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Best MLB Uniforms Logos

今天的运动服不仅具有实用和功能的意义。在现代职业体育运动中,它承载着美学负荷,增强了团队精神,并为放置团队的视觉 logo、塑造其品牌感知、确保团队获得重要的商业成功提供了便利。最引人注目的 logo的成功直接取决于制服本身的质量,这证实了最佳金属链带(Metallic Link Belt)制服 logo的评级,它提供了球队之间的必要区分,并反映了每个俱乐部的性格和核心价值观。

在棒球运动中,19世纪早期,纽约灯笼裤队成员首次采用了统一的队服。它以样式、颜色和材料的共性而著称。除了方便和实用,现代形式的特点是亮度,对比度和辉煌,可以"吹嘘"的任何一个团队的保护头盔。今天,这种运动器材的几乎每一个元素都带有球队的主要 logo——它的 logo和徽章,提供了每个俱乐部的个人形象和识别。


Arizona Diamondbacks Uniform Logo

亚利桑那州响尾蛇队很长时间以来一直在发展自己的视觉形象。它的最新变种出现在俱乐部最新的白色主场和客场队服上,这是灰色的,带有精细的人字纹和斜线纹理。家用运动衫在袖子边缘和领口有一条细黑线。文字徽标" D .背影"采用相同的颜色,带有红色细边框。字母以其表现吸引人——字母顶部有尖突起,字母C有切口,字母k有较低的突出部分。客场t恤在颈部和袖子边缘也有滚边。这些线条有两种颜色——黑色宽中央,通过细的蓝色电路与两侧区分开来。文字 logo——亚利桑那州和家 logo一样,严格水平放置在胸前,采用相同的黑色字体,用细红色笔划突出显示,但另外用电蓝色笔划加下划线。


Houston Astros Uniform Logo

休斯顿太空人棒球俱乐部的客场和主场队服的统一罂粟风格确保了球队在各个方向的表现都很容易辨认。白色t恤的出现使家庭版与衣领周围、门襟两侧和袖子边缘的薄红色饰边区分开来。这些线条在公路版上是深蓝色的,球衣本身是灰色的。胸前的 logo——阿童木和休斯顿——采用相同的深蓝色几何字体,轮廓为细红色,呈弧形。所有的字母都有尖角,由短的直段组成。这种设计提供了阅读的便利,但并没有形成特别的独特性。


Tampa Bay Rays Uniform Logo

在形成自己的身份时,坦帕湾光芒棒球俱乐部在某种程度上偏离了传统,在颜色的选择上表现出个性。主场的是单声道的深蓝色,客场的是现在传统的灰色。两款球衣均在胸前横向印有光芒队的文字 logo,深蓝色配以白色对比色镶边和浅蓝色底纹,以增加字母的体积。在字母稀有上,靠近字母的茎干和上部元素的连接处,有一颗亮闪闪的星,亮黄色的光线和白色的中心。所有球衣的衣领、门襟和袖子边缘都是浅蓝色,而公路版是深蓝色。


New York Mets Uniform Logo

像所有其他球队一样,纽约大都会棒球队的队服由主客场球衣代表。他们中的每一个人都有自己的不同之处,这使得他们在赛场上与众不同。细水平蓝色条纹区分整个球衣的白色制服。在她的胸前,俱乐部的名字“大都会”用深蓝色的整洁的圆形斜体字镌刻,每个字母都用细细的红色边框突出显示,这样从任何讲台上都能很容易地看到这个名字。这个名字本身是传统风格的——顶部和左侧略微隆起。家居服是浅灰色的,沿着衣领和纽扣门襟,在距离袖子边缘一定距离处有一条细的深蓝色镶边。文字 logo——球队所在城市的名称采用叉骨风格,许多俱乐部选择用这种风格来命名。所有的字母都有引人注目的突出部分。这些字母以深蓝色突出显示,与红色的细轮廓形成对比。


Detroit Tigers Uniform Logo

底特律的美国老虎队以其时尚清新的白色主场队服脱颖而出,并以柔和的蓝色细节加以强调。在这项运动的球杆中,它是最简单的,以极简风格制作。在家庭版,衣领和按钮门襟有一个这种颜色的装饰。俱乐部名字的第一个字母用哥特式字体刻在箱子的左侧。她的表演以其冲击力的尖锐和明亮而著称。线条的拉长和末端的锐利确保了这一点,与边缘的细线背景形成鲜明对比。客场版的队服是浅灰色的,只有一个俱乐部全称的题字,用漂亮的海军蓝斜体书写。微妙的亮红色装饰突出了这一点,而亮红色装饰又被一条白线所包围。与此同时,从字母" t "开始,字母之间的负空间也用白色填充。


Texas Rangers Uniform Logo

德州游骑兵客场球衣是一款特别抢眼的鲜艳蓝色球衣。在其背景下,白色文字 logo看起来非常令人印象深刻——原始叉骨风格的德克萨斯州,巧妙地用红色勾勒出时尚的轮廓,捕捉了一点主要的蓝色区域。袖子边缘饰有两条大小相同的白色和红色对比条纹。在左袖上,应用了俱乐部的会徽,类似于一面白色的长方形旗帜,在风中飘扬,来自红蓝白三色的几个区域和俱乐部的 logo。第一个是一个深蓝色的矩形,中间是一个白色的五角星。第二个是用白色和红色水平分成两半的长方形。家庭用具不太吸引人,看起来很传统。在略带蓝色的白色球衣上,流浪者队的 logo以圆形斜体印在胸前,略微向左上方倾斜。所有的字母都是深蓝色,带有微妙的红色和白色滚边。该 logo有一个较低的中风的广泛和象征性的雕刻结束的第一个字母的 logo休息。这一笔画源于引人注目的结尾" s "的漩涡,并以柔和的曲线流向 logo的开头。袖子边缘被修剪成三条品牌线的形式——蓝色、白色和红色。


Cleveland Guardians Uniform Logo

在棒球队的制服中,克利夫兰守护者队的装备因其现代化和高档设计而脱颖而出。它采用传统的白-红-蓝色调的 logo性配色方案。球队的名字印在胸部区域,采用超大的定制字体,以粗体红色字母显示,白色主场变体上有深蓝色边框。字母的形状是几何的。它们由许多以不同角度连接的短直线组成。使用带下划线的普通图形设计,尺寸可变;右边缘进入最后一个字母" s "下端的字母组合。它有一个尖锐的左角,其顶点指向第一个字母g的尾部。相对于水平线,文本稍微向右倾斜,稍微向右倾斜。客场球衣是灰色的,带有海军蓝哥特式的俱乐部城市名称,带有红色的对比装饰。文字在胸部中间弯曲。这两种类型的制服都在离袖子边缘一定距离处有深蓝色细镶边。


Cincinnati Reds Uniform Logo

来自同名城市的辛辛那提红军俱乐部以球员的纯红色主场队服和浅灰色客场队服而闻名。这两种t恤的袖子上都有对比鲜明的装饰,分别是浅灰色和红色条纹。在红色队服上,俱乐部名称的一部分应用于胸部——红色为白色大写无衬线字体,下下划线的粗细逐渐减少,变成字母" s "末尾的字母组合。在右前臂上,有一个戴红色条纹白帽的八字胡角色的脸部图像。客场队服的胸前有一个城市名称的铭文,用小写的相同大小的红色字母和白色边缘制成,在队服的一般颜色背景下提供了一个对比突出的 logo。


Washington Nationals Uniform Logo

华盛顿国民俱乐部的视觉化,借助主场比赛和客场比赛的运动服呈现,是执行中的传统。略带蓝色的白色主场球衣和灰色客场球衣胸前印有文字 logo,采用与传统位置相同的风格制成,略微向右倾斜,象征着对胜利的不懈渴望。主场球衣的 logo是斜体圆形无衬线字体的全国赛,上面有斜切,字母“t”、“l”的突出部分,以及背面的h .主场 logo;徽标上的字母普通和客场 logo;徽标上的字母W有着相似的初始元素,W执行了一个原始的吸引人的循环。两个 logo都有一条下划线,从最后一个字母开始,向单词的开头延伸,在那里形成一个图形切口,创造出锐利的结尾。家用套件上的字母为海军蓝,带有对比鲜明的红色边框。在出口处,字母是鲜红色的,用白边突出显示。这两件t恤的袖子和衣领边缘都标有相应颜色组合的彩色条纹——家红色和深蓝色,以及更宽的深蓝色,两侧用细红线突出。左袖上有俱乐部的圆形徽章,由一个内部白色圆圈和一个红色草书大写字母w组成。这个圆圈以蓝色和红色勾勒,后面是一个深蓝色的圆圈,其中有一个字段用白色填写了俱乐部的全名。红色的五角星将单词分开。一个细细的红色圆圈包围了整个符号。


Los Angeles Angels Uniform Logo

来自洛杉矶的天使棒球队因其鲜艳有力的制服而脱颖而出。像所有俱乐部一样,它有两种类型——雪白的t恤,带有薄红色镶边的家庭版,以及带有蓝白镶边的红色字母的天使铭文,用灰色阴影创造体积。另一个是客场——亮红色,有白色和蓝色的装饰, logo是主场队服的反色。在这两种情况下,胸部弯曲的 logo非常突出,并以其华丽的执行而闻名。字体以清晰、平滑的叉骨字体书写,带有粗的主条纹和一些细而尖的元素。会徽的中心图形是名称的第一个字母,与其他图形相比略大,顶部周围有一圈灰色光环。


Miami Marlins Uniform Logo

迈阿密马林棒球队主场和客场比赛的队服都是原创的,但风格不同。红色车身,带有细的浅蓝色垂直条纹,胸前印有浅蓝色俱乐部名称字样,字体为专为球队 logo设计的字体。字母用较暗的蓝色突出显示,以产生更好的视觉效果的三维效果。同时,小写的第一个字母" m "变得比其他字母大,字母“我”得到一个小的直角三角形作为顶部元素。主制服的T恤衫是白色的,略带蓝色。在她的胸前是城市的名字,由球队代表,名字的第一个字母是“M”,还有一条风格化的马林鱼。它的独特之处在于最初由两条细线组成的轮廓——红色和白色,与T恤衫的整体背景形成鲜明对比。


Kansas City Royals Uniform Logo

许多运动棒球俱乐部以更新的身份迎接新的赛季。这也影响了堪萨斯皇家的形象,大大提高了它的形象。专注于他们的 logo和徽章的经典设计和简洁确保了简单和容易记住,这意味着他们有利于识别。带有浓郁的蓝色堪萨斯城 logo的灰色主场球衣和同样的蓝色客场球衣搭配类似的白色文字,看起来非常时尚,很有吸引力。字母在胸部弯曲,使用几何字体,其棱角仅增加视觉吸引力。灰色球衣上的文字采用客场球衣的颜色,而客场球衣上的文字则采用对比鲜明的白色。两种球衣都有从袖子边缘稍微移开的条纹——主场一侧是宽蓝色,客场一侧是白色。主场球衣的左袖上有俱乐部 logo,与众不同。这是一个纹章盾牌,浅黄色的顶部像一个皇冠,深蓝色的下部是白色的字母K和丙.白色细轮廓突出了盾形纹章。


Baltimore Orioles Uniform Logo



San Diego Padres Uniform Logo

圣地亚哥教士队的制服足够吸引人。尤其是客场比赛——得益于颜色组合——深棕色和浅黄色的原始组合,这是对俱乐部历史过去的成功回归1000吨。恤衫的领口和袖子边缘有黄色细滚边。胸前的圣迭戈字母中央采用传统曲线,字母轮廓用细白线突出显示。左前臂是俱乐部的 logo——一个穿着游戏服的和尚,一件黄色场地上带着棒球棒的黑色袈裟——一个黄色和黑色轮廓的圆形徽章。主场球衣为白色,带有深蓝色的垂直条纹,在衣领周围和袖子边缘有一条黄色-深棕色的细条纹,与 logo字母的主色及其对比轮廓相匹配。该 logo的特点是字体的设计,字母的上部有吸引人的锐利元素。所有字母都是同样大小的大写字母。他们以自信和精确著称。


Chicago White Sox Uniform Logo

芝加哥白袜队,一个来自同名城市的棒球俱乐部,拥有最容易辨认的 logo和制服设计。家庭版是白色球衣,上面有细细的黑色竖条纹,胸部左侧被一个大大的会徽短袜这个词,从上到下以黑色层叠。第一个字母" S "变大了,有一个卷曲的下马尾,重复上半部分,向左下移动。其余的都比较小。每个字母周围都有一条细细的灰色轮廓,将文本与一般背景形成对比。字体是哥特式的。灰色制服的整个胸部都有黑色字体——芝加哥,同样是黑色,但字体是圆形斜体,带有浅灰色边框。字母从左到右按对角线排列1000吨。恤本身的特点是袖子边缘有一条很宽的黑色条纹。


Colorado Rockies Uniform Logo

科罗拉多州落基山脉的制服,虽然缺乏体现在时尚和现代制服中的身份光辉,却提供了一种吸引力。她的主场和客场队服都以传统风格装饰。但是他们有一些独特的时刻。带有紫色横条的白色主场球衣和客场球衣胸前印有落基山脉和科罗拉多的文字 logo。采用相同的字体、相同的风格和配色方案——黑色轮廓、白色线条和灰色内部填充, logo具有传统的向中心弯曲的形状。尤其是紫色和黑色,以及紫色和灰色的惊艳组合,对视觉感知有着特别的影响。


/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Milwaukee-Brewers-Uniform-Logo-700x394.png" alt="Milwaukee Brewers Uniform Logo" />

The uniform of the Milwaukee Brewers club is distinguished by the color scheme adopted by the team and the presence on the left sleeve of the away kit jersey of the emblem in the form of a part of the wall made of yellow brick, on which there is a large letter M in dark blue – the color of the road kit, completely repeating the style and execution of the first letter of the name – Milwaukee applied horizontally across the chest. The home kit is snow white with thin blue-yellow stripes along the edge of the sleeves. There is a curving inscription on the chest – Brewers in capital letters in dark blue, to increase contrast and ease of visual perception, trimmed with a thin yellow outline. Here, a large geometric serif font was used. Curvature softens straight strokes and the sharpness of serif angles. The away jersey features bold contrast. On a dark blue background, thin yellow lines are used to decorate the button placket, collar piping, and sleeve edges. This color is used in the emblem and in writing the club’s name on the chest. The italic roman type features slashed rounds that make it more square, forming sharp corners, which especially highlight its last two “her” letters, which are immediately noticeable.

13 Toronto Blue Jays

Toronto Blue Jays Uniform Logo

Athletes of the Toronto Blue Jays baseball club, in addition to the text logo, place on their uniforms a graphic emblem in the form of a blue jay’s head, made using a combination of bright blue, red, and white. It is placed on the left side of the chest of each of the T-shirts directly below the last letters of the text. On the blue home kit and the letters of the text, the emblem is highlighted with a white edging, which ensures its better visual perception on a blue background. The home uniform has a common blue background, on which the name Blue Jays is applied, made by a double open outline in white, forming the perception of letter shapes due to the negative space of the background itself. The away jersey is light grey. The word Toronto on it is made in the same font and the same style as the logo on the home page; only the letters are outlined in blue, and the word itself is curved in the middle.

12 Seattle Mariners

Seattle Mariners Uniform Logo

Another baseball club, the Seattle Mariners, has worked hard on its visuals. An unforgettable impression is formed by the spectacular color combination of dark blue and “sea wave,” in which the logo is made both on the home and away jerseys. The gray color of the latter enhances this effect. Adding to the appeal is the stylized wind rose symbol in a circle, which with its lower beam forms the upper cutout of the letter M in the white home kit logo in the word Mariners or focuses on itself with a white contrasting inner field, located in the middle of the letter S on the away jersey in the word Seattle. Both T-shirts have thin navy blue trim around the collar and the button placket.

11 Pittsburgh Pirates

Pittsburgh Pirates Uniform Logo

Changes in the identity also affected baseball players’ uniforms from the Pittsburgh Pirates. While retaining the style of writing the name – Pirates, font, and its curvature on the chest of the white shirt for home performances, the team changed the color of the uniform. Home is white, with text in black geometric letters with sharp and right angles in an orange contrast border. The away team has a reverse solid black color. The letters of the word Pittsburgh are formed by a thin orange outline on a black background, which makes the shape elegant and memorable, standing out against the background of the classic identity of other clubs. Both uniforms are trimmed with a black stripe edged on both sides with thin orange around the neck and along the edge of the sleeves. On the left sleeve of the away team, there is the club’s emblem in the form of the head of a one-eyed pirate in orange and black with light gray piping.

10 Boston Red Sox

Boston Red Sox Uniform Logo

The Boston Red Sox home and away uniforms feature a traditional, contemporary cut with color, material texture, and printed logo text. She is one of the most recognizable teams to date, despite the lack of graphics in her visual identity, thanks to the overall sophistication of her appearance. Both uniforms carry the iconic red lettering, effectively highlighted by a thin blue outline – Red Sox on the white home jersey and Boston on the light gray away jersey, which features an attractive small horizontal stripe of its texture. The logos are made in red in a black outline in a wishbone style font; the letters are distinguished by their small but sharp protrusions in strict overall symmetry. The home jersey is highlighted with thin red piping along the button placket and around the collar. Away – the presence of a club emblem on the left forearm in the form of a pair of red knitted socks.

9 Philadelphia Phillies

Philadelphia Phillies Uniform Logo

Baseball club – Philadelphia Phillies recently appeared before the fans in their new stylish and progressive uniforms in classic street-casual. Her color palette of blue-burgundy and white reflects confidence and calmness, elevating the created image. White home shirt with thin vertical burgundy lines all over to make the players stand out on the pitch. On the entire chest – from left to right, the name Phillies is horizontally applied (as on the away kit), made in burgundy. The font is calligraphically italic, in which the dots above the “i” are executed in the form of blue five-pointed stars, which dilutes the composition, making it more catchy and memorable. The away kit is completely burgundy. For this reason, the burgundy text logo is highlighted with a thin white border, providing a clear visual definition of each letter.

8 Minnesota Twins

Minnesota Twins Uniform Logo

The use of a custom font for the logo in the design of the Minnesota Twins sports uniform makes it special, highlighting it from the general background. The club has white home shirts with the word Twins printed in bold sans-serif, which highlights the slight curve of the upper horizontal bar of the letter “T” and the softness of the corners in the execution of all letters in deep navy blue with red edging to distinguish it. The underline in the logos of both T-shirts is significantly shorter than in the traditional versions and has no connection with the letters of the logo. This design forms a sleek and confident modern identity. The away version is deep blue with the word Minnesota written across the chest with a slight lift up in bright red lettering with white trim. On the left shoulder of each of their jerseys, the club emblem with the Twins name in red and blue is applied through a round element with a white field.

7 Atlanta Braves

Atlanta Braves Uniform Logo

The Atlanta team representing the local baseball team, the Atlanta Braves, has an original visual identity featured on its uniform. It is represented by a bright red text logo based on a stylish, bold italic red font, highlighted with a thin black outline and the original emblem. The latter depicts a red hammer with a triangular pommel and an elongated handle. These two elements are connected by a decoratively intertwined yellow rope, which creates an additional visual highlight. The saturation of the composition with the effective highlighting of the red letters of the text blocks on both T-shirts with contrasting thin black outlines makes it even more attractive. Each graphic element on the home and away uniforms provides stability and confidence to the entire visualization while drawing attention to traditional elements. The home jersey is white, and the away jersey is grey. Both have thin red trim with black piping around the collar and placket and some distance from the edge of the sleeves.

6 Chicago Cubs

Chicago Cubs Uniform Logo

The uniform of the Chicago Cubs baseball players is considered one of the most attractive due to its bright logo, which is presented on the jersey of the home uniform. A white T-shirt with vertical thin blue stripes immediately stands out against the general background. The visual impact is enhanced by the round-shaped sign on the left side of the chest, applied over the stripes. Attractiveness is provided by the composition and color scheme, consisting of red-blue-white flowers. In the inner white space of the blue circle, repeating its shape, a large letter “C” is drawn in red, from the center of which comes a combination of smaller letters – “ubs,” of the same color, but in a heavy and stable font. The thickness of the letter C and the blue outer circle are the same. The design of the gray away kit is less diverse. On the chest, the word Chicago is applied in blue lowercase letters of the same size, in an arched shape. All letters are highlighted with a thin white outline to increase readability and improve visual perception.

5 San Francisco Giants

San Francisco Giants Uniform Logo

The uniforms of San Francisco Giants baseball players have their cardinal differences in the design of the home and away uniforms. Both T-shirts differ in the main color – home – cream, away – gray. Each of them has a text logo on the chest, made in the same dark blue font with a red border, with the characteristic sharp elements inherent in gothic fonts. This gave the logo some heaviness. On the home uniform, the jersey has red and blue stripes around the collar and along the edges of the sleeves. Away – with thin stripes on the collar and placket. Slightly above the edge of the sleeves, a thin blue stripe is applied, framed by two thinner red ones, as on the home version.

4 Los Angeles Dodgers

Los Angeles Dodgers Uniform Logo

Another baseball team from Los Angeles, the Dodgers club, leads the list of the best logos on the uniforms of MLB members. On the chest of the white home jersey and the gray one from the away kit, elements of the club’s name are applied in rich, even blue font. At home – Dodgers, on the road – Los Angeles. Texts are placed with some rising to the left. Each of them has an underscore with a stroke going from right to left from the tip of the last letter to the first capital. The thickness of the line increases towards the end, which has a figured cutout that creates sharp tips. The font is bold, with every detail perfectly balanced. The balance was ensured by the thoughtfulness of the roundings and the sharpness of the elements of the letters. The rounded “S” tail and the design of the large A and L letters provide a special appeal. The blue color emphasizes the elegance of the workmanship.

3 New York Yankees

New York Yankees Uniform Logo

The New York Yankees brand is loved by fans not only for their great game. Its iconic abbreviation in the form of intertwined N and Y attracts special attention and is recognizable worldwide due to its “oriental” design. White, with light blue and thin vertical stripes, the home kit with an emblem on the left chest, and the gray away kit with a logo in the form of a text element, the New York names immediately catch the eye on the playing field. All logos are made in the primary colors of the club – white (contrasting edging of the text) and blue (sign and font of the logo). The uppercase sans-serif is particularly suited to the minimalist style of the logo. The away uniform has an element that distinguishes it in the form of three stripes – two wide dark blue and white separating them, somewhat thinner, along the edge of the sleeves. The club uniform has a modern look and style.

2 St.Louis Cardinals

St. Louis Cardinals Uniform Logo

The St.Louis Cardinals, an MLB baseball team, stand out for their ornate uniforms with their catchy identity’s bright red and yellow elements. On the chest, both types of uniforms – home white and light blue- have an image of two bright red birds located on the edges of a light yellow baseball bat. This combination of colors creates a pleasant and cheerful mood, making the emblem attractive and memorable. The badge is placed above the text logo – in the home uniform above the word Cardinals, where the top scroll of the first capital C encloses the bat’s top. The letter S is also used in the away version. Both names are written horizontally on the chest in a bright red round font, made in soft and elegant italics, attracting attention with a slight curvature and elongation of the letters. All letters are highlighted with a thin blue border, which on the exit version smoothly turns into a shadow that creates the volume of the letters. The letters C and L have elongated lower tails, emphasizing 1-2 subsequent letters from below. The away jersey has a trim on the edge of the sleeves, a button placket, and a collar junction with a thin red line.

1 Oakland Athletics

Oakland Athletics Uniform Logo

The Oakland Athletics uniform features the traditional MLB baseball logo design, representing the club’s name and its city using fonts. T-shirts for home equipment and away equipment are distinguished by their colors. The home uniform is white; the away uniform is a rich green. On both, the text is written across the chest with a slight rise upwards, in a stylish capital font that has an underline with increasing width, going from the end of the last letters to the beginning of the words. Its sharp ending is formed with the help of a curly neckline. The text for the Athletics home kit is dark green with a subtle bright orange border that makes it stand out. Especially attractive is the large letter A, made with a short stroke and a curl in the upper part, and the letter “t” with a beveled top. The away uniform is embellished at the bottom of the sleeves with a thin white stripe flanked at the top and bottom by two wider orange stripes. The logo, which consists of the word Oakland, is in the style of the home uniform. But its main color is white.

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