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Top-60 Most Famous Logos With a Circle




Blue Circle Logo




logo USA Today



logo Minolta

美能达是一家日本公司,是世界领先的照相机及其配件、复印机、传真机和激光打印机制造商之一。第一个蓝色圆圈出现在20世纪70年代末的柯尼卡美能达(柯尼卡美能达)标志上,是一个带有五条白色水平条纹的三维球体。这些年来,这些符号已经演变成一个扁平的粗体圆圈,线条仍然存在。这个标志在世界各地都能立即辨认出来,它代表着地球,白线代表着光束100 .全球在那里是为了展示品牌的国际扩张,这在80年代是非常实际的,现在只是展示了美能达的知名度和国际声誉。


logo Westinghouse

西屋公司是一家美国核电公司,成立于1999年,前身是西屋电气公司的核电部门。该公司的标志有四个圆圈——标志周围的灯框和三个实心的大圆点位于品牌的标志" W "的顶点上。这种风格化的字母看起来既像皇冠又像核链,其中的元素由细直线连接。选择的几何形状适合公司的目的,显示无限,完成,和宇宙一般。蓝色是西屋公司徽标调色板中唯一的颜色,它增加了专业性和自信。


logo General Electric

他们用一个蓝色的圆圈,中间有一个艺术化的大h .它看起来有点像手写的,而且非常柔软。沿着圆圈的边缘(在内侧)放置一个白色的环,也遵循了类似的美学。有四个水滴状的延伸物从它向内突出,这被认为是代表电流。


logo Safari



logo Volkswagen

这家汽车制造商的标志现在是一个细细的深蓝色圆环。在里面,字母" V""W "一个接一个地排列,看起来前者和后者的中间部分是镜像的。因此,“W”的侧杆向上拉长。两者都连接到框架的顶部边缘。


logo ESA

该公司的标志是一个普通的深蓝色圆圈,带有两个白色的附加细节:左边的一个小圆点和靠近右边的一个字母e .接下来是公司的首字母缩略词,由与会徽颜色相同的小写字母组成。他们通常把它放在右边。


logo Alfa Romeo



logo PBS



Logo Twitter



Logo Skype

网络电话是一个在线视频通话工具,它也有一个圆形作为其视觉识别的主要元素。在这里,它是以一种大规模的方式进行的,背景是渐变的蓝色,表面是无光泽的纹理。带有粗体大写字母" S "的圆形无衬线字体被放置在带有圆角的对角拉伸元素上,该元素仅略微超出主元素的轮廓。


Logo Linkedin




美国宇航局的视觉形象完全受到该机构专业化的影响。徽章不仅有代表夜空的深蓝色背景,还有圆形图案。这个几何图形是与空间和行星系统联系在一起的第一个数字美国航天局。徽章由一个实心的蓝色圆圈组成,圆圈上有白色的星空图案,白色的粗体大写衬线标识,单词标记中间有一个与字母" A "和" S "对角重叠的白色细轨道,以及一个著名的红色"蠕虫"。


Logo Telegram



Logo HP



Red Circle Logo


logo Target



logo ATT0



logo Mastercard



logo Ubuntu

人的本质是基于Debian GNU/Linux的GNU/Linux发行版。产品的主要开发者和赞助商是典型的.作为我们今天排名中最有趣和最"深刻"的贡献者之一,Ubuntu的标志是以"人性"为核心理念的。这个标志示意性地描绘了三个人携手仰望天空。也有"朋友圈"的意思。于是,在这里我们看到了多达四个圆——三个"头",由三个拱形段组成的主圆,以及负空间中的一个黑色圆,其中充满了单词马克.


logo Xerox

施乐是一家美国公司,是打印和文件管理技术领域的世界领导者之一,是复印机大规模生产的先驱,复印机也使用带圆圈的标志作为其视觉标识。圆形会徽放在一个醒目的红色标识之后,以一个红色球体为特色,并融入了风格化的白色X .这个想法非常简单,但其完美干净的执行和明亮自信的调色板使该品牌在竞争对手的名单中脱颖而出,反映了该公司的专业性和进步性。


logo Lucky Strike



logo LG



logo London Underground



logo Lucent



logo Vodafone



logo Rotring



logo Air Canada



logo Knirps



logo Bacardi



logo 7 Up


has it all — bubble shape, bright color, symbolizing passion and love, and strong contrast, catching an eye.

Radio Shack

logo Radio Shack Radio Shack uses a small red ring with a capital ‘R’ written inside adjacent to the shape’s left curve (which ultimately resembles a trademark symbol). On the right, the company’s name is written in black, typical sans-serif letters.


Logo Pinterest

The visual identity of Pinterest, an online platform for photos and images, is based on a solid red circle in a darker shade. The emblem has a stylized white letter “P” written over it in a pin-like shape. The smooth elegant lines of the letter balance the deep and strong shade of red, creating a perfect powerful duo, which reflects passion, energy, and progress. The Pinterest logo is a brilliant combination of the platform’s name, essence, and mood.


Logo Hoover

The brand of home appliances Hoover is a historical thing. It was at the beginning of the industry, one of the pioneers, and the bright scarlet shade of red, used in the circular Hoover badge reflects this side of the company. The logo is composed of a solid red circle with a bold white internal outline and a diagonally oriented white lettering in the uppercase of a stylized geometric sans-serif font with the enlarged “H” and its horizontal bar elongated, covering the whole wordmark.


Logo Fiat

The logo of the iconic Italian automaker Fiat combines two geometric shapes in it — a circle as the main one, and a softened trapezoid with rounded angles as the internal one. The badge features a glossy badge with the central part in red and black stripes, enclosed into a thick voluminous silver frame. The color of the frame is supported by the color of the uppercase lettering, set in the center of the logo in a recognizable corporate typeface with bold clean lines.


Logo Texaco

The visual identity of the American has and oil corporation Texaco is also based on a solid red circle, but here it’s not the main hero. The logo is composed of a red roundel with a large white five-pointed star on it. The star, a symbol of Texas, the Lone Star State, is accompanied by a massive geometric letter “T”, drawn on it in the same shade of red as the background of the circle. The red ad white color palette of the Texaco badge stands for strength and determination, while the rounded shape softened the image, adding friendliness and caress to the company’s characteristics.


Logo Opera

Opera is a popular web browser, which has a cool and minimalistic logo, based on a stylized three-dimensional depiction of the letter “O”. It is drawn as almost a perfectly circular ring in bold gradient red line, which swirls on top and bottom of the logo, turning the whole letter a bit to the right, and adding extra volume. Here the circle is not only the first letter of the browser’s name but also a symbol of connection, while red adds a sense of professionalism and expertise.

Black circle logo:

Black Circle Logo


logo Ubisoft

The emblem of Ubisoft, a French company that specializes in developing and publishing computer games, contains several circles. The three-dimensional emblem of the company is executed in a tender and chic gradient purple color palette, with a thick circular frame of the medallion, from which a light-shaded swirl emerges. The swirl curves into a few more smaller circles. This badge looks like a representation of something mysterious and infinite. A reflection of creativity and artistic approach to games design. Circles here soften the futuristic mood of the badge, looking like a space element, but also evoking a sense of unity and wholeness.


logo Xbox

Another sphere with an “X” is used for the visual identity of Xbox, a home gaming console developed and released by Microsoft of the United States, the first in a series of Xbox gaming consoles. The logo of the brand features a matte white three-dimensional sphere with a neon green “X” cut out on its top. The light coming out of the letter and the bright color contrast create a truly unique and impressive image, while the circular shape of the main element stands for perfection, infinity, and positive emotions. And this last characteristic is the most important for the brand, which was designed for people’s free time and happy family evenings.


logo CBS

CBS is an American television and radio network, which features one of the most outstanding and stylish circular logos ever created. It is simple and bold, powerful and laconic, memorable, and perfectly reflects the essence of the company and its purpose. The CBS logo features two black circles — the main large one, and the smaller one, placed on a white element over the first circle, which all together make up an abstract eye. The eye that watches and observes, the eye that sees deep true. The geometry of the badge does not look smooth, it still evokes a sense of extreme power.


logo Jeep

We got used to seeing the shortened and simplified version of the Jeep, a brand of vehicles produced by the Italian-American company Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, logo — a bold sans-serif wordmark in monochrome. Though the full badge of the automaker has a graphical part as well. The lettering is placed above a stylized and minimalist image of the car grille, made up of seven bold vertical lines with rounded ends, and two large solid circles on the sides from the grille, standing for the iconic round car headlights, the most recognizable part of the Jeep vehicles design.


logo ABC The next design used the same hockey player image as the previous emblem. This time, the man was blue and put inside a more rectangular shape with blue-white-red background. The name was also written along the edges in this logo, on a big white outline around the center. They used red and blue for these words, and they were separated by two stars on the sides.


logo Holden Holden uses a simple image of a lion as their logo. There aren’t too made details, but you can clearly see the mane, the teeth, the eyes and some other elements. They draw it as if stepping on something big and round. The whole picture is then placed inside a ring of the same color (usually black).


logo Motorola This emblem is a black circle with a letter ‘M’ written in white near the center. It’s not written like a normal ‘M’, though. It’s comprised of two triangular shapes with narrow proportions, which could be interpreted as two communication towers. The bottoms of both of these are cut out into round shapes.


logo Timberland Timberland utilizes a black drawing of a leafless tree (so, just straight branches all over), planted into the sloped turf and finally surrounded by an incomplete ring (only absent above the branches). Normally, they put the name to the left, and it’s written there using typical sans-serif letters.

Green circle logo:

Green Circle Logo


logo Garnier

The circular logo of Garnier, a French beauty care brand owned by L’Oréal, has a bit deeper meaning. Its tender green badge stands for the unity of man with nature, as the company tends to use natural ingredients in its cosmetic products. The gradient and the glossy circle are hiding behind the clean and confident logotype, being a light hint to the main idea of the brand. Due to the glossy surface, it also looks resembles a pear, another symbol of beauty, perfection, and sophistication. The Garnier circle from the logo is a perfect softener for the geometric typeface of the wordmark, an accent of balance and harmony.


logo MegaFon

Not only the huge international brands use the circle as the main element of their visual identity, but also local giants, such as MegaFon, a Russian telecommunications company providing cellular, local telephone, broadband Internet access, cable television, and a range of related services. On this cool and abstract badge, you can see five circles. The first one is the large green background of the badge, which is formed by two elements. The left part of the logo looks like an abstract profile of a man with a bold black circle replacing his eye. As for the right part of the MegaFon badge, it has three solid black dots placed in one horizontal line on its bottom part. This stands for connection and communication.


logo QlikTech

QlikTech is a business intelligence software company headquartered in Radnor and another bearer of a logo with a circle. In the case of this company, the composition is more than simple — the emblem, which follows the bold sans-serif logotype, is composed of the first letter of the brand’s name, “Q”, drawn in bright green, with a solid gray circle placed in its negative space. The shape of the main letter is also built based on the circle, it only has a short and straight tail added to the contour at the bottom right part. So a double circle in the emblem and another in the wordmark, make it three.


logo Bayer The Bayer’s logo depicts two words ‘Bayer’ made from capital, blue letters and arranged into a cross (seeing how the company is a pharmaceutical business). This composition is then surrounded by a ring colored in light shades of blue and green (50-50 with a divide in the middle).


logo Spar Spar’s emblem is a green ring with what looks like a fir-tree protruding from its base (it’s a very simple shape that uses the same color). They depict very small next to a big red rectangle, occupied by the company’s name. These are capital, white letters, and the font makes them look soft and wide.


logo Starbucks The iconic Starbucks logo is a green disc with a white mermaid depicted on it. Nowadays, it’s made of many wavy lines and basic shapes, there’s nothing really nuanced about it. The small details include a crown with a big star in the center, two tails and a strangely fleshed-out face.

Yellow Circle Logos


Logo Lipton

Lipton is a famous brand of tea, which has been known for its bright yellow logo for many years now. The badge of the company is composed of a voluminous yellow roundel with a transparent white top layer, which makes it look like a bubble, adding gloss and depth to the surface. The roundel is crossed by a smooth dark red banner with arched top and bottom borders, with the bold white title case lettering in a sleek elegant typeface. The font of the inscription has the ends of the bars delicately curved, with some of them cut diagonally. The logo looks exquisite and professional.



Logo Scoot

Scoot is the name of a low-cost air carrier from Singapore, which was established in 2011. The logo of the company looks very progressive and fresh, representing the strength of the brand and its ability to grow and change with the needs of the customers. The Scoot badge is composed of a flat solid yellow circle in a lemon shade, with the bold lowercase logotype written over it in a heavy sans-serif typeface. All black letters of the wordmark are set on the circle, except for the “T”, which comes out of the borders and is slanted to the left.

Vueling Airlines

Vueling Airlines I is one of the most popular air carriers from Spain, which has low-cost flights to all the main hubs in Europe. The visual identity of the company is also based on a yellow circle, but here the shade of yellow is a bit darker, looking serious and professional. The roundel is accompanied by a smooth lowercase logotype in gray, executed in a rounded sans-serif typeface, with the dot above the “I” being modes to the upper right corner of the lettering, colored in white. This small minimalistic detail is what makes the whole badge unique and recognizable.


Logo Turkcell

The visual identity of Turkcell, the leading mobile operator in Turkey, also has a yellow circle as the main element. Although, here it is drawn three-dimensionally, as half of a sphere with a glossy gradient surface and two cut-out elements, resembling flying comets. The elements had their top part in a circular shape, with wide arched tails, coming out of them to the bottom border of the yellow element. There is no lettering present on this badge, and it looks very actual and progressive, evoking a sense of energy and excellence.


Logo Symantec

Symantec is a well-known American software company, which has a very recognizable logo, familiar to everyone who has a computer. The yellow element here is drawn in a shape of a gold ring, with the central part colored in white. The bold circular framing, executed in a dark and intense shade of yellow, is accompanied by a stylized black tick with its right bar elongated, crossing the frame, and drawn in a puzzle pattern, with small black, white, and yellow squares. The logo has no lettering on it.

White Circle Logos

White Circle Logos

Versus Versace

Versus is a casual line of clothing by a famous luxury fashion brand, Versace. The badge of the label featured a white and black drawing of a lion’s tiger with the elements of its mane coming out of the thin circular frame. The logo looks very cool and elegant and has something in common with the primary badge of the Versace fashion house. The logo of the main brand is also executed in a circular frame, with the head of Medusa enclosed in a frame with a geometric ornament. So for Versus, the frame was simplified, and the Medusa image was replaced by a lion.

Logo Versus Versace


Logo Wikipedia

Wikipedia, the most famous online encyclopedia, also uses a circular shape for its badge. Its logo boasts a three-dimensional sphere formed by white puzzles, where some of the details have black letters from different alphabets written on them. This badge brilliantly represents the essence and purpose of the web portal, which has information about everything from every corner of the Earth. The white and black color palette of the Wikipedia badge is a symbol of reliability and trustworthiness, showing the platform as a reputable and professional one, and reflecting its expertise and confidence.

Bored Panda

Logo Bored Panda

Bored Panda is the name of a web portal, that specializes in content about art and society. The visual identity of the platform is also based on a circle, even though it is inscribed into a more complicated image — a stylized abstract drawing of a black-and-white panda. The white circle in a bold black outline here replaces the panda’s head and is accompanied by two smaller circles — a solid black one as the right eye, and an enlarged white roundel in a thick black outline, with the black moon inside, replacing the left eye of the animal.

White Claw

Logo White Claw

White Claw is a brand of alcoholic beverage, which was established in 2016. The logo of the brand is composed of a black-and-white image with three curved waves, set against a white background and enclosed into a wide circular frame with two lettering parts written around it. The bold enlarged “White Claw” is written in the upper left part of the frame, on a transparent background, while the bottom right part of the logo is accompanied by a “Hard Seltzer” inscription in a smaller size, with a thick black underline, arched under it, repeating the contour of the circular badge.

Other circle logos:

Other Circle Logo


logo Pepsi

One of the most famous circular logos in history is definitely the one from Pepsi, the American brand of PepsiCo, one of the world’s largest food and beverage manufacturers. Though it has always been perceived as the globe, not just a circle. This iconic blue, white and red logo, representing the whole world, evolved from a flat and simple image used by the brand during its early years. That first version was more like a map symbol, and what we all can see today is a sleek and stylish badge designed with a minimalistic approach to shape, but a bright and powerful color palette, which does half of the work here.

Domino’s Pizza

logo Domino's Pizza

Domino’s Pizza is an American catering company, which operates the world’s largest pizza chain (by turnover; the number of restaurants is second to Pizza Hut), and also uses a logo with circles. Though is one of the most arguable participants on our list, as the main shape of the famous blue, red and white badge is rectangular, just like dominoes. Although the red part of the figure contains a solid white circle, and the blue part — two circles. Those dots on the dominoes are called pips, and in this exact logo, they represent nothing else, though they add balance to the rounded corners of the domino element and its bold white framing. But there is a secret: apart from the obvious meaning, the three white dots on the logo symbolize the first three locations of the company. Although the plan to add a red dot with the opening of each new franchise was rejected.

British Columbia Lottery Corporation

logo British Columbia Lottery Corporation

British Columbia Lottery Corporation — Canadian Crown corporation offering a wide range of gambling products, including lottery tickets, casinos, and legal online gambling. The logo of the corporation features a lowercase BCLC abbreviation with three solid circles in three different colors placed in the negative space of three letters. The red, orange and green circles stand for diversity, positive emotions, and excellence. Green is for growth and progress, red is for passion and orange is for energy. Three strong colors are perfectly balanced by circular elements, which make everything smoother and kinder.


logo AOL

AOL Inc. is an American media conglomerate, provider of online services and electronic message boards, the Internet pager AIM. AOL was once the largest Internet service provider in the United States. The name of the brand, AOL, evolved from America Online, the company formed at the very beginning of the 1990s. And in the same years, the first logo with a circle was created, so this geometric figure has been used as the main element of the brand’s visual identity for decades. Until 2009 is has been a white circle on a blue triangle. The circle fully repeated the shape of the letter “O” in the wordmark. After the latest redesign the circle turner into a small solid dot, placed after the logotype and adding a sense of wholeness and completion.

Bavarian Nordic

logo Bavarian Nordic

Another meaning is given to circles in the logo of Bavarian Nordic, a biotechnology company specializing in the development, production, and commercialization of anti-cancer immunotherapies and vaccines against infectious diseases. The composition of eight solid red circles in different sizes looks like an abstract geometric depiction of molecules, or bacterias, showing the direction of the company’s activity and its main purpose. The circles on the logo get all the attention, and brilliantly smoothed the futuristic sans-serif typeface of the uppercase logotype.

BH Cosmetics

logo BH Cosmetics

BH Decorative Cosmetics is a nice case where low price does not mean low quality. It is a high-end product that quickly conquered the market with its unusual solutions, design, and affordability. And all four “whales” of the brand’s philosophy are reflected in its simple yet memorable logo. The four solid circles forming a square are placed on the left from the lowercase inscription, being drawn in smooth pastel shades — turquoise, green, pink, and orange. These elements also stand for natural beauty and unity with their roots, inner side, and origins.

Le Creuset

logo Le Creuset

Le Creuset is a French company producing pans, pots, cocotte pans, and other cast iron cookware. All products of the brand are designed with precision and look extremely fancy, not to mention their quality. The logo of the luxury cookware brand is built around two main things — the abstract graphical representation of cooking, and the iconic orange color, which is used for most of the company’s items. It is a solid orange circle enclosed in a black circular frame, which in its turn is placed inside a black letter “C”, which contour also features a circular shape. The whole badge looks like the stove hot plate. Simple, yet elegant, and just perfect.


logo Yonex

Yonex is a Japanese manufacturer of badminton, tennis, and golf equipment. Manufactures rackets, shuttlecocks, clubs, clothing, and accessories for these sports. And the specialization of the company is reflected in its visual identity, pretty directly. The graphical part of the logo is composed of two sharp triangles and two solid circles placed under them. The combination makes up a styles depiction of two-letter “YY”, but the circular elements also make it look like badminton shuttles. This bold and cool logo has been used by the legendar


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