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European Car Brands






European-Germany Car Brands



Opel logo阿达姆奥佩尔股份公司成立于1863年,早在1899年,就在改变人生的卡尔本茨发明几年后,欧宝品牌的第一批汽车问世。前30年,这家德国公司从事自行车制造,成为世界上第一家自行车制造商。因此,成为行业领导者是欧宝的血脉,今天我们可以看到该公司的经济型汽车在世界不同地区是如何受欢迎的,刻有“Z”的圆形标志已经成为世界上最容易识别的汽车标志之一。


Volkswagen logo



Mercedes-Benz Logo

奔驰不是一个品牌,它是一个传奇。该公司由发明汽车的人于1926年创立,至今仍是该行业的世界领导者。从一开始,梅赛德斯就一直在为汽车市场带来创新的汽车,这些汽车结合了时尚和技术。随着时间的推移,该公司扩大了产品线,不仅包括昂贵的豪华轿车,还包括卡车、公共汽车和货车。今天的梅赛德斯-奔驰汽车不需要介绍,这就是为什么当前品牌的标志是最简约的,有史以来为它创造的。简单的灰色标志性三叉星被雕刻成一个圆圈,并辅以简单的灰色 logo。虽然在豪华车的引擎盖上,星星仍然是巨大而有光泽的。


BMW logo



Audi logo



Porsche logo保时捷由费迪南德保时捷于1931年创立,是德国最大、最著名的汽车制造商之一,他后来创立了大众汽车公司。众所周知,保时捷与奢华密不可分。从本质上讲,这个品牌专注于制造强劲的跑车、超级跑车、超级跑车和豪华越野车.自20世纪20年代首次亮相以来,标志性的保时捷标志一直没有太大变化。这家高端德国汽车制造商华丽的纹章是对其根源和历史的致敬。 logo由符腾堡州印章和斯图加特的盾形纹章组成,代表公司的祖国。至于马,这个优雅徽章最容易辨认的元素,它代表了马场,这个城市诞生的地方。


European-France Car Brands



Peugeot logo



Renault logo



Citron Logo



Bugatti Logo

这个别致的法国品牌的历史始于1900年,当时才华横溢的工程师兼狂热的赛车迷埃托雷布加迪创造了第一辆汽车类型2车型。如今,如果没有布加迪,不仅法国汽车行业,全球豪华车市场都无法想象埃托雷布加迪设计了品牌的 logo,从那以后标志性的标志;徽标就没有太大的变化。布加迪标志是一个水平拉伸的鲜红色椭圆形,顶部有公司名称和优雅的字母组合EB .徽章被封装在一个由60个实心圆点组成的框架中。


Aixam logo

Aixam不是最著名的法国汽车品牌,但却是最"微型"的。公司的名字,成立于1983年,来源于该品牌的工厂所在城市的名字,萨瓦省艾克斯莱班。今天,Aixam生产微型车,在一些国家甚至被归类为全地形车。几乎在每个欧洲国家都能看到带有Aixam标志的汽车。这是一个夸张的粗体字母" A "刻在一个圆形框架上,并配有一个醒目而流畅的 logo。该标志采用了非常爱国的法国色彩——蓝色、白色和红色,其中红色仅用于薄框架,白色由渐变银取代。


Ligier logo



Microcar Logo

赛车品牌利吉尔的妹妹成立于20世纪80年代,最初专门生产船主使用的微型汽车,因为该品牌的主要公司是法国船只制造商贝内托.2000年,该品牌被利吉尔收购,但仍保持其"微焦点"。微型汽车的标志;徽标非常明亮流畅,让人想起糖糖,就像该品牌的小彩车一样。水平方向的椭圆形 logo采用亮红色,伴随着两个银色轨道,以现代无衬线字体显示大写字母,其中一些角度有所软化。


Venturi logo

文丘里(文丘里管)是上世纪80年代中期在法国创立的豪华汽车品牌,以基于保时捷和法拉利汽车的车型而闻名。它肯定不是最著名的法国汽车品牌,但它是最不寻常和独特的品牌之一。该品牌的汽车看起来非常可爱和"冒泡",但其技术特点不是开玩笑。文丘里标志是明亮的,非常复杂。水平方向的椭圆形徽章是猩红色,其中心部分是一个向下的实心蓝色三角形。三角形的框架是浅灰色的,徽章的主要元素也是同样的色调——张开翅膀的鸟,风格化的太阳,以及顶部定制的优雅字体的文丘里 logo。


European-United Kingdom Car Brands



Rolls Royce Logo



Land Rover Logo



Jaguar Logo



Bentley Logo

宾利是英国汽车制造品牌,成立于1919年,是时尚的代名词。今天,这家以其创始人沃尔特本特利命名的公司为德国大众集团所有。宾利作为时尚和豪华轿车的制造商而闻名于世,最近该公司推出了其首款越野车.宾利的 logo精致而有力:一个普通的黑色圆形奖章,上面有一个醒目的白色" B "两侧有两只鸟翅膀。为了平衡图形部分的平滑和华丽的线条,该品牌使用严格和直的无衬线字体作为其大写 logo。


Aston Martin Logo


e two connected wings.

MINI (1959 – Today)

MINI logo

MINI is a brand of car unlike any other. These compact cars in retro style can be seen in every country of the world because few can resist their unique design and interesting color solutions. Today the brand, established in the United Kingdom is owned by the German BMW Group. Despite the bright colors of MINI cars, the visual identity of the brand uses a very strict black and white palette. The current MINI badge is composed of a plain black inscription in a strict sans-serif typeface, enclosed into a black circular frame, decorated by four horizontal lines on each side. The lines have different lengths, which makes the white composition look like two geometric wings.

Lotus (1952 – Today)

Lotus Logo

Lotus is a famous British brand specializing in the manufacture of racing cars. The models, produced under the Lotus label, are considered to be one of the best in the world in their segment. The company was established at the beginning of the 1950s by Colin Bruce Chapman, and the name of the founder is forever engraved on the brand’s bright yellow-green logo. You can see his initials in the yellow monogram on top of the dark green triangle, right above the bold yellow “Lotus” inscription in a modern sans-serif typeface with diagonal cuts of the “T”s horizontal bar. The triangle with rounded angles is placed on a solid yellow circle.

McLaren (1985 – Today)

McLaren Logo

McLaren is another brand of a racing car from Great Britain, which was also named after its founder, Bruce McLaren. The name of this brand is known not only to motorists around the world but also to fans of Formula 1, as the company has its own racing team, successfully performing in competitions. The McLaren logo hasn’t changed much in the past decades and is still composed of bold black lettering followed by an abstract red element on the top right corner of the composition. The element looks like a thick swoosh, moving upright, and having its edge in gradients from red to black.

Vauxhall (1903 – Today)

Vauxhall Logo

Vauxhall is a British brand with impressive geography, as at some point it was owned by the German Opel Group, and today it is a part of the American General Motors Corporation. The brand is known for the production of vehicles in a medium-priced segment, which is mainly sold in the United Kingdom and Australia. In terms of visual identity, Vauxhall stands out in the list of its competitors with its bright red badge where a solid silhouette of a griffin is enclosed into a thick circular frame with the small flag coming from it to the inside of the composition. The bold white “V” is the only thing depicted on the flag.


European-Italy Car Brands

Many Italian car companies are known all over the world. First of all, we are talking about Italian cars, which dominate the rating of the best sports cars in the world: Ferrari, Lamborghini, and Maserati. But it is not all automobile brands that Italy can boast of. Such brands as Fiat and Alfa Romeo produce affordable cars and have been an integral part of the European automotive heritage for many years. Even the budget cars of Italian brands are known for their unusual and recognizable design because it is the main “chip” of the country. But in addition to a memorable appearance, Italian cars are also famous for their quality and comfort, and some – for their economy.

Ferrari (1947 – Today)

Ferrari logo

Ferrari is an Italian company founded in 1947 that produces some of the best sports cars in the world. Ferrari tops most world rankings as the brand whose cars almost all car enthusiasts dream of buying. The iconic yellow Ferrari logo hasn’t changed much since the day of its inception — the black horse, depicted in a pose of a lion rampant today is set on a light yellow vertically oriented rectangle with the top part of its frame stylized as the Italian National Flag. The black “Ferrari” lettering in a custom typeface with the recognizable horizontal bar of the “F”, stretched to the right and covering the whole inscription, is set under the image of the horse.

Alfa Romeo (1910 – Today)

Alfa Romeo Logo

Alfa Romeo has been producing cars since the beginning of the 20th century, although the modern name of the company appeared only in 1920. Since the middle of the 1980s Alfa Romeo brand is a part of the Fiat family.  The cars of this Italian manufacturer boast elegant and recognizable design and is loved by people across the globe for some pretty affordable models. The current logo of the Italian brand does not vary much from the original badge, introduced in 1910: it has exactly the same elements and retains its initial color palette. The circular Alfa Romeo medallion depicts heraldic symbols of Milan, enclosed into a thick frame with the name of the brand inscribed into it.

Fiat (1899 – Today)

Fiat Logo

Fiat cars began to be manufactured in 1899 thanks to Giovanni Agnelli. To date, the brand has introduced more than 70 different car models. Fiat is known for its sedans and SUVs of recognizable design and pleasant price policy. Fiat can rightfully be considered a record-breaker not only by the number of models produced but also by the number of logos created. However, the company’s latest emblem is the most minimalistic of all. It is a bright red logotype in the corporate Fiat typeface, with flat solid letters set over a transparent background without any framing. The version with the silver lettering on a glossy red and silver badge is still in use by the brand today too.

Abarth (1949 – Today)

Abarth Logo

Abarth is an Italian manufacturer of civilian and racing cars, founded by Carlo Abarth in 1949. But most of all Abarth is famous for its sports tuning of other brands’ cars and its collaboration with Fiat, improving their popular miniature Fiat 500 and accelerating it to an impressive speed. The visual identity of this small Italian brand has always been very sharp and edgy, as the main symbol of the company is a Scorpio. On the latest version of the Abarth badge, the black mascot is enlarged and drawn in an abstract geometric way on a wide classic-shaped crest in yellow and red, with the top part of the emblem black, comprising the bright square lettering with the name of the brand.

Lamborghini (1963 – Today)

Lamborghini logo

The Italian company Lamborghini, founded in the 1960s as a competitor of Ferrari and Maserati, produces high-performance luxury sports cars. Since 1998, the fancy Italian brand is a subsidiary of German Audi. The golden Taurus from the classy black crest on the Lamborghini logo is there not only as a tribute to the brand’s founder (Taurus is his zodiac) but also as a depiction of the stubbornness with which the Italian manufacturer keeps raising its standards and introducing more and more perfect vehicles to the luxury automobile market. The combination of black and gold also makes the company stand out from the list of its competitors.

Maserati (1914 – Today)

Maserati logo

Maserati was founded by the Maserati brothers in 1914 in Bologna and today has produced nearly 20 models of luxury cars, for which buyers from around the world are lining up. The symbol of the company’s motherland, the Italian city of Bologna, has always been depicted on the brand’s logo — it is a sharp and sleek trident, taken from the Fountain of Neptune. For almost the whole history of Maserati, their logo was executed in a blue, white, and red color palette, but lately, things changed and the new badge is drawn in plain black, with the trident set over a cursive logotype in a custom typeface, without any framing.

Lancia (1906 – Today)

Lancia Logo

Lancia began producing its first cars in 1906, making the brand one of the oldest car manufacturers in the world. Although it’s not as popular worldwide as other Italian brands, the company manufactures safe and high-quality cars in the middle-price segment. Lancia is a pretty conservative brand and the history of its visual identity redesign only seconds this opinion. For many years now the Italian car manufacturer has been using the same logo — a bright blue crest with a silver circle and the brand name on it. This is not a simple circle though, here you can find two sharp vertical lines coming from the top and bottom of the logotype. These lines make the element look like a steering wheel of a car.

Pagani (1992 – Today)

Pagani Logo

The youngest in this part of the list, Pagani is not only a well-known Italian manufacturer of expensive sports cars but also of carbon fiber. Pagani’s technological developments help make city cars ultra-light and fast. Pagani is a brand of a new generation, and its logo looks very progressive if not aggressive. There is something brutal and sharp in the lines of the logotype and the silver oval badge it is written over. Probably it is the modern custom typeface, or the dots, set all over the badge and resembling bullet holes. Although, there is one softening detail on the logo — a smooth voluminous blue triangle in the upper left corner.


European-Sweden Car Brands

Of course, it is very difficult to compete with automakers from Germany or France in popularity of Swedish companies, but in quality of produced cars – is much easier, because the Swedish car industry is known for its reliability, comfort, and safety. Even though Swedish Automobiles has remained in the shadow of the global race for leadership, Germany’s northern neighbor is not inferior to such industry giants as Mercedes or BMW in quality and safety. And the most famous Swedish auto brand, Volvo, today is known all over the globe as one of the safest and most stylish brands in the European automaking industry. Apart from it, Sweden has the highest number of new brands, established in the 2010s, which means, the country has just started its long journey in this segment.

Volvo (1926 – Today)

Volvo Logo

Volvo is definitely the most famous Swedish automaking brand. This company appeared with the direct assistance of a company specialized in the production of ball bearings, so the name Volvo was formed from the Latin word standing for “Rotate” or “Roll”. Today Volvo has grown to impressive sizes and takes its place on the list of the largest companies in its country. Its logo, composed of a circle with a diagonal arrow in the upper right part, can be seen not only in Europe but all over the globe. The current version of the Volvo badge is executed in flat black lines and looks super stylish and progressive, with the name of the brand written in an elegant serif font, where the bold letters are slightly extended horizontally.

NEVS (2012 – Today)


NEVS is a Swedish brand, which appeared after the discontinuation of the famous Saab, so all the cars of the new company are based on the ones of its predecessor. But with one significant difference — all the cars manufactured by NEVS are electric. The visual identity of the new Swedish company looks as progressive as its approach to vehicle production. The badge is composed of an uppercase logotype in a custom futuristic typeface with minimum details, rounded angles, and softened ends of the bars. Another thing about the NEVS inscription is spacing. There is a lot of air inside and between the lines of the lettering, which makes it look light and fresh.

Polestar (2017 – Today)

Polestar Lоgo

Polestar is another car brand from Sweden, that specializes in the production of solely electric vehicles. The company was established by Volvo, so it inspires confidence at first sight. The name of the new Scandinavian automaker is brilliantly depicted in its laconic yet sophisticated logo. Two triangular ticks located diagonally and pointing to the center, making up a four-pointed star, are executed in light gradient silver with a matte surface. The elements have something futuristic in them — like they have been taken off a spaceship, and placed on a bonnet of a car.

Scania (1911 – Today)

logo Scania

Scania is one of the oldest and largest Swedish automaking companies, which is specialized in the production of large and heavy trucks and buses. Although there was a short period, then the company tried to experiment with manufacturing sedans, but it finished quite fast. Scania was once a part of the Saab Scania group, so its logo is closely associated with the Saab one. The redesigned badge still keeps the iconic blue and red color palette and the image of a griffin with its flame-tongue. Although all elements were strengthened and more silver shades were added to the badge.

Koenigsegg (1994 – Today)

Koenigsegg Logo

Koenigsegg is a Swedish manufacturer of exclusive sports cars. It was founded in 1994 and is named after its founder. The company rightfully takes its place on the list of the most expensive car manufacturers. Since the day of the company’s creation, there has only been one logo used by the brand — a bright triangular crest with a yellow and red rhombus pattern all over it. And only the top part of the crest is painted blue, with a delicate golden symbol at the very top. The crest is usually set above bold black lettering in a custom geometric font with softened angles, with the tails of the three “G”s interrupting the thick black underline of the logotype.

Lynk Co (2016 – Today)

LynkCo logo

The Lynk Co brand, which began its history in the fall of 2016, is the result of a Swedish-Chinese collaboration. The brand is developed by Chinese Geely and Swedish Volvo Cars (which is also owned by Geely). The visual identity of LynkCo looks like an emblem for a super fancy fashion brand — it is based on a monochrome inscription in the uppercase of a modern geometric font, where the bars of some letters are missing. The same happened to the “O”, it has a small part on the left cut out, which creates an interesting composition with the neighboring “C”.

Uniti (2016 – Today)

logo Uniti Sweden AB

Another young brand on the list of Swedish automakers is Uniti, a company, established in 2016 and specialized in the production of mini electric cars, suitable for city drives. Uniti has a very cool and stylish visual identity — its black logotype, written in the lowercase of a custom sans-serif typeface, has a white arched line coming through it and cutting all the letters into two parts. It is like a badge from the future, just like the product, the company aims to introduce to its clients.


该文《European Car Brands》来源国外“1000logos”网(https://1000logos.net/),由翻译软件直译,文章内容责权归属原作者,不代表本站即UCI深圳vi设计公司立场。



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