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Most famous logos with a crown大多数大公司的 logo都包含某种意义——要么是对历史根源的引用,要么是品牌定位或目标的图形反映,要么是公司管理层的美学愿景。所以,在很多理性上,除了铭文,我们还会看到代表这样或那样品质的附加符号。

今天我们将谈论有王冠在其中的标志。在一些 logo中,它是主要元素,而在另一些 logo中,它几乎看不见。但是皇冠总是力量、高贵、自信,当然还有品质的象征。在这篇文章中,我们整理了完全不同的 logo,我们将在下面按字母顺序讨论。


Logo Smirnoff伏特加的著名品牌斯米尔诺夫(斯米尔诺夫)有一个标志,以标志性的纹章符号双头鹰为基础,顶部有一个小的几何皇冠。徽章的所有元素都具有干净的直线和角度,因此极简风格的皇冠在这里看起来非常合乎逻辑和时尚。斯米尔诺夫冠的三个三角形峰伴随着三个指向鸟尾的大三角形。


Logo Canada Dry这种受欢迎的加拿大软饮料有一个非常丰富多彩和多汁的标志,顶部装饰着一个有趣的皇冠。画在光滑的绿色,它支持一个广泛的黄色和白色徽章的框架,扩大的红色字体穿过它。皇冠有五个尖尖的山峰,上面有小球体,中间的山峰比其他四个高,而左边和右边的山峰比相邻的两个高一点。


Logo Royal Caribbean International

皇家加勒比国际公司是一家经营游轮业务的公司,所以它的视觉形象是其活动的完美体现奥拉西奥塔利导向矩形分为三个部分:左边带有 logo的深蓝色圆圈,带有公司名称的浅蓝色宽矩形,以及带有大写"国际"标语的黄色窄矩形。该公司的标志由一个白色的几何冠组成,是一个底部为三角形的锚的顶部。


Logo Orient日本手表制造商东方对其标志中的传统徽章设计进行了非常棒的现代诠释。这面盾牌被放在两只凶猛的狮子之间,由一个宽的实心皇冠装饰,皇冠上有四个顶端有小圆圈的山峰。用于表冠的颜色也用于大写东方 logo中的粗体衬线字体,设置在图形部分下。因此,它增加了平衡和均衡的徽章沉重的部分,使它看起来和谐。


Logo Alfa Romeo这家著名的意大利汽车制造商使用纹章海军陆战队作为其主要标志,上面的皇冠只是复杂而激烈的构图中的一个小细节。抽象地绘制在一条蛇的头部上方,镶嵌在银色背景上的银色光泽中,因此更像是一种精致的伴奏,强调了品牌的历史和传统。阿尔法罗密欧乌鸦是卓越的象征。


Logo Old Dominion Monarchs来自老自治领大学的运动队的名称中的"君主"部分被描绘在他们的皇冠形状的标志上。王冠被放在一只狮子的头上,在 logo上方绘制成蓝色和灰色,下面用一条灰色的细带下划线,上面有白色大写的"大学"字样。这种动物看起来非常好斗和危险,它头上的王冠只是提升了这些感觉。


Logo Hallmark这个以明信片和玩具闻名的标志性美国品牌的标志中也有一个皇冠,在这里,这个符号与可识别的草书字体一样重要。标志的两个元素都是纯黑色,背景透明,但有时皇冠可以用金色绘制霍尔马克徽章上的皇冠有细而尖的顶点,上面有小圆点,下面有一个水平延伸的椭圆形。这个椭圆形看起来更像一个光环,为徽章增添了特定的魅力。


Logo Nice



Logo Orange Bowl橘杯标志; logo上的皇冠,犀利俏皮。画在橙色水果的对角线上,放置在蓝白相间的冠的底部,以较浅的橙色执行,白色和蓝色的轮廓,由右边的两片绿叶装饰。这里的皇冠看起来更像一个果汁飞溅,显示了夏季的氛围和有趣的快乐心情。其中一幅王冠图案完美地融入了现代友好的视觉识别概念。


Logo Queen传奇乐队女王的标志上不止有一个皇冠。徽章的中心部分是一个带有拱形线条的扩大的皇冠,它被包围成一个垂直取向的椭圆形。在这枚奖章的两侧,有两只狮子,每只头上都有一个沉重的皇冠。左边的皇冠更具几何形状,有三角形的山峰,而右边的则更优雅光滑。


Logo Saab在瑞典汽车品牌萨博的标志上,皇冠放在一只狮鹫的头上,画在一个圆形徽章上,徽章周围有双圆形轮廓,上面有粗体的无衬线字体。表冠由黄金制成,在某些版本中,其颜色由 logo的颜色决定。萨博皇冠有三个装饰华丽的山峰,边缘柔和,看起来非常精致别致。


Logo Warsteiner瓦尔斯坦纳是另一个啤酒品牌,它使用皇冠作为其标志的主要元素之一。该品牌的徽章采用优雅的白色、浅金色和黑色调色板,中间是实心的金色圆圈,周围是金色和黑色轮廓的巨大白色框架。黑色 logo采用哥特式字体,上方饰有精致的金色和黑色皇冠。


Logo Braga多年来,葡萄牙足球俱乐部一直使用一种传统的纹章标志,而王冠一直是该标志的一个重要元素。顶部呈拱形,支持徽章底部的圆形轮廓,使构图非常平衡。皇冠本身有五个山峰,风格化为塔楼,带有方形元素,看起来稳定甚至野蛮,同时反映了俱乐部的历史根源。






Logo Crown Royal加拿大威士忌品牌的名称对其标志上的内容没有留下任何疑问。当然,这里的皇冠占主导地位。它被放在草书字体上方的枕头上,看起来优雅而圆滑。尽管皇家皇冠视觉 logo的官方调色板是黑白的,但徽章大多可以被视为非常"皇家"的紫色、金色和红色组合,这使皇冠看起来更加时髦。


Logo Standard de Lige来自比利时的职业足球俱乐部标准列日有一个非常复杂的金色和红色标志,由于白色元素的存在,它充满了空气。窄而光滑的冠部有一个右上部分,伴随着三个尖顶的冠,中间一个上面有一颗优雅的星星。每座山峰都有一条非常细而尖的尾巴,它平衡了星星的微弱光线。作为标志的主要部分,它垂直分为两部分——金色字母组合在右边,纯红色部分在左边。


Logo Toronto Marlies加拿大曲棍球俱乐部多伦多马林鱼将王冠作为其标志的核心元素,放在蓝色枫叶上,并辅以细细的白色点缀。这里的皇冠是用黄色、蓝色和红色制作的,底部有一个有趣的花卉装饰,在较宽的黄色部分有不同的蓝色十字架图案。皇冠的顶部也由十字架装饰,整个构图以细细的红色轮廓为特色。


Logo Manchester Monarchs曼彻斯特曲棍球队的标志已经不存在了,但它也有一个皇冠,尽管这不是你在这个徽章上注意到的第一件事。该标志的特点是一个放大的白色铭文,在黑色和灰色的双重轮廓中,重叠着一个同色系的狮子漫画头像。在狮子的头上,有一个灰色的皇冠,由于动物的灰色鬃毛,几乎看不见。


Logo Toyota Crown皇冠是丰田的标志性车型之一,它的发动机盖上有一个非常别致和现代的徽章。这只是一个三维的银冠,垂直定向,略窄,向外展开,顶部有一个银十字装饰。皇冠由四个宽的垂直元素组成,所有的负空间都是黑色的。这个标志除了象征卓越和质量的巨大皇家标志之外别无它物。


Logo Konplott孔洛特是一个来自德国的珠宝品牌,它有一个非常有趣和复杂的标志,充满了细节。它是一个浅橄榄色的垂直方向的椭圆形,所有的元素都是绿金色的。标志的框架以品牌名称为特色,带有一些醒目的图案,而中心部分描绘了一只风格化的青蛙,上面有皇冠。这个徽章上的皇冠看起来很不寻常——它的底部装饰有一个小十字架,并且在皇冠上有一个镂空的圆圈。


Logo Tuborg著名的图堡啤酒的标志是基于一个强大的几何衬线字体大写的粗体绿色字母,华丽的经典皇冠由一个轻便的金色标语下划线。图堡王冠以金色、红色和黑色绘制,并有几颗白色和红色的圆形和方形宝石装饰。皇冠的顶部有一个白色和红色的球体,上面有一个优雅的金色十字架。字母的轮廓和"由丹麦皇家法院指定"的铭文支撑着王冠的金色阴影。


Logo Emilio Pucci我们习惯于看到这个著名时尚品牌使用的简洁的文字标志,但它的官方版本也有图形部分。这是一个程式化的细线字母组合,看起来像一只抽象的蝴蝶,上面有一个大而醒目的皇冠。埃米利奥普奇的皇冠是最引人注目的元素,它有一个宽阔的底部,以及优雅华丽的山峰,向不同的方向削尖。五座山峰中的中间一座是最大最高的。


Logo Noble英国跑车制造商高尚的有一个非常酷的风格化皇冠作为其主要徽章的一部分。该 logo由黑色轮廓的实心黄色横幅、上面的黑色大写字母以及上方的黑色图形 logo组成。 logo描绘了两条水平线,上面有两个镜像字母N .四个黑色的实心点位于字母竖线的上方,形成一个皇冠。


Logo Los Angeles Kings来自洛杉矶的全国曲棍球联合会(National Hockey League)队的标志大胆而野蛮,非常简约而简洁。纯黑吊坠分为两部分——顶部是风格化的白色“拉”字样,底部是带有白色轮廓的详细黑色表冠拉金斯。皇冠采用传统的拱形顶部,但也有直而锐利的线条,使其看起来前卫而有力。


Logo Henri Lloyd专业生产男装的英国品牌亨利劳埃德(亨利劳埃德)有一个非常优雅的经典标志,由一个大写的衬线标志和一个字母组合组成,包围在一个圆形的花环框架中,顶部有一个时尚的扩展皇冠。这里的皇冠看起来很有男人味,支撑着品牌的本质。用黑色直线画出,顶点上有十字,它的底部有一条水平直线,这增加了自信和残忍。


Logo Royal Canin世界上最大的宠物食品制造商之一皇家监狱的徽章上也有一个很酷的风格化皇冠。这个鲜红色标志上的皇冠由两条拱形线组成,构成了铭文两部分之间的桥梁,上面有五个山峰,每个由两个实心圆组成。这是我们名单上最不寻常的皇冠之一,它看起来既现代又友好,还让人想起了狗爪子。底部的拱形线条具有不同的厚度。


Logo Correos抽象而超酷的皇冠来自西班牙邮政局科雷奥斯的视觉 logo,是对其历史渊源的致敬,也是该局在18世纪中叶成立的象征。皇冠用加粗的蓝色线条绘制,由拱门组成,中间有一条粗竖线,上面有一个小实心十字架。皇冠的底部线条设置在离其主要部分稍远的位置,为形象增添了空气和个性。


Logo Reading Royals阅读皇室徽章以紫色和银色为主色调,以一个狮子头的形象为基础,这个动物看起来很吓人,很有攻击性。狮子的脸被绘制成渐变的银色阴影,由黑色王冠上的小银钉来平衡,黑色王冠放在动物的头上。四个尖尖的王冠以银色勾勒,被一条水平的拱形线分成两部分。


Logo Anastasia Beverly Hills美国美甲化妆品品牌有一个非常优雅的带有乌鸦的标志,这个标志是作为主要元素的延伸绘制的,风格化的字母A .优雅和女性化的品牌本身,皇冠是设置在顶部的蝴蝶字母,使它看起来尖锐和现代,并唤起质量和良好的品味。包括皇冠在内的整个徽章都是黑色镶嵌,显得威武别致。


Logo Ruinart法国顶级香槟品牌鲁伊纳特的标志是徽章的主要元素。但如果你仔细观察它精致的金色线条标志,你会看到在传统的波状冠上有五个山峰,两侧是两只凶猛的狮子。冠部略微水平延伸,在其顶点上方有五个圆圈。徽章的细金色轮廓与两层下划线中的细线相得益彰。


Logo Premier League在英超联赛的标志上,皇冠不是中心元素,而是附加元素。这是画在一个强大而高贵的狮子的头上,线条清晰,但尺寸较小,左边是简单的两层铭文,全形状无衬线字体,字母圆形,线条直切。狮子的皇冠有五个三角形的山峰,非常简单干净。这个符号强调了动物的力量。


Logo Husqvarna著名的欧洲摩托车品牌胡斯瓦尔纳的 logo皇冠非常酷炫抽象。它甚至不总是被视为皇冠,尤其是考虑到公司的专业化。钍

e Husqvarna crown is composed of three bold short lines, with slightly arched sides and straight cuts, coming out of the softened square with the Capital “H” in it. All elements of the badge are set in one dark shade of blue, which makes the crown even less visible.

Eintracht Frankfurt

Logo Eintracht FrankfurtThe visual identity of the sports club from Frankfurt looks very confident and modern, even though it is based on the traditional heraldic elements. The secret here is in the perfect balance between the thickness of the lines and the brightness of the red color. The main element of the circular badge is a stylized bird with the flame coming out of its beak, and a small crown with three peaks set at a pretty significant distance from its head.


Logo PandoraThe bold modern logotype of the famous jewelry brand Pandora is all about the self-sufficient stable letters, written in thick lines with very small sharp serifs on the ends of the bars. Although, this heavy inscription looks much lighter and more elegant due to the small sharp crown drawn above the letter “O”. The crown has three long pointed peaks and is divided horizontally into two parts with thin white lines.


Logo TerexThe American industrial company Terex has a very modern and minimalistic geometric icon, where several figures merge into a crown. Executed in pinkish-red, the crown is formed by a rhombus, two triangles, and a horizontally stretched rectangle as the base, set on a white background and enclosed into a black square frame. The emblem is placed on the left of the massive sans-serif logotype in the uppercase.


Logo RimmelThe iconic British cosmetic brand Rimmel had a very stylish logo in black and red, with the uppercase lettering in a fancy sans-serif font, a delicate uppercase “London” underline in red, and an ornate red crow above the first letter of the logotype. The Rimmel crown has many lines of different thicknesses, most of them are arched and curved, balancing the straight bars of the black letters.


Logo KLMKLM is a reputable air carrier from the Netherlands, which has a very recognizable logo in a bright shade of blue. The KLM badge is composed of a massive modern and clean logotype in sans-serif, accompanied by a stylized geometric crown above it. The crown on this logo looks truly unique, with four solid circles set above the thick horizontal line, and under the small straight cross. The length of the line is less than the length of four circles, which makes it look like a classic crown.

Royal Air Maroc

Logo Royal Air MarocRoyal Air Maroc is one of the largest air carriers in Morocco, and the “Royal” part of the airline’s name is depicted on its sophisticated badge, executed in red and white. The stylized crown is set above the circular medallion with a huge five-pointed star in it. The roundel has two geometric wings, spread to the sides, and a two-leveled logotype under the graphical part, written in two languages.

Ritz Carlton

Logo Ritz CarltonThe famous international hotel chain Ritz Carlton has its logo executed in a traditional concept, with the bold serif inscription in the uppercase placed under an elegant emblem with the lion and the crown. Although, in the emblem of the company the crown is not placed on the head of the lion. It is the head of the animal, drawn in profile facing to the left, drawn above the black crown with five peaks and the central one stylized as a cross.

Louis Philippe

Logo Louis PhilippeAlthough the men’s fashion brand Louis Philippe was born in India, its logo looks very European and exquisite. The crown above the elegant serif logotype in the uppercase looks pretty delicate, as has narrow contours, but its solid black color adds confidence, which is enhanced by a thick black underline. The top part of the crown features thin and sleek arched lines, and two tiny vertical strokes, making it sharper and more modern.


Logo PininfarinaPininfarina is an Italian brand, and like everything Italian, it pays a lot of attention to its visual representation. The logo of the brand logo extremely sophisticated and exquisite, showing different shapes and styles, which come together very balanced and harmonious. The badge, composed of a geometric crest and a stylized lowercase logotype, has a very small crown complementing it, placed on top of the crest and drawn in red and blue.


Logo KroneKrone is a German manufacturer of agricultural machinery, which got its name after its founder, Bernard Krone. The graphical element on the badge of the company is not always seen as a crown, as it is pretty abstract and minimalistic. The Krone Crown is composed of a vertical line flared to its top, and forked, underlined by a trapezoid and accompanied by two bold arched lines on the sides.

Michael Jackson

Logo Michael JacksonWhich symbols, if not the crown, should the king of pop music, Michael Jackson, have on his badge? The logo of the iconic musician is composed of an elegant monogram, with the “J” overlapping the middle vertical bar of the “M”, and a clean geometric crown placed above its hat. All elements are drawn in plain black, which elevates the sophistication and style of the badge. The crown here has five solid triangular peaks, and small black dots attached to the top point of each peak. The badge looks timeless and exquisite.


Logo KPNThe visual identity of the Dutch telecommunication company, KPN, also has a crown symbol as one of the main elements. The smooth and elegantly drawn crown is set on a medallion, formed by three voluminous drops, drawn in different shapes and colors, with a three-dimensional transparent structure. The crown itself is executed in thick white lines,  with straight cuts, softened sides, and a small white rhombus set above its central axis. As for the lettering, it is written in the lowercase of a bold and modern sans-serif typeface, with the shapes of the letters slightly extended, and the lines cut straight. The logotype is set in an intense shade of blue.


Logo HMRCThe visual identity of HM Revenue Customs, the governmental agency of the UK, features a simple and elegant style, with a pretty minimalistic composition, depicting a lightweight emblem, set on the left from the two-leveled lettering in a laconic sans-serif typeface. The emblem here is a classic crown with lots of small elements, drawn in dark turquoise on a white background, and enclosed into a circular frame of the same color. The lettering is also executed in the same hue of turquoise, which makes the badge calm and balanced.

Gold Crown Logo

Gold Crown Logo

Kansas City Royals

Logo Kansas City RoyalsThe baseball team from Missouri has its modest logo decorated with a golden crown on top. The dark crown with four peaks supports the Royals in the name of the team and adds a new color to its blue and white palette. The crown is separated from the solid blue pennant by a thin white line, which adds a little air to the massive intense composition of the Kansas City Royals badge.

Clash Royale

Logo Clash RoyaleThe logo of the online game Clash Royale uses a crown as one of the main elements. It is drawn in a three-dimensional way, in a traditional yellow-gold color with some gradients. It is set on a sharp geometric crest with a blue wooden texture and a bold gold frame and accompanied by a massive stylized inscription written on two levels on the left from it. The “Royale” part of the logotype is also executed in gold shades, supporting the crown, and making it look more significant and bright.

Disney Princess

Logo Disney PrincessThe logo of the Disney Princess Ultimate Celebration has a very elegant and unusual crown, with its four peaks composed of several small geometric elements, most of which have rhomboid shapes. The crow is arched above the iconic Disney logotype, which is set above the three-leveled inscription, written in the same shade of gold, as the graphical part. The whole composition is placed on a solid black rhombus, which supports the geometry of the crown.

Mississippi RiverKings

Logo Mississippi RiverKingsMississippi RiverKings is the name of a former hockey team, which stopped its existence in 2018. The club has a very bright and modern badge, with the stylized white “M” placed on a triangular black and yellow crest, with a massive geometric crown on top. The crown was set in yellow and white, with a bold black outline, creating a strong contrast.

Bombay Sapphire

Logo Bombay SapphireThe crown on the Bombay Sapphire logo looks truly Royal and chic. Drawn in gold and set on the top of the bright blue gem, the symbol supports and enhances the luxurious concept of the badge, adding confidence and elegance to it. The style of this crown is very classic — with an ornate top part and many decorative elements, yet without any additional gems or color accents, as the sapphire makes up the main part of the emblem.


Logo KrusoviceThe crown on the badge of the famous beer brand, Krusovice, is drawn in a very elegant and classy way, using gradient gold and red shades. It is set on top of a wide ribbon-like banner, and surrounded by a bold black datemark, pointing to the establishment of the company. The color palette of the crown is fully supported by the main element of the logo, which is set in gradient red and framed in gold.


Logo ChambordThe visual identity of the raspberry liquor from France also has an image of a crown in it. The logo of Chambord is composed of two independent parts, the bold smooth lettering, and the classic circular seal, with the crown drawn in thin gold lines in the middle, and enclosed into a double gold frame with uppercase lettering around its perimeter. The Chambord crown looks very classy and heavy, being a perfect graphical representation of royalty.

Deportivo La Coruna

Logo Deportivo La CorunaThe visual identity of the football club from Galicia is based on traditional elements, which have stayed on the logo of Deportivo La Coruña for many years without any massive changes. At the very beginning of its history, the club was granted the “Real” title, which is “Royal” in Spanish, so it’s more than logical, that the top of its flag logo is decorated with a massive red and gold crown. It is drawn in smooth solid lines and looks very powerful and bright.

Real Sociedad

Logo Real SociedadOne more football club with a crown on its logo is the Spanish Real Sociedad. The crown here is placed right on a beige ball, with the blue and white flag weaving around it. The Real Sociedad crown is large and bright, drawn in red and gold, with several small gems around the base, and a small black cross on top. Because of the pretty modest and calm color palette of the main part of the badge, the crown became the first element you see, when looking at this logo.

Burlington Royals

Logo Burlington RoyalsOn the logo of Burlington Royals, the crown is one of the main elements. First of all, it supports the “Royals” part of the baseball club’s name, set on top of a blue pennant with the bold white capital “B” in a traditional serif typeface. The crown is drawn in calm gold, with some pinker hues, and has four peaks, decorated by four solid circles above them. Clean lines, no gradients, and minimalistic geometry make the Burlington Royals badge very stylish.


Logo QarabağThe crown on the badge of the football club Qarabag is very small and elegant but catches an eye from the first second. It is set on the top part of the inside of the white classic crests with a double blue and gold outline. The golden crown with five barely visible peaks and five massive solid circles above them. The golden five-pointed star above the peak of the crest is balancing the golden crown and is complemented by numerous small stars under the main element of the crest.

Moet Chandon

Logo Moet ChandonProbably the most famous brand of Champagne in the world, Moët Chandon, also uses an image of a crown for its visual identity. The delicate gold crown is set in the middle of the top line of the logo, above the black uppercase inscription, which is underlined by the “Champagne” lettering in the gold capital letter. The whole composition is supported by a solid gold star, which is set on one vertical line with the crown.


Logo RoyalMailRoyal Mail is the British postal service, which was established by King Henry VIII at the beginning of the 16th century. And this tribute to the service’s roots is placed on its logo in the shape of the crown, drawn three-dimensionally in gold and red, with small turquoise gems all over it. The crown is placed on a white rectangle, which is set vertically on a solid red background, crossed by the banner with the yellow outlined logotype.

Real Madrid

Logo Real MadridAnother iconic football logo with the crown as one of the main elements is the badge of Real Madrid, one of the most famous clubs in Spain. The very ornate crown in red and gold is full of small decorative elements, with rounded and rhomboid gems in white, blue, and red all over the golden lines. The crown is placed on top of the circular badge with a stylized monogram. The badge is set in gold, white, and blue, lacking only red shade from the palette of the crown.

Real Betis

Logo Real BetisThe Real Betis football club has a very bright and colorful badge, with the vertically striped triangular banner, having a circular element with the stylized monogram in the center, and the crown, set above this circle, as a representation of the Royal title of the club. The crown is drawn in a rounded shape and set in a yellow and red color palette with a very small dot on the top of it. The yellow lines of the crown are supported by the golden frame of the circle and triangle.


Logo EspanyolAnother Spanish football club, which was granted the royal title is Espanyol. Competing in La Liga, the club shows itself as a very confident and successful one and uses a very bright circular badge with a massive red and yellow crown on top. The crown on this badge is drawn in thick solid lines, with just one small detail — a delicate yellow cross above it. The lines of the crown look like stripes, which are supposed the blue and white stripes in the center of the logo.

Real Salt Lake

Logo Real Salt LakeThe Real Salt Lake logo is composed of a solid blue crest in a double red and yellow framing, a stylized monogram in the palette repeating the frame, a white and red football at the bottom of the shield, and a bold elegant crown above the lettering, drawn in a bright yellow color. The crown is arched and extended horizontally, having three large peaks and two small triangular ones. It looks very sophisticated and strong at the same time.


Logo CoronaThe visual identity of the famous beer brand, Corona, is fully based on the depiction of a crown, as it’s not only a symbol of power and excellence but also the name of the company. The crown from the Corina logo is drawn in flat yellow lines and set above the dark blue lettering with sharp gothic elements. The graphical part is horizontally extended and slightly flattened, with a bold massive cross on the top point.


Logo RolexOne of the most famous logos with a crown is the badge of Rolex, the brand of luxury watches. Drawn in dark gold above the moss-green lettering in the uppercase of an elegant serif font, the Rolex crown is tall and narrow, with five sharp elongated peaks and five solid enlarged circles above them. The bottom part of the crown is colored white, which adds more air to the composition.


Logo ScaniaScania is another Swedish car brand, which was once merged with Saab, and still uses its logo with the red griffin in a golden crown set on a solid blue roundel. The difference between these two badges is in the additional contouring, and if the Saab logo is rounded, on the Scania one it is more triangular, making the insignia look like a steering wheel. The background of the roundel and the massive letters of the logotype are set in one shade of blue, so the bright red crown on the red griffin’s head is very eye-catching.

Royal Jordanian

Logo Royal JordanianThe air carrier from Jordan, Royal Jordanian, has a very elegant badge in smooth gold shades, with the two-leveled lettering on the left, and a massive sophisticated crown on the right. The crown has arched lines and a straight bottom part, which adds a sense of stability and confidence to the image and the overall badge. The small element, pointing up, is placed on top of the crown between the two central arches.




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