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Car Brands that start with S



世界上大量的汽车制造商,以前就存在,现在还在运作,正在努力区分他们自己和他们的产品,首先是通过他们的名字和商标。因此,许多公司的名字都以字母表中的每个字母开头,包括s .其中最著名的是铃木和斯巴鲁,以及鲜为人知的斯图兹汽车公司和Szawe .

今天,字母表中几乎每一个字母都被一个品牌"占领",以生产特定国家的汽车、创立时间和运营。字母" S "代表了汽车工业的一大层世界历史,包括"蒸汽时代",内燃机时代,以及现在,以环保车的诞生为特征。有机会接触这个故事,记住一些东西,为自己重新发现一些东西,这是一个宝贵的礼物,在今天继续变化和积累的无组织信息的巨大积累中,总是无法获得的。汽车的历史与全人类的历史紧密交织在一起。它的发展直接影响一个人的发展,对特征的了解将使我们有可能做出预测并对今天做出调整。

此外,该区域中分组和有序的信息是专业人员和司机、好奇和单纯热情的人、科学家和专家的信息"克朗代克"。在一个地方获得以字母" S "开头的汽车品牌的准确、完整和不断更新的信息的能力节省了搜索时间。同时,这也是保存人类历史重要部分的一种有效方式,让人们永远可以接触到它。


S&M Motor Logo

施虐受虐狂汽车科姆潘公司是一家美国汽车制造商,总部设在密歇根州的底特律,由爱德华施特罗贝尔和沃尔特马丁于1912年创建R. C. Aland受邀为他的开发项目进行外部设计。工作一开始就出现了困难。在1912年宣布发射后,他们在1913年才开始发射。48种车型的40辆汽车制造了以下几个版本——五座和七座旅游型、双座和四座跑车以及七座轿车。1914年,公司破产了。从它的残余,乔治本汉姆成立了本汉姆制造公司。


Saab Logo




上汽集团是最大的国有汽车公司,成立于1997年。位于中国上海。主要股东是上海汽车工业总公司(集团)。它在福布斯全球2000强排行榜中名列第100位。该品牌的历史始于1984年,其前身是隶属于市政府的上海汽车拖拉机公司。2004年,该品牌成为罗孚25、罗孚75和运动型MG TF的所有者。2007年,它与南京汽车公司合并。





Saleen Logo

美国汽车公司萨琳成立于1983年,创始人史蒂夫塞林是一名成功的赛车手。该品牌被认为是一家成功的调音和赛车公司。她的第一辆车是经过调校的福特野马。1998年,福特探险者XLT经过改良,推出了探险者XP8 .自2000年以来,该品牌一直在生产其跑车——Saleen S7、S7R GT-1型和S7双涡轮增压竞赛.如今,该公司正在调整车型——通用汽车和丰田。


Salmson Logo

萨尔姆森或萨尔姆森汽车公司是一个创立于1890年的法国品牌,专门生产发动机、飞机和汽车,历史悠久。创始人埃米尔萨尔姆森(埃米尔萨尔姆森)创建了一家电动泵工厂,用于国防和铁路部门,并以相同的名称命名。1918年,该公司被称为埃米尔萨姆森公司,扩大其产品线。第一次世界大战结束后,车身和汽车的生产开始。1919年,该公司生产了6件GN .从1947年到1957年,直到汽车方向关闭,生产了G72随机、G85 2300、G85 2300。


Samson Motorworks Logo



San Motors Logo

印度汽车公司新汽车有限公司于1998年在印度卡纳塔克邦本加卢鲁的马哈德瓦布尔成立。该品牌彻底改变了印度汽车行业。在她到来之前,赛车运动爱好者的位置实际上还没有被填满。如今,该品牌推出了San Storm 1.2运动款暴风雨。由60马力的雷诺发动机驱动,体现了快速舒适的驾驶、惊人的效率和时尚的设计。该公司的组装厂位于印度果阿。产品销往尼泊尔、塞浦路斯、马耳他、百慕大和英国。


San Giorgio Logo



Sandusky Automobile Company Logo



Santana Motor, SA Logo



Saturn Logo



Sauber Logo

索伯赛车公司是一家跑车、赛车、发动机和运动赛车公司,总部设在瑞士的海因斯维尔,由彼得索伯于1970年创立。该公司为梅赛德斯-奔驰生产底盘。该品牌最成功的车型是带有索伯LH10动力装置的索伯梅赛德斯补体第九成分和索伯C12 .1994年,奔驰离职。自2005年以来-宝马的一个部门。2009年,品牌独立,准备了索伯C29 .2017年——创始人离职后与阿尔法罗密欧的合同。2019年成为阿尔法罗密欧赛车。


Saxon Motor Car Company Logo



Sbarro Logo

瑞士公司斯巴罗由佛朗哥斯巴罗于1971年创立,是一个生产汽车的品牌。她创造了复制品和跑车。她设计的第一辆车是洛拉T70 .他创造了复制品——宝马328、福特GT40,布加迪蛋糕饰块(用作汤中饰菜)和奔驰54万英镑.其中一个重要的模型是老虎,引擎位于中间。隐藏和挑战跑车和敞篷车(选项2 2)也非常有名。她的清单包括许多定制的复制品。


Scania Logo






Schacht Logo



Scion Logo

丰田汽车公司的子公司接穗品牌成立于2002年,在美国市场代表该公司的产品。该办公室位于美国加利福尼亚州托兰斯。该公司在其存在期间创造了几款跑车、双门跑车、轿车和掀背车。第一款是基于丰田雅力士的接穗xA和接穗xB .接穗t跑车于2005年推出,2006年抵达美国。2015年推出了接穗iA和司祭盎iM,它们是重新设计的马自达2型轿车。但在2016年,母公司决定关闭该品牌。


Scioneri Logo



Scripps Booth Detroit Logo



Searchmont Motor Company Logo

宾夕法尼亚州费城的美国汽车制造商——Searchmont汽车公司退出拱顶石汽车公司,于1900年获得独立。两个乘客的小型车仍然在新成立的品牌生产。直到1902年,他们一直被称为Searchmont Wagonette .一年前,一款搭载10马力发动机的改型车诞生了。1902年,3型和四型两种汽车问世。直到1907年,共发行了七款。第八次是计划在1904年,但破产阻止了这一事件的发生。


SEAT S.A. Logo



SeAZ Logo

SeAZ或PJSC谢尔普霍夫汽车厂"有着悠久的历史,始于20世纪39年代,以LLC Tsentrtorg为基础。该品牌位于苏联莫斯科地区的谢尔普霍夫,如今在俄罗斯被称为苏联摩托车新诺明的制造商。1995年,小型车奥卡开始生产。该公司更名为汽车公司。11年后,一款现代化的机型发布——SeAZ-11116 .但2008年的危机导致传送带停止运转。该剧于2013年停播。


Sebring-Vanguard Logo



Sebring International Logo


(SIR) in the US. Founded in 1994, it is known for its open-top sports cars in several model lines – SX, TMX, MXR, and ZX. They are distinguished by the material of the body – based on metal or fiberglass. The styling of the cars gravitates towards the 1959-67 Austin-Healey 3000 classics that won the SIR. In 2021, the brand was sold to Vital Spark Group Ltd.


Secma Logo

The French manufacturer of recreational vehicles and ATVs, Secma, was founded by Daniel Renard in 1995 and has had experience in this field with Automobiles ERAD since 1975. The first Secma came out in 1995 and was designed to meet the founder’s wishes. It was simple and affordable. A fire in 2009 destroyed the factory, necessitating a move. In 2012, the flagship model of the Secma F16 brand and the Secma Fun Lander was launched. The Secma F16 Turbo was exhibited at the 2016 Geneva Motor Show. In 2017, the Fun Bugg, which had the largest clearance, saw the light of day.


Selden Logo

In 1906, the Selden Motor Vehicle Company was founded in Rochester, NY, USA. Its founder, George Selden, buys Buffalo Gasoline Motor Company this year, renaming it. In 1907, the Model 28 appeared with a 4-cylinder 30 hp engine. Eight hundred vehicles were sold during the year. In 1911, the company lost a trial to Ford, and a fire destroyed more than half of the company. In 1914, the brand was renamed Selden Truck Sales Corporation, moving to trucks. After George died in 1922, the company was absorbed by the Bethlehem Truck Company in 1930.

Service Motor Trucks Company

Service Motor Trucks Company Logo

Service Motor Truck Company is an American car manufacturer from Wabash, Indiana, USA, founded in 1911 by the Service Motor Car Company Wabash, renamed in 1914. Her cars bore the original and recognizable logo in the form of a red pyramid on the hood. The brand had dealerships in Motor Row, Chicago, and New York. The reorganization carried out in 1923 led to the renaming of the company to Service Motors Inc, under whose name the products were released. In 1927, the sale of the brand to the Relay company took place, which was closed in 1932.

Shandong Huoyun

Chinese manufacturer of high-quality electric vehicles, components, and components for this type of equipment – Shandong Huoyun Electric Car Co., Ltd, founded in 2001. The company is located in Linzi District, Zibo City Shandong Province, China. The company exports its products to Australia, India, South Korea, New Zealand, Great Britain. Provides design and tuning services. The assortment includes – electric forklift HY-A2, electric car HY-B22120, electric Tricar, Car-Wheel HYB2272, Silver Car HYB2272.

Shanghai Maple (SMA)

Shanghai Maple (SMA) Logo

Fengjing, Shanghai, China, is the headquarters of Shanghai Maple Automobiles (SMA), a Chinese automobile company founded in 2000 that produces Huapu (Maple) vehicles. The brand opened a subsidiary, Zhejiang Geely Holding Group, transforming into a holding company that Geely drew attention to. In 2003, the brand launched its first car based on the Citroen ZX 1990. In 2005, the Maple Marindo was exhibited at the Frankfurt Motor Show. In 2007, deliveries of the C51 and C52 sedans began to Egypt, and the R80 hatchback and R81 sedan to Russia and Chile. In 2008, Geely included the brand in its lineup. In 2010 he became independent. In 2013, the brand merged with Zhejiang Kandi Electric Vehicles Investment. In 2020, Geely and Kandi Technologies were reviving the brand.


Shanghai-GM Logo

Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation (SAIC) was founded in 1958 to manufacture various vehicles, including cars. It is the largest car manufacturer located in Shanghai, China. The first car was the Dongfeng-CA71, whose body was copied by the Simca VDT. After successfully launching several models, the brand became Shanghai City Agricultural Machinery Manufacturing Company in 1959. Mass production began in 1964. Today, the brand’s factories produce agricultural machinery, motorcycles, trucks, buses, tractors, and cars.

Shelby American

Shelby American Logo

Before the start of its legendary automotive history, the founder of the Shelby American brand, a native of Texas Carroll Shelby, has successfully tried himself in many ways. In 1960, after retiring from the sport, he agreed with AC Cars and Ford Motor to develop a series of exotic sports cars – the Shelby Cobra and Shelby Mustang. The Shelby American brand was created in 1961 in Venice, a suburb of Los Angeles. After curtailing the car production in 1970, the founder returned to it in 1982, entering into a partnership with Chrysler, resuming Shelby modifications. In 1992, he was inducted into the Automotive Hall of Fame.

Shelsley Cars

Shelsley Cars Logo

British auto brand Shelsley Cars was founded in 2000 and is based in Abberley, Worcestershire, operated by Peter Needham, who led PN Needham Engineering. The company was created to realize Needham’s vision of a car with ultra-safe handling, maximum performance, and a high level of comfort on the track. His first car, the Shelsley T2, became such a model. The model has been designed with the need for precise, harsh action on fast, intelligent uphill climbs as an all-weather vehicle for both track and road.


Siata Logo

Siata or in its entirety – Società Italiana Auto Trasformazioni Accessori, was an Italian car tuning and manufacturing company founded by racing driver Giorgio Ambrosini in 1926. Initially, the brand was engaged in the resale of components from Fiat. After World War II, the digging started its car production. Her first car was the 1948 Siata Amica. In 1950, Daina appeared – a cardinal modification of the Fiat 1400. In 1952, the brand released the most famous series, the Siata 300BC Barchetta Sport Spider. In 1968, the Siata Spring was released – a 2-seater roadster in retro style. In 1970, the brand went bankrupt.

Sichuan Tengzhong

Sichuan Tengzhong Logo

In 2005, in Chengdu, PRC, Sichuan Tengzhong Heavy Industrial Machinery Company Ltd was formed to manufacture road equipment and build roads, piers. In parallel, the enterprise included producing various equipment – oil tankers, tow trucks, heavy trucks. In 2009, the purchase of Hummer from the Americans failed due to its unsuitability for environmental protection in China, which led to the disappearance of the brand.


Siddeley-Deasy Logo

British Siddeley-Deasy Motor Car Company Limited was founded based on Deasy Motor Car Manufacturing Company Limited at the beginning of the 20th century. The founder of the first was Henry Hugh Peter Deasy, who left in 1908. In 1910, J D Siddeley joined the company. The shareholders liked his work. The brand was renamed Siddeley-Deasy Motor Car Company Limited and added to the Siddeley logo. In the same year, the Siddeley-Deasy 18-24 Althorpe Special Cabriolet was released, and in 1913 – the Siddeley-Deasy 18-24 hp. In the First World War, ambulances, aircraft engines, and airplanes were produced. In 1919, Armstrong Whitworth bought the company and renamed it Armstrong Siddeley Company Limited.

Signal Motor Truck Company

Signal Motor Truck Company Logo

Signal Motor Truck Company is an automobile company from Detroit, Michigan, USA, founded in 1913. It produces vans, special vehicles, buses, cars, and individual chassis. It was possible to install the required body, trailers, industrial machines, tools, and equipment. At the same time, the brand rendered services for the alteration and maintenance of its vehicles. In 1923, the brand ceased to exist.


Simca Logo

The French car company Simca was founded by Ernest Losta, the leading cyclist, who opened a garage in Paris and became the only distributor of F.I.A.T. in France. In 1934, with the help of F.I.A.T, Simca (Societe Industrielle de Mechanique et Carrosserie Automobile) was founded, which in 1935 bought the Nanterre plant and produced the first Simca-Fiat 6CV. Followed by the Simca-Fiat 11CV and the successful 2-seater Simca-Fiat 11CV. In 1970, Chrysler took control of the company, and in 1979 it merged with PSA Peugeot Citroen.


Simplex Logo

Simplex Automobile Company is one of the car manufacturers in the US in the early 20th century. The brand was founded in 1907 by Herman Broesel of Smith & Mabley Manufacturing in New York. The death of the founder in 1912 led to the sale of the brand in 1913 to Goodrich, Lockhart, and Smith. Production was moved to New Brunswick, New Jersey. After the purchase of the Crane Motor Car Company in 1914, the cars produced came with the addition of the Crane Model 5 in the logo, and then simply the Crane-Simplex. The company was acquired by Hare’s Motors, ending Simplex.

Simpson Design

Simpson Design Logo

One of the American auto industry representatives is Simpson Design, founded in 1978, based in Houston, TX. The founder of the brand is Jim Simpson. The company is engaged in developing and producing car bodies and special interiors for sports models. The brand is based on the Mazda Miata MX-5 chassis from 1989. Notable models from the company include the Blue Ray 1, commissioned by SEMA in 1991, and the 1992 Blue Ray 3 show car, presented at the Concours Italiano. In 2002, the brand moved to Clinton, Whidbey Island, Washington.


Singer Logo

From 1900 to 1970, there was Singer – a British brand for the production of motorcycles and cars. The first car was a Lea-Francis licensed model with a horizontal engine. In 1907, the vertical was applied, which influenced the overall design. In 1912, its engine appeared. After the First World War in 1922, models with conventional gearboxes came out, and in 1927 – the most successful Singer 848cc Junior. In 1956, the Rootes Group took over Singer. In the late 60s, the last Gazelle and Vogue were released under this brand.

Singer Vehicle Design

Singer Vehicle Design Logo

Rob Dickinson founded the american company Singer Vehicle Design in 2009 to create modifications of the Porsche 911. The brand is located in Los Angeles, California. The company’s name was adopted as a tribute to Porsche’s lead engineer, Norbert Singer, and in honor of the founder’s past as the frontman of the Catherine Wheel. The brand has chosen “everything is important” as its motto, which confirms its philosophy. The Porsche 911 was practically unrecognizable in the reworking of the company and was presented in the form of a coupe or Targa. In expanding its activities, the brand added the sale of wristwatches.


Sizaire-Naudin Logo

The French car brand Sizaire-Naudin was founded in 1903 by the brothers Maurice and Georges Sizaire and their partner Louis Naudin in Puteaux, near Paris, France. From the very beginning, the cars were sold under the Sizaire-Naudin brand. In 1905, the brand developed its engine and began installing it on all models released from this year. The company was founded by the Duke d’Uzes, whose ancestral flag was featured on the company logo. In 1911, 4-cylinder units began to be installed on cars. After the death of Louis Naudin in 1912 and the departure of the brothers, the brand was renamed. It was closed in 1921.


Skoda Logo

The largest Czech car manufacturer – Škoda a. S traces its history back to 1895 as a direct successor to Laurin & Klement. In 1925 it became part of Akciová společnost, dříve Škodovy závody – today Škoda Holding. After a change in the political system and privatization in 1991, Škoda Auto became part of the Volkswagen Group. Its head office is located in Mlada-Boleslav. The brand’s cars are sold in 100 countries around the world. Among the brand’s most famous models of passenger cars is Škoda Popular in 1933, Škoda Felicia convertible in 1959, Tudor, Spartak, Octavia.


Sivax Logo

The Japanese brand – Sivax traces its history back to 1961, when Cuneo Shibasaki was founded as Shibasaki Kikata Seisakusho in Odamachi, Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture. In 1976 it was renamed Shibasaki Wooden Mold Industry Co., Ltd, and in 2000 it became Sivacs (Thailand) Co., Ltd., headquartered in Yokohama-shi, Yokohama. The brand provides industrial vehicle design and full support from development, modeling, design, production, and assembly. The company has offices and representative offices in Hanamoto-Cho, Toyota City, Aichi, Shanghai, North America, Thailand.


Slaby-Beringer Logo

The German brand for the production of cars on electric traction and internal combustion engines – SB-Automobil-Gesellschaft mbH, is located in Berlin-Charlottenburg. The founders are design engineer Rudolf Slaby and his brother Hermann Beringer. The company started its activity in 1919. The first was a revolutionary model designed by Rudolf based on a self-supporting triplex plastic housing. The machine was developed for disabled veterans. Among the brand’s most famous models are the Slaby-Beringer Elektrowagen, 1920 on gasoline, and the unveiled Slaby-Beringer Elektrowagen, 1921. In 1924 the company went bankrupt.


Smart Logo

Founded in 1994, the German auto brand Micro Compact Car, renamed Smart in 2002, produces the car brand of the same name in Boblingen, Germany. Daimler AG founded the company. The first model of the brand was released in 1997. She exhibited at the annual International Automobile Salon in Frankfurt. Since 1998, the car has been produced at the French car factory in Ambach. The convertible was introduced in the fall of 1999. In 2007, the number of cars produced under this brand was 102,660 units.

Smith Automobile Company

Smith Automobile Company Logo

American automobile company based in Topeka, Kansas, operating from 1902 to 1912. Its car designer was Terry Stafford, funded by the brothers Anton and Clement Smith, whose name gave the brand name. During its existence, three of the most famous models have been released under this brand – Veracity, Smith, and Great Smith. These were the first cars produced in this part of the United States. The company was closed four years after the departure of the founder in 1908, who wished to create cars under his name.

Smith & Mabley

Smith & Mabley Logo

Smith & Mabley Manufacturing Company has been an American automaker since 1900, headquartered in New York. Its founders were AD Proctor Smith and Carlton R. Mable. The enterprise was established as a CGV car import company. But after two years, a license was obtained for the production of cars of this brand, which came out under the TM American CGV. In 1903, after the release of 7, auto production stopped. It resumed in 1904 under a new name – S & M Simplex. Having built 220 cars by 1907, the company underwent a complete reorganization. It was headed by Herman Brozel, who founded the Simplex Automobile Company, producing cars under the Simplex brand.

SMS Limited

SMS Limited Logo

In March 2008, Steve Saleen, renowned racer and businessman Steve Saleen announced the creation of another brand – SMS Limited. Saleen is the founder of several brands, including Saleen Autosport 1983, Saleen Productions 1993, Saleen Speedlab 1997, and Saleen, Inc.2001. The brand is focused on the release of American Muscle Car and Global Supercar, on implementing ideas that could not be implemented at Saleen, Inc. due to restrictions on the part of Ford. The company develops a series of Signature models – ultra-high-performance cars.

Smyth Performance Inc

American Car Modification Enterprise – Smyth Performance Inc. from Tiverton, Rhode Island, was founded by Mark Smith, who owns Factory Five Racing. The brand’s main goal is to create complete vehicles of the most popular models, converting cars into trucks, which will be sold at affordable prices and for their daily use. The main difference between such cars is the possibility of self-assembly by the owner of the variant, the set of which he chooses to suit his tastes and interests.


Sodomka Logo

Founded in 1895 by Josef Sodomka, Sodomka (Sodomka (Carrosserie Sodomka)) in the Czech town of Vysoké Mýto (High-Duty) in 1895 was a carriage workshop. In 1925, they began to produce bodies for chassis of various brands – Laurin & Klement, Škoda, Aero, Praga, Tatra, Duesenberg, Mercedes, etc. The war demanded bodies for freight, passenger, and special transport. In 1944, the production of passenger cars was also started. But in 1948, the company was nationalized and incorporated into the Karosa company.

Sono Motors

Sono Motors Logo

Sono Motors GmbH is one of the youngest car companies in Germany dedicated to developing and producing solar-powered electric vehicles. Founded in 2016 by Laurin Hahn, Navina Pernsteiner, and Jona Christians in Karben, Hesse, today the company is based in Munich, Germany. Batteries for maximum solar efficiency are built into the plastic body panels – in the roof area and on the sides. This technology is already licensed by the brand for both trucks and buses. The first prototype was presented in 2017.

Sons Of Boyd

Sons Of Boyd Logo

In July 2008, the sons of the famous American hot roader Boyd Coddington – Boyd Jr, Chris, and Gregg Coddington, after his death in February of this year, founded Sons of Boyd LLC. In his memory, the brand continued the legacy left by sharing with the world all that incredible that was typical for the work of Boyd Coddington while maintaining his vision, passion for customizing and transforming the world’s most popular models of the past. In the fall of 2008, the first three cars assembled at the Barrett-Jackson plant were sold.


Soriano-Pedroso Logo

Soriano-Pedroso is a car brand designed and produced in France for five years – from 1919 to 1924 at Biarritz. It was invented and assembled by the Marquis de San Carlos de Pedroso and the Marquis de Ivanrey Ricardo Soriano Sholtz von Hermensdorff – Spaniards by nationality. A propulsion system from Ballot powered the car. Then another model was assembled – cyclecar. But the main products of their enterprise, in the future, were ship power plants.

Soules Motor Car Company

Soules Motor Car Company Logo

Soules Motor Car Company is an American commercial vehicle developer from Grand Rapids, Michigan, founded in 1905 and ceased three years later. He managed to release several cars and light trucks models during this time. The company was headquartered in Detroit, Michigan. Her notable models include a 1906 Source Delivery Wagon, fitted with a 1,500-2,000 pound two-speed gearbox.


SPA Logo

An Italian auto brand from 1906 called SPA (Società Piemontese Automobili) from Turin was founded by Michele Ansaldi and Matteo Ceirano. In 1909 it merged with Fabbrica Ligure Automobili Genova. Renamed Società Ligure Piemontese Automobili and relocates headquarters to Genoa until 213. Ceirano develops two racing models – 28/40 HP and 60/70 HP. In 1908, the production of trucks began. In 1916, the founders left. In 1917 the SPA took over Aquila Italiana. In 1923 Tipo 23, Tipo 24, and Tipo 25 were released. In 1926 the brand was absorbed by FIAT. In 1947 it was completely abolished.


Spadaconcept Logo

Italian design studio Spadaconcept is a family business founded by Paolo Spada – the son of the famous designer Aston Martin, Ferrari, Maserati, Alfa Romeo, Abarth, Fiat, and Lancia – Ercole Spada. Ercole Spada, Domiziano Boschi and Wojtek Sokolowski took part in the creation of the brand. Continuing the traditions and philosophies of auto design, the brand has brought its vision and innovative modern interpretations. Their “clothes” for cars demonstrate a spectacular combination of beauty and functionality. Their Spada TS Codatronca is especially famous.

Spartan Motors Inc

Spartan Motors Inc Logo

Spartan Motors Inc is an American automaker headquartered in Michigan and founded in 1975 by George W. Sztykiel, Bill Foster, Jerry Geary, and John Knox. In 1984, she went public. The enterprise-focused on producing non-standard types of chassis for special and recreational vehicles, transit, and school buses. The sales figures in the 80s and 90s made the company a leader in this field. The first order was from FMC for 12 chassis for fire trucks. Today the number of chassis sold is 3,711 vehicles and bodies.

Spartan Cars (UK)

Spartan Cars (UK) Logo

Spartan Cars is a car manufacturing brand based in Pinxton, Derbyshire, United Kingdom, founded in 1973 by Jim McIntyre. The company’s most famous product was the Spartan Treka – a Jeep based on a 1991 Ford Fiesta Mk2. A complete open-type car on the Triumph Herald chassis became the company’s mass production. In 1980, Sherwood came out on a new chassis and components from the Ford Cortina Mk III-V. One of the brand’s unusual developments is the Cortina-based six-wheeled Starcraft. In 1995 the company was abolished.

Specter Vehicle Design

Specter Vehicle Design Logo

Canadian automotive brand Specter Vehicle Design gives cars a second life. The company’s founders are David Hogg, Marco Lee, Philip Ogilvy, a


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