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The Most Famous Logos with a Crown

logo中纹章的使用相当普遍。尤其是皇冠这样的元素,它代表了品牌的根源,反映了产品的高质量或对品牌的要求等。此外,这样的图形元素增加了美感。尽管不同的视觉优先,皇冠总是代表力量,宏伟,信心和地位。它的使用大大增强了 logo的视觉冲击力,提供了理想的效果。


Logo Warsteiner

成立于1753年的德国老牌啤酒品牌有一个简洁、令人难忘的圆形 logo和一个经典的皇冠。该元素,以及外部轮廓和中心圆圈,是在一个优雅的浅金色。它的轮廓用黑色突出显示。这些图形是对该公司悠久历史的致敬,展示了精英产品及其无与伦比的品味。白底上的皇冠隔开了品牌创立的日期。这个名字用黑色哥特式字体写在 logo的中央。


Logo Canada Dry

加拿大软饮料生产商加拿大干成立于1904年,其 logo的特点是色彩丰富的设计。色彩的丰富度和饱和度——明亮的猩红色、绿色和黄色,光泽、活泼的构图风格印在皇冠的风格上——是视觉效果的主要元素之一。它象征着领导力,一个多世纪的高品质产品,以及卓越品味和稳定性的证明。


Logo Kansas City Royals

1969年,密苏里州堪萨斯城的堪萨斯城皇家棒球俱乐部成立。纹章 logo描绘了这支球队的名义,它的精英。皇家队的蓝盾上有一个白色的字母组合,是俱乐部名字前两个字的大写字母,上面有一个金色的四竖冠,反映了它的含义。在盾牌下面,用该俱乐部的官方颜色书写的大写字母是"皇家",这是棒球运动员制服的设计特色。王冠象征着与皇室的联系和对持续领导地位的追求。


Logo Saab

瑞典特罗尔海坦是瑞典汽车品牌萨博的诞生地,萨博的 logo闻名全球。狮鹫的头和它上面三座山峰的装饰华丽的王冠是由象征力量、勇气和警惕的金色轮廓制成的。它位于两个圆圈的交叉处,圆圈的反面区域包含——顶部是品牌名称,底部是"技术"一词。所有的轮廓和字母都是金色的。品牌名称放在 logo的右边。


Logo Royal Caribbean International

皇家加勒比国际公司于1968年在挪威成立,其 logo反映了其活动的精髓——邮轮服务。它是以海事符号系统中使用的旗帜的形式制成的。该 logo分为三个部分——一个黑色正方形,上面有商标白色锚和皇冠,以及两个不同大小的蓝色和黄色长方形,上面有该公司的名称。四齿王冠的风格化形象象征着卓越、精英精神和品牌价值。


Logo Smirnoff

由一位俄罗斯企业家于1863年创立,现在是英国最畅销的伏特加品牌,有一个 logo。它基于一个 logo性的纹章元素,顶部是一个风格化的皇冠,上面有两只俄罗斯帝国纹章的鹰。通过这种方式,它向品牌的历史致敬,并展示其起源。带有清晰直线的金属灰色时尚简约 logo象征着产品的精英主义及其受欢迎程度。


Logo Krone

1970年,Werltev公司在werl tev成立,生产农业机械。该品牌的 logo是一个现代风格的帝国皇冠,顶部是楔形的,底部两侧倾斜。两个向下递减的圆形部分构成了元素的框架。在深蓝色,它呼应了文本模块,一个大胆的品牌名称,大胆的右倾大写,向前运动的象征。


Logo Orient

logo性手表制造商东方于1950年在东京成立,是精工爱普生的子公司。它的 logo反映了保守主义和对企业价值观的承诺。纹章元素以四叉皇冠的形式出现,四叉皇冠的球形顶端为由两只狮子支撑的盾牌加冕,象征着产品的独特性和精英主义。盾牌上标有红色的哥特字母“哦.该 logo以严格的设计置于黑色品牌名称上方。



英国税务海关总署从2005年开始使用这个 logo。它的特点是实用、优雅和极简主义,尽管存在皇权的属性。因为heineman medical research center 海涅曼医学研究中心 logo首先是一个州的 logo。其中最重要的元素是一个里面有皇冠的戒指。它是有图案的,用小饰品和纹章百合装饰。上面是一个巨大的十字架。接下来(右边)是管理机构的名称。它被排成两行,用细而高的字体打印。他们的商业风格平衡了左派作品的浮夸。 logo的所有部分都涂上了深青绿色。


Logo Old Dominion Monarchs



Logo Mississippi RiverKings

密西西比州的南亚文是现已停业的密西西比河王曲棍球俱乐部1989年的诞生地。这个 logo描绘了一个戴在盾牌上的四齿金冠。大胆的黑色和金色边框增强了视觉冲击力。皇冠的巨大形象象征着该队对其领导地位和比赛优势的信心。在盾牌的黑色区域,用对比鲜明的白色印刷了一个放大的大写字母m,向国家致敬。下面,在一条弯曲的金色丝带上,是俱乐部的名字。


Logo Hallmark

密苏里州的霍尔马克公司成立于1910年,以贺卡、包装和文具闻名。这个 logo是一个五齿王冠的图像,它的名字用漂亮的书法书写。黑色,皇冠图案——中央尖头比其他尖头高,都有一个圆形尖头,下部分离的轮缘吸引眼球,提供辨识度。它的特点是风格,简洁,优雅,透孔,以及区分所有产品的高美学。


Logo Bombay Sapphire

孟买蓝宝石品牌是一种印度杜松子酒,其生产始于1987年。名称和 logo反映了它的历史和颜色——紫蓝色的孟买蓝宝石之星,其形象反映了标签上印有维多利亚女王的扁平瓶子。一个重要的元素是放置在亮蓝色宝石框架上的金色皇冠,给人一种特别别致的感觉,创造出一种皇家的外观。其经典的工艺、华丽的顶部和装饰突出了蓝宝石。


Logo Pininfarina

意大利宾尼法利纳汽车车身调音品牌于1930年创立于坎比亚诺。它的三色 logo是对它的国家的致敬。宾尼法利纳的 logo由一个微型的三色经典皇冠组成,它矗立在一个蓝色镶边的长方形之上,红色的边角围绕着白色的场地。带有白色轮廓的蓝色小写字母f是中心元素。下面是一个现代的"计算机"小写蓝色字体的名称,其中的字母是由短下破折号连接。


Logo Krusovice

该 logo象征着卓越的品味和对其历史的致敬,带有捷克啤酒品牌克鲁索维采的金色皇冠。克鲁索维采的皇家酿酒厂于1517年开始生产。 logo包含成立日期和一个暗红色梯度带金边。金色和红色纹章符号的优雅和风格突出了产品的特殊地位;丝带上用白色衬线字体写着品牌和啤酒厂的名称。在它下面,有奖励和荣誉。


Logo Clash Royale

KKI 2016手机即时战略游戏的 logo中有一个皇冠。纹章符号被放置在蓝色领域的六边形盾牌的中心。它被设计成卡通风格。表冠的体积、木质纹理、金色以及盾形包边形成了引人注目的对比。该 logo是游戏特征的象征性表示,是游戏元素之一。该应用程序的名称是由一个巨大的风格化的体积字体左边的两个层次的 logo皇家航空公司。采用与皇冠相同的款式,而冲突则采用银色。


Logo Nice

纹章鹰上方的五齿冠是来自尼斯的运动俱乐部的 logo,成立于1904年。树冠的中央顶点是最高的。每个人都戴着一个圆球。作为皇冠的鸟以淡金色制成,象征着精英和当之无愧的品牌,历史悠久。鹰的胸前是一个黑色的盾牌,前半部分包含名字的缩写,用白色无衬线字体制作。后半部分包含与品牌颜色相呼应的垂直红色条纹。


Logo Disney Princess

奢华优雅是迪士尼公主 logo中不同寻常的金冠。四个菱形顶部在工作室的 logo性 logo上方创建了一个通风的镂空结构,其优雅和温柔反映了主要女主角的特征。下面,在一个三层设计中,品牌名称以金色显示。 logo所在的菱形空间采用对比鲜明的黑色,具有视觉效果。


Logo Orange Bowl

自1935年以来,迈阿密一年一度的校际美式足球锦标赛"橘子杯"有一个有趣且令人难忘的 logo。该 logo抓住了名称的精髓,展示了对丰富历史的承诺和对卓越的承诺,其证据是橙顶部的绿橙色皇冠的风格化图像。游戏的优先性和重要性的当代象征软化了视觉效果的严肃性,反映了玩家的年龄。该名称是橙色字体。


Logo Alfa Romeo

意大利著名跑车品牌阿尔法罗密欧(阿尔法罗密欧)于1910年在都灵成立,以一个可识别的 logo展示了其精英主义和领导力,包括在赛车领域。中间黑色背景上有银色名字的圆形 logo由一个红色的天主教十字架、一条喷火的绿蛇和一个三顶王冠的程式化图像组成,象征着完美。银色背景上的光泽和银色以及皇冠图案提供了一种微妙的风格,突出了品牌的历史和传统。


Logo Queen

伦敦摇滚乐队1970年女王使用了成员的黄道十二宫排列在一个帝国皇冠周围的原始纹章 logo。带有许多元素的 logo以一种纤细优雅的字体放在乐队名字的上方。时尚且对比鲜明的黑色被选为主色调。王冠反映了这个名字的精髓,展示了乐队在音乐剧《奥林匹斯》中领先的愿望,理所当然地引起了粉丝们的钦佩。


Logo Braga

101年前,葡萄牙的布拉加成立了一个同名的足球俱乐部。它的 logo是一个最初设计的有五个塔的皇冠。作为一种风格化的象征,这个 logo象征着对城市和历史理想的承诺。盾形纹章的图案证实了这一点,该图案被俱乐部的 logo性颜色分为两个区域,每个区域都描绘了被葡萄牙宗教中心 logo分隔开的城市古塔。


Logo Konplott

自1986年以来,独特的德国珠宝设计品牌孔普罗特一直为全球时尚人士增光添彩。该品牌的 logo是一个垂直的椭圆形橄榄色奖章,其特点是图形的复杂性。丰富的细节、醒目的图案、品牌名称以及作为中心元素的青蛙旧俄太子妃全部采用深绿色。五竖冠用头顶的气球强调符号的地位。它象征着产品能够把它的主人变成美丽的公主。


Logo KPN

在KPN的 logo中,皇冠起着主要元素的作用。它代表了文字力量的终极力量,因为它被用于电信公司的视觉识别中。皇冠是示意性绘制的,由四条钩形线、一条弧线和位于最顶端的菱形组成。背景是三个半透明纹理的泪珠形图形。它们相互重叠,但仍然清晰可见。最上面的元素是绿色,中间的元素是黄色,底部的元素是蓝色。由于这种结构,这篇文章看起来很长。相反,这个名字是平面的,二维的。它是用小写字母打出来的。第一种是几何的,均匀的,有角的;另外两个是圆形的。


Logo Cincinnati

一只武装分子,戴着王冠,有翼的狮子是2018年成立的辛辛那提足球俱乐部 logo的主要元素。白色三竖的英国小皇冠和带剑的狮子象征着争取领导权、勇气和毅力。带有弯曲边缘的象征性盾牌底部的橙色背景上的白色 logo提供了清晰的感知。白底黑边的盾牌,在它的上部,有一个蓝色区域,上面有白色字母FK .蓝色和橙色区域被倾斜的白色条纹隔开,条纹上用黑色字母写着俱乐部名称。


Logo Starbucks

西雅图咖啡供应商星巴克,1971年,是由一个黑白冠美人鱼代表。四个山峰的风格化,白色的皇冠以白色五角星的形式出现在中央。两条分开的尾巴平衡了头部两侧的图形。奖牌形状的 logo,中间有一个黑色圆圈,有一个宽的深绿色边框和白色边框。在它的圆周上,用醒目的白色字体写着品牌名称,中间用白色五角星隔开。


Logo Deportivo La Coruna



Logo Crown Royal

皇冠皇家威士忌的名字是为了向1939年多姆西格兰姆创造这种饮料的历史致敬。这个名字来源于珠宝的安装方式,以皇冠的形式镶嵌在皇冠上。它在优雅坐垫上的形象成为该品牌的主要区别。按照皇家标准的要求为乔治六世国王和伊丽莎白女王打造,它获得了作为 logo的帝国皇冠,象征着高品质、优雅、无与伦比的品味、独特性、包装和包装的个性,以及对其产品的自豪。手写字体为皇冠皇家 logo增添了优雅和风度。


Logo Burlington Royals



mbord" />

The memorable logo of Chambord liqueur, founded in 1982, is distinguished by the presence of the imperial crown in the central circle. The emblem Chambord is an the form of an official round seal in luxurious shades of gold and burgundy. It is accompanied by the name in a burgundy gothic serif font. The crown symbol reflects the brand’s historical association with Louis XIV, who launched the official production. The stylish and massive heraldic element is a perfect embodiment of royalty.

Real Sociedad

Logo Real Sociedad

The Basque soccer club from San Sebastian, Real Sociedad, traces its history back to 1951. The brand inspires itself with a heraldic crown, a cross at the top, and jewels around the rim in a bright and colorful red-gold design. It echoes the city’s symbol, symbolizing the close bond between the team and San Sebastian fans and its pride in protecting their sporting interests. It is placed on a light brown soccer ball wrapped in a white and blue striped flag of the club’s colors.


Logo Qarabağ

Azerbaijan soccer is represented by the Qarabağ club from Baku, founded in 1951. One of the main elements of the emblem is a small, elegant golden crown occupying the central place at the top of the shield. The five peaks are bounded by balloons. It reflects current successes, past merits, and a leading position in the country. The logo, made in black and gold colors, is related to the city’s coat of arms. The five-pointed gold star crowning the pennant is an element of graphic balance, and the many small ones below symbolize victory.

Standard de Liège

Logo Standard de Liège

Belgian soccer club Standard, founded in 1898, reflects its history and merits in the logo with a golden crown of European rulers with three pointed tops. Above the central one is a five-pointed gold star. These are symbols of the Belgian champion’s titularity and constant desire to win. The crown is crowned by a shield divided into two parts. The smaller one, on the left, is red. The right one is white, with a monogram of the intertwined two pen letters of the name. All elements and outlines are in gold.

Toronto Marlies

Logo Toronto Marlies

Canadian hockey club – Toronto Marlies 2005 formation has a logo with the country’s symbol – a blue maple leaf. Its center contains an imperial crown. The leaf has thin white veins. The crown is yellow-blue-red with floral ornamentation and a patterned combination of blue crosses echoing its top. The latter fills the yellow sector. A thin red line is drawn around the white outline. The crown’s outline is the leaf’s color—several red dots along with it.

Manchester Monarchs

Logo Manchester Monarchs

Manchester Monarchs – not an existing hockey club in 2001, had a nine-peaked gold crown, made in cartoon style, in its emblem. The crown was placed on the gray-and-black head of a grinning lion’s muzzle. Above the club symbol was a two-tiered name. The first word was a tribute to the city in small black clear capital letters. The second was the club’s name in large white letters with serifs to match the general style. Their trim includes all the club colors.

Michael Jackson

Logo Michael Jackson

The crown best characterizes the king of pop because he deserved it with his inspired creativity. Therefore, the Michael Jackson logo contains just such an attribute of power. The emblem of a cult performer consists of two initial letters of his first and last name. As a result of their combination, the original monogram of the musician was obtained, where the “J” is combined with the central line “M.” At the top, on a common leg, there is a crown made up of five triangles with sharp tops and miniature dots opposite each peak. The letters have thin horizontal serifs. The logo is made in monochrome.

Toyota Crown

Logo Toyota Crown

In 1955, the iconic Japanese car model, the Toyota Crown, appeared, which gained a fashionable and modern badge in the form of an original and stylish silver crown. It has an elongated, narrowed downward shape and the style of the imperial crown. The top is a massive stylized cross. The shape and design are in the form of four wide with smooth lines and vertical ribs reminiscent of a car radiator. The bottom is designed as a piston top with a bore for the o-ring with negative black space.

Royal Mail

Logo RoyalMail

The emblem of Royal Mail Britain, founded in 1516, reflects the brand’s rank, importance, and historical values. It is represented by a bright scarlet rectangular standard with a white border, on which the name is written in a round and accurate font with a double golden outline. It crosses a white rectangle with the golden imperial crown’s royal symbol. The luxurious execution, jewels, pearls, and gold and red symbolize high status, reflecting merit and commitment to national values.

Real Madrid

Logo Real Madrid

The Spanish FK Real Madrid was founded in the capital in 1902. The emblem is surmounted by a gold imperial crown with large pearls and jewels around the rim, with a red velvet insert – a symbol of commitment to the club’s rich history, many victories, and “royal” status in soccer. It is crowned by a round gold badge in blue edging; the inner white field contains a blue diagonal stripe – reflecting the club’s palette. It’s topped with a gold monogram of capital letters of the name.

Emilio Pucci

Logo Emilio Pucci

The Florentine fashion brand Emilio Pucci, founded in 1947, uses a luxurious and delicate image and laconic, clear text as its emblem. The graphic sign, an openwork monogram, is crowned with a five-top crown whose peaks are ornately decorated with floral elements. Such design symbolizes the products’ beauty and aesthetics, echoing the brand’s rich historical heritage and demonstrating a sublime elegance and high quality.


Logo Noble

In 2009 a sports car company was founded in Britain. The emblem was chosen as a two-part sign – a stylized crown and text name. The latter is printed in thin black capital letters with a right slant – a symbol of speed, placed on a light yellow plate with a black border with rounded corners. The crown on top is an original version of the mirrored two letters N with circular elements. Two horizontal lines support it.

Real Betis

Logo Real Betis

The FK Real Betis made a name for itself in Sivilia in 1907. Today it is represented by an emblem in the form of a stylized red and gold monarch’s crown. It crowns a composition of an inverted isosceles triangle and a circle with gold outlines. The vertical green stripes in the triangle and the green monogram inside the circle reflect a commitment to its history and club colors. The crown symbolizes striving to win, always taking the lead, and standing out for their successes and accomplishments.

Los Angeles Kings

Logo Los Angeles Kings

The Los Angeles Kings hockey club emblem from 1967 captures the essence of the name. The minimalist style, monochrome, and heraldry, in the form of a black shield divided in two, are characterized by boldness and brutality. The upper rectangle contains an abbreviation of two white capital letters of the name. The lower one, separated by a thin white stripe, displays a crown of traditional shape with an arched top, made with straight, sharp lines, communicating the style and power characteristic of the club’s gaming tactics.

Royal Air Maroc

Logo Royal Air Maroc

The Moroccan Royal Air Maroc, born in 1957, chose as its symbol a red imperial stylized crown crowning its emblem. A red five-pointed star rests on the inner rim of the circle, equipped with symbolic wings. Below is a two-tiered inscription of the name in two languages. The crown is abstract, with five elements crowned by a five-pointed star and a few lines and strokes that set the shape. It symbolizes the company’s ownership, priority, and importance.

Henri Lloyd

Logo Henri Lloyd

Founded in 1963, the British manufacturer of yachting and sailing clothing – Henri Lloyd, has an elegant identity. It consists of black graphics and the name underneath. The text is neat and elegant. The font is serif and capitalized. A monogram in an openwork circle wreathes the brand name in two capital letters. The composition is crowned with a stylish and masculine crown, reflecting the essence. The clarity and straightness of the image with peaks on the tops symbolize confidence and high quality.

Royal Canin

Logo Royal Canin

The original stylized crown in red, reminiscent of the crown of the chiefs of wild tribes, is characterized by the logo of the French food manufacturer Royal Canin, founded in 1968 in Camargue. It is formed by two curved baselines of varying thickness, which serve as a visual bridge for the two words of the brand name below. Above them, five rows of circles of two rows each are depicted as stylized peaks. Its unusualness symbolizes the friendliness and love for the younger brothers.


Logo Espanyol

The Spanish club, Reial Club Deportiu Espanyol de Barcelona of 1900, belongs to the honored and titled. The imperial red-gold crown with a cross and blue-white-red color scheme reflect national pride. The royal regalia symbolizes high status, rank, confidence, and success. A round sign crowns it with a wide bright red rim and a gold inscription of the club’s name and city. The interior is made up of stripes in the color of the main club uniform.


Logo Tuborg

The richly decorated golden imperial crown is the main element of the emblem of Tuborg Beer, the famous Danish beer founded in 1880. Its color scheme – gold, black and red – reflects the brand palette. Decorated with pearls and gems, it reflects the privileged status and popularity of the brand and its product, which is proved by the gold slogan underneath. Below is the brand’s name in sans serif letters in dark green bold type with gold edging.

Real Salt Lake

Logo Real Salt Lake

The emblem of FC Real Salt Lake, founded in 2004, reflects the brand colors and a stylish gold crown. The latter is designed with five peaks, three of which are crowned with a stylized lily and a thin, slightly curved rim. It symbolizes the desire always to be the first, achieve victories confidently, and be a recognized leader. The element is crowned by two thin semi-circles, yellow and red, encompassing a monogram of gold R and red S. Below them is an image of a ball. All are on a deep blue field matured in red and gold edging.


Logo Correos

A cool logo distinguishes the Spanish postal service with an abstract but originally executed crown. In this way, the brand pays homage to its historical heritage by linking modernity with the institution’s mid-18th century representation. Bold blue lines form an arched composition with a thick vertical central stripe rising above the thick horizontal line separating it from the postal horn. This adds air and personality. A neat symmetrical cross crowns the composition.


Logo Corona

Mexican beer Corona, a 1925 brand, is distinguished by its recognizable visualization. A gold imperial crown consists of three parts topped with a cross. The four domes are separated from the middle part with five peaks, with two small peaks and three five-pointed stars. The lower part is formed behind a thin band. It is decorated with precious stones. The crown symbolizes the brand’s fame and popularity, unsurpassed taste, and confident leadership in its segment. The black gothic typeface of the name enhances the effect.

Anastasia Beverly Hills

Logo Anastasia Beverly Hills

A stylish American cosmetics brand with Romanian roots emerged in the ’90s. Its openwork and airy black emblem, consisting of the feminine symbol, a circle, encloses a light and airy monogram of the capital letter of the name, topped with a princess crown. A monogram on both sides of the lettering adds style and effect to the composition, which creates a vision of a butterfly whose beauty and lightness reflect the essence of the brand products. The brand name in openwork supports this effect.


Logo Rolex

The Swiss luxury watch brand, born in 1905, is recognized by everyone by its emblem, a refined and airy gold crown with a white bottom and five peaks topped with round elements. It symbolizes nobility and luxury, superiority, and unquestionable quality of products, reflecting prosperity. These features are emphasized by the text of the name under the crown. The mossy green of the letters contrasts beautifully with the light gold of the sign—a smooth and elegant font with serif capitals.


Logo Ruinart

An old French champagne brand from 1729 – Ruinart is known for its complex but the memorable logo, which symbolizes its premiums. It is made with fine gold lines, topped with a five-vertex crown with different-sized peaks with orbs. Thin and open-worked, it is like a perfect symbol of refined taste and leadership, perched above a pointed shield with numerous elements held by heraldic lions. The sign is backed by the foundation year and a golden Gothic-style name.

Reading Royals

Logo Reading Royals

A purple and mauve-crowned lion with an intimidating grin is the 1991 Reading hockey club symbol. Its grinning muzzle has gradient silver areas that harmonize with the rivets on the black crown. The crown on the symbol’s head is divided into two parts by a curved horizontal line with jewels. It has four pointed peaks of regular rhombuses. The image is highlighted with a silver border. It symbolizes merit, the pursuit of victory, and sports leadership.

Premier League

Logo Premier League

The Lion King is the strong and confident symbol of the British Premier League, founded in 1992. The mark reflects the division’s greatness, importance, precedence, and priority, uniting leading clubs under its wings. The seriousness and significance of the mascot are supported by a concise crown of five identical pointed peaks. Its authority has an important influence on the perception of identity, with its monochromatic color scheme and stern, sans serif brand name font.


Logo Husqvarna

The abstract three-vertical crown is part of the emblem of the Austrian motorcycle brand Husqvarna, founded in 1903. It resembles a motorcycle chain element, reflecting the company’s focus. The composition, with its elongated oval shape and the capital letter H inside, resembles one of the knots of the mechanism. The stylish and concise image symbolizes the brand’s aspiration for the future and commitment to the achievements of modern technology. The name is characterized by compactness and precision of execution, typical of the products.

Eintracht Frankfurt

Logo Eintracht Frankfurt

The 1899 FK Eintracht Frankfurt is represented by a circular red emblem, including a small three-peaked crown. It is located above the head of the heraldic eagle on a white field inside a circle with a wide red outline. A thin red line is applied around it. On the chest of the flame-spewing eagle is a pointed shield with a red capital letter E on a white field. Two white crosses are placed on the wings. The emblem shows a connection with history and the city, echoing its colors and symbolism.


Logo Rimmel

The British cosmetics brand Rimmel, founded in 1834, shows its merits and achievements with a red openwork imperial crown. Crowning the header with the black capital letter R of the name provides an attractive visual, symmetry with the red word London, balancing the whole composition. Rimmel – made in black capital letters with wide gaps and some subtle elements, providing airiness and aesthetics.


Logo Pandora

The modern logo of Pandora, a Danish jewelry house founded in 1982, is bold and concise. Its identity is a model of minimalist style. It features a small crown element in the form of three long pointed peaks on round forms, crowning the letter “O” of the text part, emphasizing the inner and outer products, their refinement, energy, radiance, and light emanating from the precious jewelry. It softens the heaviness of the thick, old-fashioned serif typeface.


Logo Terex

Construction equipment manufacturer Terex, known since 1925 as Northwest Engineering of Westport, uses a crown in its logo. The symbol is red with three square, angled elements resting on a rectangle, created using cubic graphics. Concluded in a white rectangle with a black border, the sign precedes the name in black sans serif capital letters. The visualization communicates the brand’s technical profile, symbolizing a high-tech commitment.


Logo Scania

The crown is a significant emblem element of the Swedish car brand Scania, which traces its history back to 1891. The close link to its roots is shown with a heraldic red crowned griffin in a white border from the Scania coat of arms, spewing flames. A golden crown of three peaks with rounded crosses crowns its head, symbolizing success, dignity, and the highest achievements. The mark is placed on dark blue background in an element resembling a steering wheel. Beneath it is placed a dark blue name in a solid design.


Logo KLM

The Royal Dutch airline, founded in 1919, reflects its historical values and merits with a stylish and modern blue imperial crown. Crowning the abbreviation of the brand name in the same color, it balances the visuals by accentuating its distinctive design. Its top depicts an equilateral cross, under which four identical spherical shapes are placed. The lower rectangular element is centrally located, providing harmony of perception.

Royal Jordanian

Logo Royal Jordanian

Royal Jordanian Airlines 1963 education its profile and the essence of the name reveals in a logo of luxurious design. It consists of the text of the brand name in two languages and an elegant gold crown. The crown has four dome-shaped forms connected to an openwork rim. Its tip is a pico-shaped element. The lower rim is encrusted with precious stones and is positioned just above the base. It’s a symbol of the country’s monarchic power, the brand’s highest merit, and its excellent quality services.

Ritz Carlton

Logo Ritz Carlton

The hotel chain’s brand Ritz Carlton, headquartered in Maryland, has a memorable, elegant emblem in the form of a lion’s head profile above the five-top crown. Executed in black, they form an original composition symbolizing respect for their rich history, service of the highest level, and privilege. Three of the crown’s peaks have crossed, and two are diamond-shaped peaks. The rim is inlaid. Under the sign is the name in black in bold capital letters.

Louis Philippe

Logo Louis Philippe

The European logo of Indian menswear brand Louis Philippe, which includes an image of a crown, is attractive with its modern design. The single-color black sign with three tops in the form of heraldic lilies and two short peaks is located above a small black stripe that forms the integrity of the figure. It symbolizes the stylishness of the company’s products, accentuating sophistication and elegance. This is supported by an openwork, confident thin serif typeface in capital letters.

Moët Chandon

Logo Moet Chandon

The most famous brand of the French House of Champagne, founded in 1743, is distinguished by its laconic and stylish emblem with the imperial crown. It is made in soft gold that adds luxury and elegance. The monarch’s symbol reflects the product’s superiority and elite, crowning the whole composition and sharing the foundation date. Under the symbol, the brand’s name is written in large black sans serif letters. It’s advantageously emphasized by the golden word Champagne. The gold star is a demonstration of the high quality of Champagne.


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本文关键词:最著名的皇冠logo,最著名的皇冠logo寓意,Most Famous Logos with a Crown


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