乡地区的象征。它基本上是一个带有斯图加特盾形纹章(金盾黑马)的徽章,周围有符腾堡符号。


logo Plymouth



logo Packard



PAG汽车公司是巴西的一家汽车制造商,活跃于1988-1991年。他们制造了一些紧凑型汽车,有些是基于大众为巴西制造的汽车106 . PAG尼克可能是他们最受欢迎的车型,这是基于大众Gol,巴西的独家。该标志描绘了一个盾牌,黄色光线以一定角度穿过它。这种光线将 logo分成两部分红色。其中一个包含一个刺棒的图像,另一个是一只凶猛的狮子。两个人都是黑人。


logo Pagani



logo Pagani Huayra帕加尼瓦伊拉是意大利汽车制造商帕加尼生产的第二款汽车。这是一款轻型超级跑车,在首次发布时是最强大的车型之一。生产始于2011年,截至2021年,它的一些变体仍在生产。这种特殊的型号有自己的徽章。这是一个简单的草书单词《华伊拉》.颜色在黑色、白色和灰色之间变化。


logo Paige





logo Panhard

潘哈德是一家法国汽车制造商,是该国最早的汽车制造商之一。直到60年代,他们主要生产高性能汽车。后来,制造商开发的技术被他们的新东家雷诺使用。该公司的标志是一个带黄框的灰色圆圈。在里面,字母" R "和" L "被放在同一个点上,形成一个融合的图像。他们的配色方案是油黑色。


logo Panoz

帕诺兹是一家美国汽车生产商。该公司自1989年以来一直很活跃,主要生产高性能汽车。其中很大一部分只是方程式赛车和普通赛车。但是也有很多公路跑车。该品牌的 logo形状像一滴,除了圆形部分在上面。框架是银色的,还有几个被银色轮圈分割的内段。这些部分包括几个白色部分(例如,最上面有名字),一个红色部分,一个蓝色部分和一个全银色的中间部分,上面有一个绿色的三叶草。


logo Panther



logo Paramount Cars



logo Paterson


logo Peel



logo Peerless皮尔利斯是美国早期的汽车制造商,一直经营到30年代。生产围绕着高档汽车,其中最成功的国家。其中很多也是跑车或旅行车(简而言之,高性能汽车)。该标志描述了这家公司的名称,用粗体斜体书写。它们是斜着写的,通常是灰色的。最后一个字母也延伸到整个单词下面的一行。在这里,他们曾经写过校训。


彭德-赫特尔是澳大利亚制造的最早的汽车之一。它类似于19世纪末制造的其他汽车。简而言之,它基本上是一辆两人用的自行马车。因为是早期的汽车,所以本质上是两个人的项目。这辆车没有徽章,商家也没有 logo。所有提到公司的地方都是用文字写的。


logo Perana Performance Group

Perana表演团体是一家来自南非的汽车制造商。这家公司专门生产小型跑车,尽管到目前为止只推出了一款。叫Perana Z-One,是双座大旅行车。他们的公司标志是一个银色椭圆形框架,里面有“佩拉那”字样。他们用小写的无衬线字母写的,颜色和画框一样。而且,还有两个尖尖的笔画从字上下,可能是翅膀,也可能是箭头,被字分开。


logo Pegaso



logo Peterbilt





logo PGO

PGO是一家制造高档汽车的法国汽车制造商。他们的车型主要是小型豪华跑车。它们也是手工制作,并为每个客户定制,这解释了奢侈品和小数量100 . PGO logo是一个盾形,或者说是一个盾形的轮廓。它是黑色的,有一个更大胆的左边和三个爪形标记从左边进入盾内。字母" PGO "出现在顶部,采用衬线字体。


幻影海盗船是一款汽车原型,于30年代在美国设计。这是一辆相对较大的轿车,车身长而光滑。这个设计在当时是非常超前的,因为那时车身通常不是流线型的。因为这是一个工程师独自建造的原型,他们没有 logo。每当这个项目被宣传时,他们只是简单地写下全名。值得注意的例子有它写在一个草书,斜体风格。


logo Piaggio

比亚乔是一家意大利老牌公司,专门生产滑板车和摩托车。它从19世纪后期开始运作。他们监管的品牌很多,包括大牌,比如Vespa .他们的标志描绘了一个正方形的盾形图案,被对角地分为蓝绿色和浅蓝色两部分。前者在底部附近用白色无衬线字体显示单词“比亚乔”.后者被一个大大的白色字母p ’占据。


logo Picchio

皮基奥是一个意大利汽车品牌,始于1989年。这家公司的大部分产品是多种多样的赛车。除此之外,他们还小批量生产公路跑车。他们的标志是一个黑色的大字母P .他们移除了中间线条的上半部分,在顶部添加了一条更长的线,还在字母主干的左侧添加了绿色和红色两种笔画。这两个模仿了后者的造型,酷似意大利的国色。


logo Pieper

派珀是20世纪上半叶比利时主要的武器制造商。除此之外,他们早年也造了至少一辆车。这是一个自动推进的马车模型,装有混合电动汽油发动机。该公司也被称为“巴亚尔”,出现在他们的一些徽章上。例如,有一个 logo看起来像一个形状未定的盘子。在里面,“巴亚尔”这个词是用大大的略带哥特式字体写的。下面,一条油漆带包含"武器弹药"的字样,但那是因为这是他们大部分时间做的。


logo Pierce-Arrow



logo Pinguin


logo Pininfarina

宾尼法利纳是一家专门从事汽车设计的意大利公司。他们主要为欧洲各种汽车品牌开发教练和外观。这主要包括来自意大利和法国的公司。他们的标志是一个直立的长方形,蓝色框架,里面是白色和红色。在中间的白色部分用蓝色写了一个小写字母F .在这个主要部分上面还有一个红色的皇冠。


logo Piontek

皮翁泰克在90年代是波兰的一个小汽车制造商。他们专门生产小型跑车,其中最著名的是Piontek Sportech .这是一辆时髦的双座三缸引擎跑车100 .皮翁泰克。的标志是一个盾形徽章,大部分是黑色,顶部是金属。在后者上,品牌名称用黑色粗体字标出。黑色的部分被一个看起来像符号的东西占据了,前面有一条垂直的金属条纹。上面用小写字母写着"工程"一词。





logo Playboy



logo Polaris

北极星是一家来自美国的汽车制造商。这家公司生产各种各样的车辆,包括摩托车、四轮车、越野车和雪地车。它基本上是多功能车的利基生产商,尽管是非常成功的一家。标志由文字标志部分和 logo组成100 . word mark只显示名字,用蓝色的大粗体字母书写“O”中间的空间被一颗北极星的白色轮廓所取代。 logo上也有同样的图像,只是周围有一个椭圆形。

Polarsun Automobile

logo Polarsun Automobile

Polarsun was a Chinese car brand that consists of vans and crossovers for the most part. It’s defunct as of 2018, but in their time they’ve released a handful of models. A lot of them were just Japanese models with slight modifications. The logo depicts the name of the company, written in big Chinese glyphs and then repeated in English underneath. Next to them is the emblem – the first glyphs of the native name, but with thicker tips and put inside a ring. Everything was in blue.


logo Polestar

Polestar is a Swedish brand, owned partly by Volvo. This project concentrates on the development of hybrid and electric cars. They’ve already two such cars: one is a hybrid sports car, and the other – an electric executive car. The logo looks like a 4-tip star, colored white and grey. Well, it would be one, but they split it in to and shifted both parts in opposite sides slightly. So, it’s just two pairs of lines floating next to each other.



PORTARO is the name for the 4×4, developed jointly by Portuguese and Romanians. There were many versions of these cars, but they varied little. Most of these were created in the 70s. The PORTARO logo uses the brand’s name, written in big letters with sizes decreasing near the tips. Notably, the top bar of the letter ‘T’ extends above all of these other letters, and the tips then turn down to encompass the first and last letters. This wordmark is then placed into an octagon-shaped frame.


logo Praga

Praga is a Czech carmaker, founded in 1907. The majority of vehicles built by them are either passenger cars or trucks. The former, in particular, have mostly been of sporting variety as of late. The company’s logo is just the word ‘Praga’, written in black letters. In addition, there’s also a line going beneath the entire word. The font is a cursive italic style with a lot of twists and turns.


logo PRB

PRB is a name of the Australian manufacturer of sports and racing cars. They have been doing it since the 70s, and the cars they created resemble the older Lotus models. That is, they are narrow, one- or two-seat cars with partly open wheels. Many of these are used extensively in racing. The one emblem they have uses a grey circle as basis. The central section depicts one of their cars full-face, mainly colored yellow. The frame bit around is where they put the name – ‘PRB Australia’ – in black.

Premier Ltd

logo Premier

Premier is an Indian car assembler, founded in the 1940s. They don’t develop their own vehicles but build the cars of other brands. That includes small and mid-sized vehicles from Fiat, Plymouth, Renault and some other. The emblem depicts an oval with a letter ‘P’ stuck inside. It resembles a noose, actually, because of its excessive fluidity and smoothness. The coloring is just navy blue.

Prince Motor Company

logo Prince Motors Company

Prince Motor is a Japanese car brand, and a former manufacturer. They produced their own cars – racing, luxury and utility vehicles – until the 60s. After that, Nissan incorporated them into their own production, where they continued to build their cars and develop new models. The logo is still used on some cars of theirs. It’s a red shield with the white core. In the middle, there is a letter ‘P’ that consists of two smooth strokes of red paint, much like the traditional Japanese glyphs.


logo Prodrive

Prodrive is a British company that mostly builds or modifies racing cars for other brands. They helped construct cars for Aston Martin, Subaru, Porsche and many other companies. There were also attempts at building their own road sports car, but that went nowhere. The usual Prodrive logo uses their name, written in black lowercase letters. The font is a smooth, round style. There is also a blue line going all the way beneath the word.

Proto Motors

logo Proto Motors

Proto Motors was a South Korean company, operating from 1997 until its defunct in 2017. They manufactured convertibles, limousines, sports cars, parts for them, and also coaches for vehicles. Shortly before the defunct, they also started to redesign and recreate existing models, developing their electric variants. The company logotype depicted their name on a white background. The first ‘Proto’ part had a bold black sans serif font with a custom ‘O’ character. The ‘Motors’ word used a gray typeface.


logo Proton

Proton is the largest automotive manufacturer in Malaysia. They produce various types of vehicles, from compact cars to motorcycles. Most of their cars are made on basis of local and company-made components, though they also produce rebranded foreign cars. The company logo is a metallic white circle with a head of a tiger inside. Below it, we can see the name. It’s written in a same-styled sans-serif typeface.


logo Puch

Puch is an engineering firm, located in Austria. Since Puch appeared in 1899, they mostly produce compact automobiles, trucks and racing cars. In the list of their products are bicycles, motorcycles and mopeds, as well as parts for them all. The brand logo shows us the white brand name in an angular sans serif typeface. Below it, we can see the checkered white and green shield. All this is placed on a black circle with a white line.


Puli was a microcar made in Hungary in 80s-90s. It was assembled using foreign components, available in the country at that time. It was equipped with a diesel or electric engine, depending on the variation. There are various version of this car, modified for off-road driving, racings, etc. You can find the versions with no roof or with elongated body. This vehicle was manufactured by an automotive manufacturer Hodgep, a large state-owned company, which is now ceased.


logo Puma

Puma is a Brazilian car company. They specialize in making high-performance sports cars, buses and heavy trucks. Most of their luxury cars are equipped with powerful engines and extra-light bodies, which allows them to accelerate maximum velocities. Their logotype is a yellow head of a puma, which have various yellow lines coming from it. The puma head is drawn on a black square. Below, we can see the black brand name, framed from below and above by checkered black pattern.

Purvis Eureka

logo Purvis Eureka

Purvis Eureka was an Australian sports car, produced in 70s-90s. The car had a coupe body, made using extra-light materials. It also got a powerful diesel engine that allowed the car to accelerate maximum velocities. There were several versions, which had different body forms, engines and features. Eureka was sold both as an assembled car and a kit of vehicle components. It was manufactured by Purvis Cars, a large automotive company in the country.

Pyeonghwa Motors

logo Pyeonghwa Motors

Pyeonghwa is a North Korean automotive company. They make various vehicles, including compact cars, trucks, buses, etc. Most of their automobiles are made on basis of components from China of Vietnam. Their logotype a triangle with rounded corners. It is split into three areas, colored white, blue and black. On it, we can see the brand name and an image of a bird.


logo Python

Python was an automobile, designed by Ford in mid-60s. It was a sports car, produced to replace British competing cars. Python had a compact and minimalistic coupe body. The material used during the car construction was plastic. In collaboration with powerful diesel engine, it helped the vehicle to accelerate high velocities. There have been seven of these cars identified.

该文《Car brands that start with P》来源国外“1000logos”网(https://1000logos.net/),由翻译软件直译,文章内容责权归属原作者,不代表本站即UCI深圳vi设计公司立场。



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