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Car Logos With Wings



这是世界汽车市场上代表不同品牌汽车的"有翼" logo精选。既有知名品牌,也有不太知名的公司。

翅膀已经成为汽车品牌的主要 logo之一。他们通常类似于生物:仙女,天使,精神,并表明自由,飞行,优越性。看到翅膀让我想起了伊卡洛斯的神话。只有精选品牌才有能力使用这样一个大胆而自信的 logo。不管是跑车还是豪车;翅膀增加了任何 logo的复杂性。我们选择了带有翅膀的车徽。


Chrysler Logo

克莱斯勒是一家向消费者提供高档汽车的美国公司。这个二战前的品牌在销量上甚至超过了当时消费者最喜爱的福特。现代克莱斯勒 logo由带有公司名称的蓝色部分和银色挡泥板组成。主要目标是保持早期车型和现代汽车之间的联系。


Alta Logo

这家汽车公司成立于希腊,生产了市场上领先的卡车。阿尔塔也因其可靠的摩托车和保持良好状态的汽车而闻名。这些模型以令人愉快的设计和不同寻常的调色板而著称。该品牌于1978年不复存在100 .阿尔塔的 logo像一只蝙蝠,里面嵌入了公司的名称。红色和银色被用于设计。


Hillman Logo

这家英国公司是由年近60岁的威廉希尔曼于1907年创立的。该品牌在市场上一直存在到1979年。72年来,希尔曼是其他汽车公司的一部分,即使在关闭后,一些车型仍在继续生产。该品牌的 logo由许多红色、白色和金色的细节组成。翅膀中间是希尔曼的名字,在它上面,你可以看到看起来像皇冠的元素。


Aston Martin Logo

阿斯顿马丁是一个传奇的英国豪华跑车品牌。该公司的名字分为两部分:阿斯顿-歌手模型获胜的赛道和马丁,以纪念一位创造者。汽车不止一次出现在邪教电影中。极简主义的 logo强调了品牌的地位和优雅。


Rezvani Logo

这家年轻的公司成立于2014年:专业化——生产跑车。模特出现在音乐艺术家的音乐视频中雷兹万尼 logo由红色挡泥板和方向盘组成。该公司的创始人梦想成为一名战斗机飞行员,并创造了能让你感受飞行刺激的汽车。


JBA Motors Logo

JBA汽车公司因其JBA猎鹰而闻名。最初的品牌名称是JBA工程。缩写JBA是向公司创始人致敬,由他们姓氏的首字母组成。专业化——2007年前生产复古汽车。即使在21世纪初,JBA汽车的 logo也是黑白相间的,凸显了它的身份。


Suffolk Sportscars Logo

罗杰威廉姆斯于1990年创立了萨福克跑车公司。起初,该品牌致力于发布捷豹SS100的更新车型。现在公司扩大了活动范围,从事萨福克XK120和C级的生产。该 logo使用了蓝色,这是汽车行业不寻常的选择,以及图形元素,如挡泥板,六边形和品牌名称的缩写。



自2000年以来,迷你一直是宝马的一部分。该阵容由时尚现代的汽车代表,带有可识别的翼形 logo。在其他品牌的影响下,该公司在其活动中多次戏剧性地改变了其主要形象迷你。现在专注于极简和简洁,使用黑白调色板。 logo的扁平化设计从2018年3月开始使用。


Duesenberg Logo

美国制造商杜森伯格已经84年不存在了,但汽车仍然很受欢迎。该品牌生产非常昂贵的车型,包括赛车。直到现在,汽车还被认为是过度富裕的象征。收藏家们梦想着从600个仍在使用、售价超过100万美元的模型中得到一个。该公司的 logo由一只金鹰和蓝色的杜森伯格的名字组成。


Hispano-Suiza Logo

西班牙语Suiza专门从事高档车辆和飞机发动机的开发。该品牌的活动发生在第一次和第二次世界大战期间。由于产品价格昂贵,需求不大西班牙语-Suiza logo使用了西班牙的国家颜色:红色和黄色。图像的主要元素是大翅膀和翅膀下的白色十字架。


Stutz Logo

斯图茨从事高质量、昂贵汽车的生产,包括运动车型。这家公司从1911年到1935年一直存在。该品牌曾数次试图重振旗鼓并发布新车型斯塔茨。的 logo不仅由翅膀和名字组成,还包括"一天之内造好的汽车"这句话。对于发展,美国的国家颜色是白色,红色和蓝色。


Genesis Logo

这家新的韩国公司成立于2015年,是现代汽车的一部分。该品牌生产高档汽车。创世纪 logo展示了公司的地位和专业化100 . 3D logo由一对银色翅膀组成,辅以哑光细节和中间的黑色盾牌。品牌名称也是银色的。设计师使用了不同纹理的仿制品。


Morgan Logo

摩根专门生产限量版高级跑车。摩根家族完全拥有该公司。除了一些细节外,该品牌的 logo在112年的历史中几乎没有改变。也不知道为什么主图像的形状像翅膀结合一个圆圈和跨。根据其中一个版本,这位来自第一次世界大战的著名飞行员骑着一辆摩根汽车,并说这次旅行就像一次飞行。


Bentley Logo

传奇的英国公司宾利自1998年以来一直是大众集团的一部分。该品牌将自己定位为手工组装豪华汽车的制造商。该公司的 logo象征着贵族和现代感谢两翼。它们之间是一个带有大" b "的圆圈。白色、黑色和银色的组合使图像独特而优雅。


Mazda Logo

马自达是一家日本公司,成立于1920年。这个品牌的名字是为了纪念神阿胡拉马自达。他被认为是太阳、月亮、天空、大地、水和人类的创造者。创始人松田重次郎的姓氏与神的名字一致。公司 logo由一个圆圈中的字母" M "组成。它像海鸥的翅膀,或者根据某些资料,像猫头鹰的翅膀。


Lagonda Logo

英国公司拉贡达于1947年与阿斯顿马丁合并,开始生产摩托车。成立一年后,威尔伯葛恩制造了第一辆汽车。该公司在战时从事炮弹发射业务。银色翅膀内的公司名称代表品牌 logo。


London EV Company Logo

它是中国制造商吉利的子公司,生产伦敦传说中的黑色出租车。伦敦电动汽车公司还计划生产电动汽车,用于向更环保的交通工具过渡。时尚的品牌 logo完美地补充了著名的汽车,醒目的挡泥板结合黑色圆圈和内部的图形元素。


Bignan Logo

比格南是一家法国汽车公司,成立于1918年至1931年。清算的原因是破产。该品牌选择了一个不同寻常的 logo——一只飞翔的鹳。许多人相信一只鸟会给任何家庭带来幸福,一只飞翔的鹳鸟经常与天使联系在一起。最初,这只鸟的翅膀伸出了圆圈的边缘,但在1923年,它们被放在了人物的内部。此外,在图像下方,比格南体育的名称被放在一个圆圈中。


Laraki Logo

拉腊基生产豪华跑车。该公司于1999年在摩洛哥成立,少量生产极其昂贵的汽车。例如,2013年推出的拉腊基缩影限量版标价极高——9辆车,每辆价值200万美元。法属蒙大拿州的收藏中就有这样一件。优雅的 logo证实了独家地位。银翼被放置在一个黑色的圆圈上,并辅之以金属光泽。


Arrinera Logo

第一家波兰超级跑车公司由乌卡斯托姆凯维奇于2008年创立100 . arri nera专门生产跑车,第一个概念于2011年提出。公司的Arrinera logo堪称大胆自信。注意颜色的搭配:鲜红色和深灰色。此外,该 logo还补充了一个符号——指向上方的翅膀。它们象征着发展和进步。在 logo的顶部还可以看到一面赛车旗。


Vauxhall Logo

沃克斯豪尔是历史悠久的汽车制造商之一。该公司于1857年在福尔克大厅(福尔克德布雷奥特爵士的宅邸)成立,最终开始被称为沃克斯豪尔。这个品牌的 logo是一只狮鹫,一种有着狮子身体、头和鹰翅膀的生物。2020年, logo略有变化,变得更加现代。一只翅膀缠绕在图像周围,与力量和力量联系在一起。这个生物的形象是灰色的,带有金属光泽。


American LaFrance Logo

美国的法国是美国人的骄傲,尤其是消防员。该品牌已经存在了100多年(1873-2014),并与他们的 logo性消防车联系在一起。作为戴姆勒克莱斯勒的一个部门,该公司完全致力于生产消防设备和车辆。该公司的 logo由一只盘踞在盘子上的老鹰组成。名牌的名字放在中间。图像完全是黑色和灰色的。


Hawk Cars Logo

这家英国公司不是很受欢迎,但它有一个简约的 logo。你不会感到惊讶,因为设计师展示了品牌名称,并将鹰放在圆圈内。这个 logo用流畅的线条绘制得非常漂亮,展翅的鸟与运动、进步和自由联系在一起。该公司还使用金属色制作了单色图像。


FAW Logo

一汽是中国四大制造商之一的大公司。该品牌生产六大类汽车,包括轿车和卡车。该品牌的 logo是一号,蓝色椭圆形内有一对翅膀。一汽是第一汽车厂的缩写。事实上,该公司出现于1953年,是该行业中第一个出现在品牌 logo中的公司。该公司每年生产大量汽车,2014年这一数字达到近300万辆。


Simca Logo

法国品牌并没有持续很久——从1934年到1970年。该汽车品牌成功发布了许多需求量很大的不同车型,该公司在1959年售出了10万辆。公司 logo; logo鲜明,精致的色彩组合充分传达了法国精神100 .西姆卡使用了行业中非典型的颜色:浅蓝色、粉色和白色。该品牌的 logo是一只长着尖尖翅膀和尾巴的燕子。


Durant Logo

这家美国制造商成立于1921年,在市场上存在的时间很短,只有十年。杜兰特使用了丰富的 logo,有许多图形和颜色。最顶端是一个神话中的有翼生物;下面是灰色星星背景下的盾形纹章。红色、蓝色、灰色和白色的不同颜色组合被用作 logo。杜兰特汽车公司的名字在圆圈边缘很显眼。


Trojan Logo

英国品牌特洛伊成立于1914年,1965年停止运营。该公司主要从事日用和商用乘用车的生产。这个 logo并没有声称是最令人难忘的,但它由简单的元素组成:红色圆圈上的银色翅膀和里面的特洛伊名字。制造商也使用红色和银色。


Stoewer Logo

该品牌最初来自德国,成立于1858年,专门生产缝纫机、自行车以及后来的汽车。这个品牌一直延续到1945年,但在战争期间,工厂被轰炸严重损坏。什切青也成为波兰的一部分,国家不想支持工程行业Stoewer用一只狮鹫作为 logo,放在 logo的中央。金色和蓝色的结合给这个品牌增添了一份活力。


UAZ Logo

UAZ是一家成立于1941年七月的俄罗斯制造商。最初,该公司专门从事军事装备生产,现在生产SUV、小型客车和卡车。该 logo由一个程式化的" U "组成,由于良好的安排,它类似于翅膀。2016年,作为公司发展的一部分,UAZ推出了一个改进的 logo。机翼呈现出金属色,名称采用了更现代的新字体。


Invicta logo

这个鲜为人知的英国品牌已经经历了几次关闭和复兴因维克塔。成立于1925年,最终于2012年停止运营。该公司发布了几款车型,但 logo保持不变。简洁的挡泥板,分为两种美丽的颜色,称赞了汽车的外观。翅膀之间是绿色背景上垂直的铭文Invicta .翅膀的主要颜色是蓝色、紫色、红色和粉色的混合。


SsangYong Logo

韩国最大的制造商之一,原本是没有符号的存在。第一批汽车是为军事目的组装的,而运动型多功能车的装饰只有一颗白星和一个序列号。随着时间的推移,双龙开发了自己的 logo。在翻译中,该公司的名字意味着"一对龙",反映在 logo上。该品牌的汽车装饰有一个带有两翼的 logo,由于其排列方式,类似于一个花环。这个形象象征着独立、自信和持续发展。


Peerless Logo

无与伦比的成立于1889年,但起初它专注于服装生产,10年后——自行车。该公司1900年才开始开发汽车,一直存在到1932年。由于财政困难,该公司停止生产汽车,建筑物被改建为酿酒厂。无与伦比的 logo非常像美国的盾形纹章。该品牌还使用了该国国旗的调色板。


Isdera Logo

伊斯代拉成立于1982年,至今仍然存在。该品牌从事非大规模生产的专属汽车生产。每个客户必须亲自联系公司的董事,并接受一个单独的项目。私人公司对其活动的大部分信息保密。品牌 logo由蓝色背景上的一只黑鹰组成。在鸟的下面还有一个名字叫伊斯德拉,上面有一个下划线。


Virago Logo

我们选择的一个例外是维拉戈.这不是一个汽车品牌,而是世界著名的日本公司雅马哈的一系列摩托车。该模型于1981年首次发布。该系列的 logo是带有风格化首字母" v "的泼妇字体,以翅膀的形式描绘。铭文被封在一个银色的长方形里。这个图标看起来不寻常而且现代,尤其是当你考虑到这不是整个公司的形象时。


-Logo-700x394.png" alt="Arash Logo" />

Arash is a relatively young company that entered the market in 1999. The brand, originally from England, is engaged in the production of sports cars. The company’s first model, the Farboud GT, pleasantly surprised car enthusiasts at the Birmingham show due to its design and characteristics, in particular aerodynamic. It is a black shield with a golden bird and the Arash wordmark – a modern 3D logo of the brand.


Russo-Balt Logo

The enterprise of the Russian Empire Russo-Balt existed from 1896 to 1923. Initially, the company was engaged in the production of railway cars. Only in 1908 was the automotive department established. Very often, Russo-Balt cars could be seen in various competitions. The company logo is the main symbol of the Russian Federation. An eagle with two heads and crowns on them can be seen in the image. On the rim of the logo, the company’s name is written with an indication of the branch.


Anteros Logo

Anteros has a very unusual logo. Large companies often use mythical creatures or other symbols on their logos. Anteros chose a bull with brightly colored wings. The color combination of black, red, and silver sets the young brand apart from the rest. Anteros is an American company that entered the market in 2005. Specialists are engaged in the development of premium sports cars.


Bandini Logo

The Italian manufacturer existed from 1946 to 1992. After the death of the founder, Ilario Bandini, production was stopped. But in March 2020, the company announced its return to the market. Bandini also announced the release of 30 Dora machines. The company uses its bright corporate logo. The bird, placed on a yellow background, adds uniqueness. Also, below you can see the name of the company and the colors from Spain’s flag. The shape of the logo is a shield, which consists of all saturated elements.


Gumpert Logo

Gumpert specializes in the production of sports cars. The company is now known as Apollo. The founder of the company is the former director of Audi Roland Gumpert. The company used a griffin for the logo, which is often found in images of automotive brands. The creature is associated with greatness, and since the griffin refers to the elements of both earth and air, it indicates the speed and high performance of the Gumpert machines.


Haima Logo

The Chinese manufacturer is engaged in the production of cars for another well-known brand Mazda. Their logos are very similar to each other, and this is not casual. The name Haima itself consists of two parts: the province of Hainan and the Mazda company. The brand badge is a modified logo of the same Mazda. The bird’s wings are placed over a silver circle. This collaboration arose to supply Mazda products to the Chinese market.


Rossion Logo

Rossion is a young American manufacturer specializing in the development of sports cars with cutting-edge design and performance. The brand entered the market in 2006. The company’s machines are considered revolutionary due to their speed and controllability. The brand’s logo can also be called ultra-modern thanks to the combination of noble colors and an eagle’s image. The logo is presented as a shield with a black background and gray and white details on it.


Biddle Logo

A small car company existed on the market for about seven years (from 1915 to 1922) and produced only 1,750 cars. The first Biddle car appeared very quickly because all parts were sourced from other manufacturers, and the brand was exclusively engaged in assembly and set a very high price for cars. The name Biddle is the name of one of the brand’s shareholders. The logo consists of striking elements: a red shield, a gold crown, and wings, as well as the Biddle inscription in the center of the image.


Venturi Logo

Venturi specializes in the production of premium sports cars. In 2000, the brand went through a bankruptcy, and in 2001 it was bought by Gildo Pallanca Pastor. The company’s original goal was to release a product that could compete with Bugatti, Ferrari, and Porsche. The brand’s logo is modern and laconic. The letter “V” is stylized under the wings and is made in red. The designers chose a contrasting black background and added a white Venturi lettering.


Bizzarrini Logo

The Italian brand existed from 1964 to 1969. The company tried to revive in 1990, but cars did not interest motorists. In 2008, only 1 model was produced – Scuderia Bizzarrini. The brand logo is very interesting and unusual. It represents stylized gear with a red background inside. The central figure of the image is a bird with triangular spread wings. In this way, Bizzarrini demonstrated freedom. The logo was very rare to see as the brand produced few cars.


Wanderer Logo

The brand from Germany was founded in 1896 as Winklhofer & Jaenicke (founder surname). In 1911 the company received the name Wanderer, which is translated from German as “wanderer.” The company specialized in producing a wide range of products: cars, bicycles, minibusses, and other vehicles. Wanderer has chosen an unusual color palette for the logo – a combination of green and white. The image consisted of a large “W” with pointed ends to give the brand confidence.



A young car brand from China, which appeared in 2017, loves to dream and invites everyone to do it. In this way, she wanted to emphasize one simple and very utilitarian truth: her cars are a real dream. Moreover, it is attainable, which, if desired, can be curbed because they inspire. That is why two spread wings flaunt on its emblem. That is, there is no practical or historical implication in them. There is simply an artistic allegory since “TRAUM” in translation from German means “to dream.”


Wuling Logo

The young Chinese brand Wuling has already produced about 22 million vehicles since 2002. The manufacturer specializes in the production of passenger cars, but minibusses have gained particular popularity. The company logo is presented in red. The letter “W” consists of 5 volumetric rubies. In 2020, the company introduced the logo in gray and announced the beginning of globalization and expansion into other markets. According to the manufacturer itself, there will be no difference in technical characteristics.


Packard Logo

Packard is a well-known American manufacturer that existed from 1899 to 1956. James Ward Packard, the founder of the brand, was unhappy with the quality of the cars on the market. He sent a letter of his dissatisfaction to one of the companies and received a reply instructing him to build a better car if he so desires. The founder created his popular models. The brand’s logo is a coat of arms in red and gold colors with many details, including a bird at the top of the image.


Cole Logo

Cole, one of America’s first car brands, is yet another owner of the winged logo. The company existed on the market from 1909 to 1925. Cole specialized in the production of premium cars. The company logo consists of an eagle image, and a square with the name Cole is placed on top of the bird. At the bottom of the image is the city where the brand was founded – Indianapolis.


Bianchi Logo

Bianchi is a renowned bicycle manufacturer founded in Italy in 1885. The company was also engaged in the production of cars and presented a lot of models. The company logo consists of a majestic eagle with massive wings. Previously, the bird was gold on blue. You can see the icon in the form of a silver eagle with a crown over its head on modern bicycles. The official website presents a similar pattern, only in turquoise.

Jensen Motors

Jensen Motors Logo

Jensen Motors existed in the market from 1922 to 2011. The company specialized in the production of cars for sports and commercial purposes. The brand logo has an interesting winged shape. All ends were pointed and finished in taupe. Inside the base of the wings was a red badge with the stylized Jensen lettering. Like the base, the font consisted of straight, pointed lines.

Iso Rivolta

ISO Rivolta Logo

Iso Rivolta is an Italian company that existed in the middle of the 20th century. The brand was engaged in the production of cars and motorcycles. Like most Italian brands, ISO Rivolta has chosen colors from the country’s national flag for its visual design. Also on a white background with stripes is a golden griffin, and at the top is the inscription ISO. In 2020, Zagato announced the revival of the ISO Rivolta model. A total of 19 machines will be created, and 9 of them have already been purchased.


Heinkel Logo

Heinkel is primarily famous for the production of aircraft, especially during the Second World War. The company closed in 1965. In addition to a wide range of aircraft, the brand was engaged in microcars, mopeds, and scooters. The Heinkel logo is associated with a profession. The letter “H” is supplemented by a wing and placed on the wave above the name Heinkel. The main color of the badge is red, but when placed on a vehicle, it transformed into silver.


Qvale Logo

The brand specializes in the development of sedans. The company only existed for a few years, starting in 2000. Due to the unstable financial situation in the world, the founders had to sell Qvale. The brand’s logo was very striking. The image consists of a blue rounded rectangle. There is a white dragon inside the picture. The name Qvale can be seen under the symbol.


Changan Logo

Another car symbol with wings, which is popular in China. The Chinese company is considered one of the best in the country. It was founded in 1862 and is also one of the first in China. The name consists of two parts: “Chang” and “an.” Translated from Chinese, the name means “reliability that has stood the test of time.” The brand’s logo is quite simple and concise. The blue background symbolizes planet Earth and constant innovation, while the winged V is associated with the victories and values ​​that Changan conveys.


Panther Logo

The British company was founded in 1972 and, like all other brands presented in our selection, specializes in producing various types of cars. For a long time, Panther belonged to the Korean corporation SsangYong Group. The company logo is laconic and simple. The black and white logo includes additional wings with the Panther wordmark on a black background in the center.

American Austin

American Austin Logo

The company existed from 1929 to 1956. American Austin made small cars at a competitive price, but economic troubles had a huge impact on buyers who were reluctant to pay attention to cars. In the first year, the company produced 8,000 cars. The American Austin logo is very striking and memorable. The red and gold colors combined with the mythical “winged” creature perfectly complimented the brand’s product. The logo had an oval shape with the American Austin wordmark and additional graphic details.

Avion Voisin

Avion Voisin Logo

The French manufacturer first specialized in the production of aircraft, and later on, cars. Avion Voisin existed from 1905 to 1958. Over the entire period of its activity, the brand has presented a huge number of cars. The company logo is massive and meaningful. The cars were decorated with a bird with large wings in blue, which symbolizes reliability and confidence. The logo itself was associated with speed and elegance.


Donkervoort Logo

The renowned sports car manufacturer was founded in 1978 in the Netherlands. Donkervoort releases new models with its products under the motto “No compromises.” The brand has presented many models. The logo consists of an image of wings in red with white lines. Added an oval with graphic elements inside the wings and the Donkervoort name inside.

What car brand has a logo with wings?

There are several dozen such brands. These include Chrysler (USA), Mazda Motor Corporation (Japan), Bentley Motors Ltd., MINI, Aston Martin Limited (all three from the UK), and many other car brands.

What car has angel wings?

Angel wings can be called on the logos of Aston Martin Limited (UK), Stutz Motor Car Company of America, Inc. (USA), Hispano-Suiza (Spain), Morgan (UK).

What is the brand with the wings?

Many brands use fenders as an integral part of their logo – from the famous Aston Martin (UK) to the lesser-known Donkervoort Automobielen BV (Netherlands).

What car emblem has black wings?

Most car companies have silver emblems in the color of the metal. The fenders have a black outline on the JBA Motors logo, and Anteros Coachworks Inc. uses the symbol depicting a black-winged bull. Both are US carmakers.


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本文关键词:所有带翅膀的车标所有带翅膀的车标All Car Logos With Wings


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