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Most famous logos with a Tree



我们提供了一份公司名单,这些公司选择了一棵树作为他们的 logo。有些人把它作为一个关键要素,有些人把它作为一个附加要素。让我们更详细地看看这个问题,因为每个细节都有一定的意义。我们根据商标的受欢迎程度对品牌进行了排名。


Logo Dollar Tree

美元树 logo是结合抽象和真实的最好例子。根据美国一家知名连锁店的名字,她为自己选择了一棵摇钱树。但它不是普通的,而是代码。里面的枪管是黑色单元;皇冠是绿色的美钞。深色和浅色的条纹呈对角线排列,并点缀着细细的白线,仿佛这是一堆收集来的钱的侧面碎片。数字"1"正好在中间。她很胖,有小而尖的衬线。与此同时,即兴创作的树枝和树叶形成了一个均匀的圆圈,其中的第四部分被切除。树下是品牌的名字。


Logo Jurassic Park

树木在侏罗纪公园的 logo中并不是主要角色。霸王龙的侧影占据了中心位置。一系列植物位于盘子下面,上面写着邪教特许经营权的名字,这与动物的形象相得益彰。因此,设计师们展示了史前生物的巨大成长,并平衡了 logo中黑色的分布。为了让轮廓在一个小圆圈中更明显, logo的作者将背景设为血红色。这个手法还加了神秘主义,说这是恐怖片。树梢远远低于张开嘴的恐龙骨架。它们在这里没有任何隐喻,只有一个直接的名称。


Logo St Lucie Mets

圣露西大都会棒球队选择了一个非主题的 logo,因为它没有任何体育焦点的迹象。主要关注的是俱乐部的地理位置。 logo展示了一棵孤零零的棕榈树,背景是一轮黄红色的太阳。圆盘下部用短板封闭,用四个钉子钉在四角。上面是由名字组成的题词。这些字母是草书、橙色、手写的,用两条细线勾勒出轮廓——蓝色和白色。这两条线还与一条粗条纹相结合。在这种情况下,树是中心元素之一。


Logo Unilever

另一棵棕榈树被加密在众所周知的联合利华 logo中——在包含许多小细节的块" U "中。然而,在鱼、贝壳、花、树叶、水滴、鸟、心、太阳和其他元素中,这棵树显得格外突出。它位于左侧,紧挨着蜜蜂和波。与其他图像相比,棕榈树相当大,并且画得稍微有点弯曲。这些小图标象征着组成国际公司的各种产品和品牌。所有的细节不仅通过字母的形状而且通过颜色结合在一起:它们是蓝色的。


Logo Minnesota Wild

明尼苏达州的野生 logo是一个成熟的图片,结合了城市周围景观的基本组成部分。其中一个中心区域被针叶林占据。这些冷杉以一种经典的方式呈现出来:它们看起来像一个个尖锐的三角形叠加在一起。虽然 logo中有五棵绿树,但也有它们的镜像:在负空间中,可以看到五棵红树,上下颠倒。在它们的背景下,一个黄色的太阳、一颗白色的星星和一条米色的河流看起来很和谐。同样的米色条纹沿着野猫的头部轮廓延伸,野猫是曲棍球运动员的吉祥物,也是明尼苏达州的象征。


Logo Fortnite

堡垒之夜 logo中的树是黑色的,形成了轮廓,并与这个著名游戏的其他随从排成一行。而且,他们有好几个,和他们自己站在同一个黑房子的两边。右边是一棵落叶树,树上绑着一个秋千轮胎;左边是两株针叶树,让人想起经典的圣诞树。此外,这一排还有三座房子:一座带卫星天线的房子,一座塔楼,还有一面旗子。还有一个高高的平台,上面有一把扶手椅和一把太阳伞。名字是用不同高度的白色字母打出来的,看起来像是跳出来的。


Logo Atletico Madrid

马德里竞技 logo中的树位于盾牌的顶部,与熊在同一个位置。这些元素是足球俱乐部所属城市的象征。它们取自盾形纹章,和谐地编织在运动 logo的画布上。从椭圆形的轮廓判断,这棵树是落叶的,因为针叶树被描绘成尖锐的三角形。树干笔直挺拔。王冠下是一只熊。 logo的这一面装饰着七颗五角星。在蓝色背景的衬托下,它们非常显眼。下面是垂直的红白条纹。


Logo Malibu

酒精品牌马利布有一个非常容易识别的 logo,这就是为什么它被列入树的流行 logo的评级。在这种情况下,设计师描绘了两棵延伸到背景圆圈之外的棕榈树,并带有梯度。树木是视觉识别的重要组成部分,构成了优雅的构图。它们被漆成棕色和米色,配黄色和红色很好看。桶稍微弯曲,就像顶部的铭文一样,在末端用衬线字体。


Logo Sanoflore

这家法国有机美容公司有一个时尚的视觉形象:Sanoflore的奢侈品 logo是金色的,闪闪发光。中央部分被一棵落叶乔木占据,它有三根树枝和一个短树干。它被封在一个类似大写字母“哦”的环中,周围是实验室成立的年份和有机产品认证的确认。右边是标题,分两行。


Logo Macallan

麦卡伦 logo证实了苏格兰威士忌的原创性。它也有一棵树。不是一个,而是五个。从树干来看,四棵长在右边,一棵长在左边。这些是点缀在哥特式城堡周围的大片种植园。有些树非常高,几乎达到三层楼的高度。它们被漆成米色,这也是酿酒厂成立的年份。它的名字在下面,有着同样的金米色色调。

卡博 logo

Caboo Logo

卡博 logo为一个特殊的消费者群体所熟知,因为它 logo着由天然纤维和有机材料制成的儿童产品。 logo的设计准确地反映了品牌的概念:它是由绿色和两个微型竹叶装饰。它是公司使用的纤维混合物的主要成分。字母" b "在它下面是程式化的,以竹子树干的形式描绘。标题是中心。它由平滑的小写字母组成。字体加粗,桶状,两端有轻微的延伸。


Logo Stanford University

世界上最著名的大学之一的 logo由一棵树组成——一棵高大的红杉。它象征着坚贞和长寿。针叶树是绿色的,背景是一个大写字母s .它是酒红色的,有直角和均匀的切口。平滑的弯曲,像衬线,在它里面是不存在的。沿着边缘,有一条细条纹的双包边。红杉的轮廓取自原树,经过艺术处理。设计师用白线把它圈起来,让它更突出。大学的名字在底部。


Logo Timberland

天伯伦 logo中的树非常强大,因为它构成了一个单一的图像。它的树干是直的,分叉成许多大树枝。它们密密麻麻地填满了 logo的上半部分,只给帽冠留下了极小的空隙。此外,它沿边缘被切掉,形成一个圆的一部分。下面是一片临时搭建的土地,有一个轻微的斜坡,由两条蜿蜒的条纹突出。 logo本身是单色的。


Logo Kane County Cougars

凯恩县美洲狮棒球俱乐部 logo由深色背景树组成。从轮廓来看,这些是云杉、落叶松或其他种类的针叶树。尖锐的峰指向上方。通过这种方式,他们强调了团队对胜利的强大情绪,并支持了一只手持蝙蝠的美洲虎的牙齿嘴里伸出的危险尖牙的主题。他的右边有两棵树,左边有两棵树。野生动物前面是一个体育项目的名字,手写的。


Logo Forest Essentials

森林要素 logo中的树是阿育吠陀的 logo。它强调了品牌与地球的联系。主干是偶数,开头有延伸。树枝上没有叶子,因为在这种情况下,皇冠展示了具有"滋养"面部和身体的独特属性的装饰品的交织,因为该公司生产天然化妆品。一个薄薄的年轮围绕着这棵树。公司的名字跟在后面。沿着外边缘有另一个圆形条带。 logo由金色珍珠母制成,略带光泽。


Logo Morrisons

为了展示广泛的连锁店,莫里森斯设计了一个树状 logo。为了做到这一点,设计师们使用了小写字母我.他们用它做了一个茎干,并在顶部用黄色的叶子装饰。这个点仍然是绿色的,就像它的名字一样,但是其他的都是暖黄色的。在这种情况下,工厂传达了贸易公司的结构。


Logo National Park Service

红杉是北美和加拿大最大、最长寿的植物,上面装饰着国家公园管理局的 logo。它骄傲地矗立在金字塔树冠下的针叶树之上。远处可以看到森林的山脊。图中出现在树下方的白雪覆盖的山峰强调了树的高度。由于空间透视的正确分布,这成为可能。另一个重要的象征是描绘在绿色背景上的野牛。它以白色突出显示。


Logo Northwoods League

在北伍兹联盟的 logo中,一棵树代替了n的一半右腿,绿色的云杉由五层三角形和梯形组成。她骄傲地超越字形的其余部分,超越了它的边界。印刷体字母很大,很粗。她的左边是一个棒球。他被描绘在飞行的过程中,正如沿着他运动的整个轨迹的弯曲轨迹所证明的。下面是斜体的体育联盟名称。每个 logo都是绿色的,周围有一条很细的红色条纹。


Logo Mulberry

桑树 logo中的树很小,很简约,但尽管如此,它仍然是 logo的关键元素。它的躯干呈锐角三角形。树叶看起来像菱形形状,随机分布在白色背景上。它们没有相互连接,并且彼此相距一定距离。一个时尚品牌的名字比一个图形图像要大得多。它是用细黑字体打印的,而木头被漆成棕色。碑文的字体是剁的。


Logo XXXTentacion

杰塞德怀恩奥弗洛(美国说唱歌手) logo是说唱音乐人的个人 logo。其中的关键元素是一棵树。它没有叶子,涂成黑色,稍微向右弯曲。由于树冠和树干的自然性,这张图片看起来好像是从一棵真正的植物上复制的。下面是三个十.它们是用粗笔画出来的,就像画笔一样。在这种情况下,树反映了说唱歌手的世界观,并表明他的成长和创造性的发展。


Logo Sunshine State Conference

阳光州会议的 logo让人想起一个贴片,上面画着一棵棕榈树。它位于倾斜的位置,将空间分为三个不同颜色的部分:深蓝色(天空)、黄色(沙滩)和蓝色(海洋)。没错,较低的分界线是地平线与太阳。但它也从树开始。最上面是体育组织的名称,分成三行。第二个单词用两边的两行突出显示。从 logo的形状来看,它的基础是盾形纹章。

斯普劳特 logo

斯普劳特 logo上的芽象征着成长。毕竟,这个意思已经嵌入了一个出售种子、植物以及一切与之相关的东西的网店的名字中。这个微型徽章在一个短茎上结合了两片大叶子。右边是在线平台的名称,用线条流畅的卷曲字符输入。几乎所有的都有锋利的末端。例外是“哦”和“l”:一个是圆形的,第二个是垂直的矩形。字体是小写的,巨大的,有优雅的延伸,但是没有经典的衬线。


Logo Somersby

苹果酒制造商选择了合适的树,苹果树,因为他用它的果实来生产产品。因此,萨默斯比 logo是一个落叶树。它有一个非常蔓延的树冠,由几个分支组成。没有单独的叶子——只有大块的绿色元素,用自信的笔触"扭曲"着。苹果树的树干从一条从“哦”到" b "横跨品牌名称的弧形线出现。第一个和最后一个字母位于其框架之外。 logo中使用了多种色调的绿色,赋予了形象动感。


Logo Northwest Conference

西北会议 logo中的树是金字塔形的。它位于一座白雪覆盖的山顶,旁边是一个小池塘。因为这是一幅山地风景,所以无法确定画中画的是什么季节。但是这棵树可以通过树冠的形状来识别:它是云杉。针叶树是常绿植物——它们有针叶,而不是每个季节都不会脱落的叶子,所以 logo上可以代表一年中的任何季节。体育组织的名称缩写为《NWC》碑文是用带有衬线的方形字体写的。石墨色的符号与绿色和白色的风景形成了很好的对比。


Logo Placerville

普莱瑟维尔的 logo; logo极具艺术感,看起来就像一幅微型故事画。它描绘了探矿者在河里冲洗黄金颗粒。在他身后是一棵高大的松树。它太大了,以至于不能完全融入 logo:只能看到树干的一部分和向左生长的较低的树枝。一个穿着红色衬衫和蓝色裤子的男人蹲在水边,手里拿着一个碗。他身后的白云有点像他侧影的轮廓。颜色鲜艳,朗朗上口。中间部分是一个黄色的圆环,后面是城市的名字。沿着边缘是一个扭曲的绳子形式的框架。碑文是用古英语字母表中的字母写的。


Logo Allspring

奥尔斯普林 logo由两部分组成:名称和个人图标。它以风格化的云杉为特色。它由两个没有框架的三角形白色部分组成,因此它们突出于广场之外,并与周围的空间融为一体。这样的结构完美地促进了金融和投资公司的理念:扩大客户基础和全面的消费者支持。右边是名字。它是用粗体无衬线字母。


Logo Boca Raton Bowl

在体育组织博卡拉顿碗, logo的形状像一个橄榄球。它位于水平位置,包含所有元素:标题、互联网站点的域名和两侧的两棵棕榈树。这些树是黑色的,顶部有宽大的叶子。只能部分看到树干。中间是三行铭文。在顶部,一个微笑的表情符号代替了"我"上面的圆点。 logo用一条薄边围起来

k line. Colors are added to it by yellow, blue, and red.

MicronPC.com Bowl

Logo MicronPC.com Bowl

This football team has a very peculiar emblem and does not resemble a sports theme in any way. Looking closely, you can see that the MicronPCcomBowl logo contains an oval ball. It is camouflaged right in the center, against a background of emerald and black stripes, which are covered by a wide red ribbon with forked ends. It has the name of the club on it. And above are two large palm trees with spreading leaves. Tree trunks are cone-shaped, brown, with black strokes imitating rough bark. Here the plants show the administrative-geographical affiliation of the team. This is also confirmed by the sun peeping between them – large and warm yellow.

International Paper

Logo International Paper

The international paper company “International Paper” has been using the logo since its inception. She has practical, strict, and businesslike, reflecting the type of activity. The hardwood tree is encoded within the ring between the first and second parts of the name. It depicts a triangular figure, which is missing half of the lower segment. Instead, a straight stripe stretches down, indicating the trunk. Spruce or larch are drawn with bold black lines. The emblem directly states that the brand is associated with wood.

Athletic Bilbao

Logo Athletic Bilbao

The logo of Athletic Bilbao (this is a football club) is made in the form of a three-pointed shield. The center is framed and divided by a diagonal strip into two parts. The tree is at the top. It has a tall trunk and black branches. The crown is green and round, with two sand-colored elements protruding on the sides. Under the tree are two dogs walking to the left – towards the bridge and the castle. Below is a fragment of the flag with red and white stripes. The white frame shows the name of the sports team in grotesque style.


Logo Terraria

The tree depicted in the Terraria logo is pixelated, as is the green lawn next to it, on which the company’s name is located. It looks like passages made by underground animals. The tree perfectly echoes the lawn because it is colored brown (trunk) and green (crown with foliage). Below there are two processes: they visually balance the composition.

Miami Beach Bowl

Logo Miami Beach Bowl

The original Miami Beach Bowl logo looks very progressive. Trees play an important role in it: they form the goal for playing American football. The ball is between green palm trees. Below are wavy lines that taper downwards. All these elements are surrounded by a thin blue stripe, considering each object’s outline. On the right is the name of the sports club. It occupies three lines and is typed in a simple sans-serif typeface—capital letters, large, strictly vertical. The background is light beige.

Treetops Adventure

Logo Treetops Adventure

The tree in the Treetops Adventure logo is spear-shaped because it belongs to the conifer species, which has this crown shape. It can be either spruce or larch, which is widespread on the territory of the North American continent. Due to its unusualness, the icon resembles a cursor on a computer display. Such an association arises not only because of the external similarity but also due to the unusual orange color. The trunk of the tree is massive, albeit low. Right below, the crown begins, slightly curved on both sides. To the right of the corporate symbol is the name of the company. It is written in the thin, lowercase font (except for the first letters).

Oregon State University

Logo Oregon State University

The Oregon State University logo is based on city heraldry and historical and geographical symbols. It has no central element – this role is assigned to all the details. Among them: are a tall tree, a beaver, and three mountain peaks. They are harmoniously combined with an open book, stars, sun, and waves. The background is a shield resembling a heart. Its inner surface is painted black, where all the listed components are located. They are white, which provides excellent contrast. The name of the university is placed on the right. The “Oregon State” inscription is red, and the “University” is black.

American Forest Logo

The American Forests logo is predictably shaped like a woody plant. Judging by the height of the trunk, the shape of the crown, and the length of the branches, this is spruce. It is four-level, consisting of lines of the same thickness. The bottom of the tree is missing. There is no top either: in its place is a smooth horizontal cut. The left side of the spruce paws is short; the right side is long. The gaps between the dark green stripes are painted in bright colors: emerald, yellow and light green. They make the emblem unique and attractive. Next is the inscription, divided into two lines. This is the name of an organization that is associated with US forestry. It uses a classic font in the upper case. The letters are grotesque, rounded, and bold.

Bahamas Bowl

Logo Bahamas Bowl

The sports logo of the Bahamas Bowl also contains a tree – even two. These are large palm trees leaning towards the center. They have a light brown trunk and broad green leaves. They stand on a blue and yellow banner with the word “Bahamas.” The second half of the club’s name is located below and partially covered by an oval ball. The emblem itself is also oval but with cut points on the sides.

Southern California Intercollegiate Athletic Conference

Logo Southern California Intercollegiate Athletic Conference

The Southern California Intercollegiate Athletic Conference has an eight-tree logo. These are straight-growing palm trees that seem to stand along the freeway. Between them on the horizon is a half-disk of the sun. Against its background, a part of the name of the sports organization is presented, made in black letters. In the center is the abbreviation “SCIAC.” It is colored blue. The rest of the name is visible below it. The trees are of different sizes: palm trees in the foreground are tall, and in the background, they are low.

Four Seasons

Logo Four Seasons

The tree on the Four Seasons logo, in fact, conveys the concept of an international hotel chain. Visually, it is divided into four segments representing the year’s seasons. Multi-leaved branches – summer, with an average number of leaves – autumn and spring, leafless – winter. They demonstrate the workload of hotels. The tree is one color, drawn with even solid lines. Below it is the name of the company.

Carquest Bowl

Logo Carquest Bowl

The Carquest Bowl logo showcases the allure of the Florida coastline. First, it is a green palm. It indicates a tropical climate. Secondly, blue waves. They talk about the attraction of relaxing by the water. Thirdly, the yellow sun. It shows how warm and light it is around. The central place is reserved for a heraldic sign with the name of the intercollegiate football game. This element is made up of simple geometric shapes in red and blue.


Logo Southampton

The Southampton logo is based on the classic coat of arms. Bright heraldry is combined with sports elements, which are elevated to the highest degree of reverence. This is noticeable in the soccer ball against the background of the striped scarf of the fans: a yellow ring is drawn above it, resembling a halo. The shield is divided into two parts by wavy stripes. At the top, on a white background, there is a low tree with a wide crown and a massive trunk; at the bottom – a flower with five petals. Between them are thin sepal segments. The middle is colored yellow; the background is red. At the very bottom is a wide arc with the club’s name.


Logo Linktree

Of course, the social network could not do without a tree, so the Linktree logo consists of not one but three schematic trees. Two are located side by side and are colored mint and emerald, and the third is located between them and is visible in negative space. It occurs at the point of overlap of the first two plants. Its color is white. The shape of the trees is pyramidal, with a short, thick trunk, which makes all three elements look like computer mouse cursors. The Internet platform’s name is typed in black with lowercase letters to their right.

Cure Bowl

Logo Cure Bowl

The square shield in the Cure Bowl logo is colored pink. All other elements in it, including wood, are made in black. Despite the unusual basic shade, this combination creates an optimal contrast because pink heraldry is rare. But the palm tree is not. It is traditional in the visual identity of the sports theme. There are two trees. They are painted black and located at the composition’s lowest point. These elements not only indicate the geographical affiliation of the organization but also balance the colors in the emblem so that they are harmoniously distributed against the pink background.


Logo Westvleteren

The Belgian brewing company Westvleteren chose a heraldic logo because it has been around since the 1830s. The tree occupies 2/3 of the classic shield. It is completely green – even the trunk. The rest, 1/3, is reserved for two crossed keys. In the first case, the background is white; in the second, it is green. The coat of arms is surrounded by a dark gray stripe along the contour. In the same color, a curl is drawn at the top with three spikes, and the company’s name is written. It has the shape of an inverted arc and is placed under the shield. To the right and left of it are inscriptions in the Gothic style.

Aloha Bowl

Logo Aloha Bowl

The Aloha Bowl logo consists of two parts. The first is an image of an island with two palm trees surrounded by a 4-color rainbow. The second is the name of the sporting event in calligraphic handwriting. Both the top and bottom sides are semicircles. The green foliage of the trees is in harmony with bright colors, among which there is also green. Below the bottom is an inverted arch with the word “Hawaii” in white. That is, this is the designation of the island drawn above. In this case, the palm trees showcase a traditional tropical landscape.


Logo Bradesco

The tree in the Bradesco logo is abstract. It is composed of two crescent-shaped lines crossed at different heights. Due to this, a lush crown is formed. Two thick and short stripes form the trunk with a diagonal cut, which adds dynamics to the logo – like a tree is mobile and moves its branches. Letters “b” and “d” have the same oblique cuts. And all the letters in the inscription are lowercase. The logo is made in one shade of red.

Capital One Bowl

Logo Capital One Bowl

The palm tree in the Capital One Bowl logo conveys an atmosphere of ease and pleasure because what could be better than the Florida coast, where the football tournament takes place? The tree is large, dark green, with a shadow at the bottom. An oval ball with lacing is drawn next to it. Against their background is a flat ribbon with forked ends. It says the name of the sporting event. All elements are placed in a yellow circle with a blue border. The letters are white and decorated in different styles.

Hillsboro Hops

Logo Hillsboro Hops

Based on the name, the Hillsboro Hops team uses, of course, the hop cone logo. The fact is that she chose a name for herself in honor of a brewery in Oregon. In addition, this term is included in the baseball theme. There are six trees in the emblem. They denote the area to which the club belongs because spruces grow widely in the vicinity of Mount Hood, a mountain also present in the logo. They have a peaked structure and a green-blue color.



The food chain’s logo from Germany is simple: it contains only the name and trademark. It is very interesting because it consists of a white circle with a green frame that turns into a tree at the bottom. This is single spruce, depicted as a triangle on a short stem. Nearby is the name of the stores, which contrasts sharply with the picture on the left, as the inscription is placed in a red rectangle.

Fort Myers Miracle

Logo Fort Myers Miracle

The Fort Myers Miracle baseball team has a palm tree logo. It reminds of the roots of the club – the place where it originated. The tree is sustained in green and beige colors. The leaves are painted; first, and the trunk is the second. By the way, it is wide and powerful, which allowed it to fit perfectly into the contour of the curved “M.” The leaves are above the letter. Next comes the ball, which replaces the dot at “i.” Below the title are a picture of the coast and the ocean with a white yacht in the distance. The emblem has an oval shape and is located horizontally. She also has a red border.

Saudi Arabian Airlines

Logo Saudi Arabian Airlines

The logo of Saudi Arabian Airlines is made in oriental style. Sabers, palm, gold – everything speaks of the prestige of the air carrier and that it is related to a historically important and warm region. The name is typed in Arabic script and a font resembling it. All glyphs are colored ultramarine. English letters are capital, chopped, and bold. The tree is large, so its crown forms the upper part of the symbolic circle. The trunk is even and straight, indicating the company’s stability.

Citrus Bowl

Logo Citrus Bowl

The Citrus Bowl logo encodes information about its name. Even though the event is held in Florida, there is no palm tree on the emblem – instead, a deciduous tree with a short trunk is depicted. The crown is painted in mint and dark green colors, on which citrus fruits are excellently visible – yellow and orange. The name is located above the tree in a semicircle, and the sponsor of the competition is indicated on a blue background below. It is symbolic that the background smoothly passes into the trunk: through it, the tree absorbs juices, which grow useful fruits.


Logo Colorado

The tree in the Colorado logo demonstrates the state’s potential as one of the most picturesque in the US. For this, the company chose tall spruce. It is dark green, pyramidal, consisting of three sections. The plant power of the region is so great that the designers depicted a tree as tall as the capital letter “C.” This is an abbreviated version of the state name. The icon is half blue, half red, and where the two colors overlap is purple. Moreover, the glyph’s color smoothly turns into a diagonal line of mountains, visible against the background of the yellow sun. A thin black stripe separates graphic and text parts.


Logo Planted

Naturally, the Planted logo contains a tree. It replaced the letter “T” in the company’s name, which is the emblem. Other elements are missing. The green word is in lower case. The only exception is the first character – it is capital. Glyphs are vertical and streamlined, with smooth transitions. Spruce also contains rounding: its branches are not traditionally sharp but teardrop-shaped. The emblem is completely painted in green, evoking a feeling of unity with nature.


Logo Cigna

Cigna has a conceptual logo. It conveys confidence, joy, and well-being. With its help, a medical and insurance company promotes the idea of ​​a happy life. Moreover, the tree is abstract: its trunk is formed by two curved lines, resembling a person with raised hands. And the head is a flesh-yellow circle between them. At the top is a spreading crown. It consists of green leaves placed at some distance from each other. Thus, a fan was obtained, where large leaves alternate with small ones. Behind the tree is a crescent-shaped horizon; the organization’s name is to the right.

New Holland

Logo New Holland

The world’s most popular agricultural equipment manufacturer New Holland also has a tree in its logo. But it is schematic: it has yellow branches and blue leaves that are directed upwards. This structure makes it universal for all types of plants – from fruit trees to cereals. The icon occupies the top line along with the name. At the bottom is the word “Agriculture.” Unlike the first part, it is typed in thin type.


该文《Most famous logos with a Tree》来源国外logo世界网“logos-world.net”,由翻译软件直译,文章内容责权归属原作者,不代表本站即UCI深圳vi设计公司立场。

本文关键词:最著名的带树logo,最著名的带树logo寓意,Most famous logos with a Tree


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