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Most Famous Logos with a Flower

logo中一个原始的、特别吸引人的符号是花的形象,首先是因为它的女性气质、美丽、优雅和温柔。这些特点使得内衣、化妆品、珠宝和其他为人类美丽的另一半设计的商品成为制造商的抢手货。但是给视觉化增加活力、力量或进步性使得这样的 logo在其他方向上不可或缺。其明亮和抽象的表现可以大大增强一个音乐摇滚乐队的视觉冲击力,引起人们对城市盾形纹章的注意,反映服务的特殊性,或最初呈现您的俱乐部。看起来很简单的一朵花——但是它可以是多面的和有意义的,它可以让你认出大量使用花作为构图元素的 logo。


Logo Naturella

女性卫生品牌纳楚拉有一个抽象但精致的甘菊 logo。这是女性保健的象征,体现了几乎每个产品都使用了愈合和消毒花提取物。 logo在花瓣的设计中采用了从黄色到白色的渐变配色方案,并以细黑边框突出。它的吸引力是由标题文字支持的,标题文字采用醒目的黑白漂亮的草书字体,轮廓流畅。


Logo Guns N’ Roses

摇滚乐队枪炮与玫瑰于1985年在洛杉矶成立,他们使用红玫瑰作为他们的 logo。他们用树枝紧紧地包裹着两把手枪,象征着这个团体的和平哲学和永远战斗的愿望,包括借助鲜花。带有宽黄色边缘的圆形 logo框住了中央的金属核心,看起来很亮,穿过中央图像的玫瑰和手枪看起来很逼真。乐队的名字刻在优雅的黑色边缘,带有衬线。


Logo Pond’s

始于1845年的美国化妆品品牌池塘的成功历史反映在优雅的现代 logo上。按照传统,该公司更喜欢郁金香,其风格化的黑色图像提供了识别。它象征着青春、美丽、自尊、财富、温暖和春天的心情。优雅的椭圆形中的闭着的花蕾展示了对一个人的价值观无穷无尽的忠诚。


Logo Blossom Blast Saga

娱乐和鲜花的共生是2015年国王为机器人和ios开发的移动应用程序。为了吸引注意力,游戏收到了一个明亮的颜色和有趣的卡通风格的 logo,其中三级文本的原始圆形字体。字母“哦”已经被可爱的五瓣淡紫色花蕾取代,中心是对比鲜明的暗黄色。它们在浅粉色背景上突出显示带有红色边框的亮红色文本。在浓郁的绿色背景下,白色字体的冒险故事一词更加突出了它的吸引力。


Logo Fiesta Bowl

自1971年以来,美国大学橄榄球锦标赛嘉年华碗的 logo有一个明亮、醒目的花朵符号。深蓝色的圆角矩形与蓝色镶边的六边形三角旗形状相交,带有白色的PlayStation控制台 logo保罗希姆-白色背景上带有蓝色边框的红色字体描绘了品牌名称。上图——在白色的土地上,有亚利桑那州自然的蓝色元素。三角旗的下端覆盖着一个深蓝色的圆圈,圆圈上有一朵太阳形状的橙红色花朵。


Logo Tulip Computers

1979年至2009年间,荷兰个人电脑克隆制造商郁金香电脑公司(郁金香电脑公司)的 logo; logo中有一个风格化的红色郁金香。他是国家的贡品,对自己的出身感到自豪。三段花在黑色叶子和两级名字字体的映衬下显得格外突出,它们的"我"就这样形成了。第一个词是粗体黑色无衬线。第二个在严格执行中以小写字母应用。字母" p "的长笔画和" e "的下半部分将整个作品结合在一起。


Logo Blueband



Logo Queensland Government



Logo FTD

110多年来,美国鲜花递送服务公司——FTD一直取悦着它的顾客,它的 logo就是手拿花束的金色爱马仕。目前的 logo向过去致敬,展示了对现代技术的承诺以及保证服务速度和高质量的愿望。该名称的缩写字体是花店电报交付,成立日期和希腊神的形象是优雅的,准确地反映了公司的目标。


Logo Rose’s



Logo Grnen

在格吕宁, logo与其宗旨完全一致,因为这个来自德国的政党为自然而战,保护自然。作为视觉 logo,她选择了一种植物主题,更准确地说,是一种浓郁的黄色花朵。在它的形状和花瓣的结构上,它像一朵向日葵,但不是黑色的,而是中间是白色的。在它的左边是德文铭文。它们分成两行,一行在另一行的上面,两边对齐。底部有一条蓝色下划线。字体是绿色的。略斜,剁,大写。在这种情况下,花象征着温暖、阳光、善良和对自然的冷漠。


Logo Golden Tulip

国际酒店运营商金郁金香,成立于1962年在荷兰,使用一个优雅的风格化的金郁金香作为其 logo。时尚简约,由五个片段组成,与名字相呼应,强调品牌的优点和优势。下面用平静的深蓝色刻上的两层名字更强调了这一点。


Logo Flowers of Columbia

哥伦比亚鲜花的彩色和充满活力的 logo,这是一个在线服务,致力于创造和提供一种独特的绘画花卉时的各种颜色。该品牌的特点,其名称的精髓和活动都准确和详细地反映了一个有吸引力的和丰富多彩的身份,形式是一个风格化的花束,各种手绘形状,在明亮的橙色和红色,黄色和绿色,粉红色和紫色,强调了品牌名称的粗体无衬线字体,紫色。


Logo Hilton Garden Inn

成立于1996年的希尔顿全球平价酒店品牌采用了简单而大胆的花卉主题 logo。四片花瓣以白色涂在鲜红的正方形上,呈对角线排列,并向中心汇聚。它的原始图形设计,顶部有直细的白色纹理和圆点,提供了所需的记忆性。右边是品牌名称的三级文本,采用粗体蓝色衬线字体。


Logo Adidas

阿迪达斯运动服装品牌由达斯勒兄弟于上世纪20年代初创立,如今以一个现代、可识别的三叶草 logo为代表,其基础是努力实现融合。它的下半部分由三条白色条纹交叉,象征着产品在美洲、欧洲和亚洲三大洲的销售覆盖范围。它以圆形实心无衬线字体的 logo性呈现形式借鉴了品牌名称。这个 logo已经成为公认的优秀和专业的象征。


Logo 4chan

2004年,网站新闻4频道在纽约创建,今天它以一个现代极简主义的 logo反映了它的受欢迎程度和宗旨。它由四片心形的绿色花瓣组成。图形和元素在相当大的距离上的排列揭示了该服务的主要目标——弥合人与人之间的差距,提供快速共享图像的能力。花瓣的右边是酒红色棕色无衬线字体的服务名称。


Logo Tulip

成立于1887年的丹麦品牌郁金香,罐头食品,印有三朵红色郁金香的 logo。一个带有白色叶子和边框的抽象图像被放置在圆形标签的深蓝色背景上,标签位于两个带斜面末端的红色丝带的对角线上。下面是一个标题,白色加粗,稳定的字体,复制标签右边的文字,但是是蓝色的。该 logo是以国际通行的标签形式制作的,体现了产品的高质量。


Logo Huawei

中国电子产品制造商华为技术有限公司成立于1987年,其"花"字 logo突出了吸引人的抽象概念和风格。8种类似菊花花瓣的明亮而精致的成分形成了一个红色渐变设计的花蕾。这种"亚洲之花"在该地区很受欢迎,象征着品牌对其根源的承诺。同时,这一符号类似于一只神话般的鸟的尾巴,开启了新的可能性。

Chupa Chups

Logo Chupa-Chups

创立于1958年的西班牙品牌Chupa-Chups的著名 logo是在亮黄色的场地上以红色文字呈现的,以灰色-红色-白色的花朵形状为边框。这首曲子是萨尔瓦多达利自己创作的,自1969年以来从未改变过。它的奇特之处在于经过深思熟虑的安排,以至于在包装糖果时,只能看到名称的一个漂亮的大写两级红色文本,第二个单词中的字母" p "有一个吸引人的下部字母组合。


Logo TheMomsCo



Logo Blackburn Rovers

一个花卉 logo伴随着英国1875年FC布莱克本流浪者队。它的 logo是一个中间白色圆圈上有一枝柔软的绿色玫瑰的大奖章,是对这座城市的敬意和对其理想的承诺,反映了不欺骗粉丝希望的愿望。浅蓝色边缘上用黄色大写字母写的铭文包括俱乐部的名称和基金会的日期。在奖章下面,基座的白色一端,用细黑的拉丁字母刻着一句格言——艺术和劳动。


Logo CoCo Flower

被动漫晒黑者所熟知的自然型品牌椰子花出现在第二季。它的特点是以花卉为主题的明亮、色彩鲜艳、可识别的 logo,象征着自然。由各种各样的颜色制成,一个令人愉快的嬉皮士图案位于一个拱门内,有一个薄的棕色边框,下面有一条白线。花是应用在一个较暗的边缘浅绿色领域。它们以粗体圆形白色非标准字体显示名称。


Logo Google Tulip

对于农业部门,谷歌开发了软件——郁金香,其 logo具有鲜明的现代设计。公关的反映是一个风格化的郁金香由创作者的公司配色方案中的几个几何元素。每个元素都有它的颜色。极简风格、无标签和图形超载为 logo提供了时尚和现代的设计,令人愉快地展示了应用程序的本质,并易于识别。


Logo Cyber Florist

互联网平台赛博之花于1997年在莫斯科成立,提供花束、花卉组合和礼物,以最初的花卉 logo而闻名。在视觉化使用植物方面,这个 logo时尚而谦虚,有一个八瓣粉红色风格的花蕾。它取代了花店中的“o”,呈现浅绿色,薄帽,优雅的第一。赛博这个词平衡了成分,反映了公司的活动和方向特点。


Logo 4H

一个由1902个美国-加拿大青年组织组成的网络-4H在其原始可视化中有一个绿色三叶草的图像。它的四片花瓣在垂直的白色枫叶周围结成一个花蕾,这是加拿大分部的象征。名字的精髓体现在每片花瓣上的字母h .这就是座右铭——"头脑、心灵、双手和健康。"这象征着花本身,反映了品牌的主要项目-公民,健康的生活方式,科学,技术和技术。


Logo Flower City Union

纽约足球以花城联合俱乐部为代表,成立于2021年,有一个支撑和揭示名字本质的身份。浅紫色圆形奖章带有深紫色图案和滚边,这是俱乐部的官方颜色,中心有一个开放的多成分花蕾。该 logo由俱乐部名称包围,用无衬线大写字母书写。花朵和俱乐部的颜色是这座城市的象征,表明了俱乐部与创始城市的联系。


Logo Tassimo

特别吸引人的是2004年出现的博世胶囊咖啡机和塔西莫咖啡品牌的鲜艳多彩的"花"主题 logo。它将六个风格化的规则形状的半透明花瓣结合成一个花蕾,每个花瓣都有自己的颜色。叠加效果增加了较暗的色调。通过这种方式,品牌象征着其产品的多样性、口味和香味。右边是标题,用清晰柔和的黑色无衬线字体。


Logo Lancome

自1935年以来,每个人都知道,黑色圆形奖章上的完美形状的白色或金色玫瑰是法国化妆品品牌的象征。它的名字来自兰科斯梅城堡的废墟。该 logo还包括一个优雅的铭文,经典的黑色字体,漂亮的大写字母,带衬线。玫瑰垂直竖立,象征着美丽和完美,揭示了几十年来公司的主要目标——帮助女性变得更好、更有魅力、更美丽。


Logo BP

英国石油公司,即今天的BP,是一家成立于1909年的英国石油和天然气公司。一个现代的,吸引人的 logo以一个酷的,几何的,花形 logo的形式来区分它的身份。它的图形设计类似于曼荼罗,它的花瓣是尖的,由浅黄色和两种灰色构成。核心是白色的。它类似于太阳,以光线作为能量传播的象征,专注于品牌的专业活动。


Logo Camellia Bowl

自2014年以来在阿拉巴马州蒙哥马利举行的年度学生体育锦标赛-山茶花碗,具有明亮和丰富的视觉效果。它的 logo有两个风格化的红色花蕾,让人想起山茶花,两侧是绿色的山茶花

as visual confirmation. Above them is the sponsor’s name in red and black. The second word of the name is in the round, bold blue letters running the entire length of the emblem, ending with the city and state name in thin serif red letters.


Logo BJP

The Indian People’s Party – BJP, founded in 1980 in New Delhi, has chosen the image of an orange lotus as its emblem. It symbolizes the commitment to history, a tribute to the first graphic symbol under which the first mass protest against British rule took place. A bright red bud rises above three small green leaves, continuing with two thin black stems emanating from a stylized image of a reservoir.


Logo ICQ

Free, now Russian, online messenger – ICQ in 1996 has a recognizable flower shape and a name consonant with the English expression – “I’m looking for you.” The modern identity is laconic but bright. Along the inner circumference of a round black element, there are five different-sized light green petals that are not combined with each other. The composition brings a playful mood to the overall atmosphere of the symbol, providing uniqueness and recognition.


Logo Zarina

The brand of fashionable women’s clothing and accessories – Zarina, of Russian origin, founded in 1993 in St. Petersburg, presents itself with openwork and stylish visualization with a flower element. The black logo includes the title in elegant italics, handwritten style. Above its end is an abstract element in the form of an openwork flower bud made with an ornate monogram. It is formed by four rounded petals connected in the center, forming two neat small loops.

China Airlines

Logo China Airlines

Founded in 1959, Taiwan’s national carrier, China Airlines, has a large and elegant plum blossom that reflects the brand’s identity. Being a national symbol, it not only demonstrates the company’s belonging but also reflects loyalty to its history, respect for traditions, and pride in its origin. The image, made in delicate pink shades of petals, light middle, and red stamens, evokes a feeling of warmth, caress, and security, typical for airline services.


Logo Fiorentina

Football club – Fiorentina was founded in 1926 based on “Firenze” and youth “Libertas.” Its emblem is a tribute to the club’s history, a demonstration of belonging to Florence, represented by an elongated rhombus. It reflects the team’s corporate colors, echoing the city’s heraldry. A white regular-shaped rhombus in a gold edging is filled with a red heraldic lily. Beneath it is a blue wedge cut from above. The element is filled with two uppercase white letters AC and red – F, which is the first letter of the club’s name.

Home Instead Senior Care

Logo Home Instead Senior Care

A modest but blooming tulip is the basis of the Home Instead Senior Care logo. It is dark purple, like the rest of the details of the emblem. Among them, the name of the organization stands out. The first two words are placed separately and occupy two rows. The letter “I” in the inscription “Instead” is stylized as a flower stem with two teardrop-shaped leaves. The rest of the glyphs are traditional: printed, rounded, and complemented by serifs. The last two words are on the same line. They are in white sans-serif and are in a horizontal rectangle. Even lower is the brand slogan: “To us, it’s personal.” This phrase is typed in cursive italics.

New South Wales Waratahs

Logo New South Wales Waratahs

The Australian rugby club, New South Wales Waratahs, founded in 1996, is always recognizable by its emblem with a rich dark red flower in blue (or white) edging. Its shape resembles a giant Telopea bud that grows in the region. The composition is complemented by a ball located vertically in the center – the main element. In this way, the club reflects its professional activity and belonging to the city of Sydney. A solid and heavy blue title font, sans-serif, was applied for balance.


Logo Kentico

The content management system in the form of Kentico software, released in 2006, today is substituted with a modern, bright, recognizable logo with a flower theme. The logo is represented by a text module of the name, made in a black non-standard sans-serif font, with beveled letter elements and a bright orange symbol. Made in the form of a flower or sun, it is represented by a small circular element in the center, from which the stylized petals or rays depart, with the upper part beveled to the right and rounded lower.


Logo Unilever

The symbolism of the British group of companies Unilever clearly and accurately conveys its features. The original logo is a blue capital U, an example of using numerous small details on a white background to create a simple and concise form. The visualization reflects the union of many food industries and household chemical enterprises. The main part of the composition is represented by flowers of various shapes, symbolizing the diversity of the brand’s offerings. The name is written in blue italics, handmade.

Carlson Rezidor

Logo Carlson Rezidor

In 1960, the first Carlson Rezidor hotel appeared – a Danish-Swedish corporation bought out by a Chinese consortium in 2018. The brand had an interesting identity that included a black, two-level text name for the chain and a small, abstract geometric flower centered at the top. Here it symbolized the high quality of services and excellence, distinguished by its complex execution – from an x-shaped element formed by four diagonally arranged red petals and yellow circles.


Logo PetroChina

The Chinese oil and gas company PetroChina logo, founded in 1999, includes a stylized image of a bold yet modern in its abstract display of a flower. It is divided into two parts, where the upper one in a bright yellow gradient is distinguished by the presence of several thin white rays originating in the center. The bottom one is red. Curvy outer contours create the shape of an open flower bud. It symbolizes the solidity and success of the brand and reflects specialization with its energy and attention to customers.

Hawaiian Airlines

Logo Hawaiian Airlines

The largest American company – Hawaiian Airlines 1929, uses the image of a scarlet hibiscus bud. This national symbol reflects the brand’s belonging and commitment to historical roots and ideals. It is nestled in the black hair of a beautiful Hawaiian woman whose profile is part of a composition of white, purple, and fuchsia. To the right of the sign is a two-level brand name text, with beveled corners of some letters at the first word and thin capital-rounded letters at the second.

Holiday Bowl

Logo Holiday Bowl

The three-flower logo has represented the American Intercollegiate Football Championship since 1978. Being a seasonal championship, this is reflected by the cold blue and white identity, in the form of a rectangular pennant with a curved top and base, which is “warmed up” by the red shades of the poinsettia – the Christmas rose. Two extreme buds with triangular and sharp red petals, a blue core edged with white lines. Central – with white petals and a white dot, has a red core and a blue edging.

China Southern

Logo China Southern

In 1988, the first flight was made by China Southern Airlines, placing their symbol – a red flower – kapok on the plumage of the aircraft. It is noticeable and recognizable from afar with a white border on a blue background. Being a symbol of the city of Guangzhou, where the company’s headquarters is located, it reflects the national and state affiliation of the company, its roots, and its characteristics. The kapok tree was sacred to the Mayans, symbolizing the trinity of the underworld, earth, and sky, which became part of the brand’s philosophy.

Rose Bowl

Logo Rose Bowl

The Rose Bowl is the name of a traditional American football game held in early January. Its emblem – a bright red rose with white edging and rich green leaves – is the central element of the logo. As a symbol of sports passion and love for sports, blossoming youth, and eternal youth, she focuses on the age level of the competitors and their boundless commitment to sports ideals. The arched badge frames the thin black serif typeface of the name.


Logo Invisalign

Invisalign orthodontics is recognizable with a modern, minimalist logo in a cool blue gradient design of a stylized hermetic flower. Resembling a snowflake, it effectively fits into the overall style of the composition. Its eight identical petals with pointed ends, located around a common symbolic center, and the color scheme create the effect of an inner glow, making the logo unique and memorable. The name is inscribed to the right of the sign in lowercase round type.


Logo Braccialini

The leather goods of Braccialini, founded in 1954 in Florence, are known worldwide today. Its logo of an elegant and delicate white outline rose on a red background reflects the important features of women-oriented products, making things more beautiful and boosting the self-confidence of their owners. The badge creates a strong color accent, making it stand out; the gray text of the name placed on the right, made in light lowercase round sans-serif letters, makes it more stable.


Logo Babor

The original symbiosis of the text part and the image demonstrates the logo of the German cosmetic brand Babor, founded in Cologne in 1956. Its main visual element is a vertical, detailed black rose with its stem that blends beautifully with the bold text below. It symmetrically bisects the letter “O,” the brand name. The corporate identity, unchanged since the company’s formation, symbolizes perfection and preciousness, femininity and beauty.


Logo Lenor

The German brand of fabric softeners, founded in 1963, is owned by Procter & Gamble and stands out with its elegant logo. The light and modern image of a flower made of dark blue clear lines of different thicknesses on a white background are convenient for perception. Resembling an inward-curving whirlwind, it provides memorability and recognition. It symbolizes the ease of washing, pleasant aroma, and lightness, linking the image with a whirlwind of water in a washing machine. The dark blue text of the name with gracefully curved letters completes the composition.


Warframe Logo

A role-playing multiplayer action game with free online access is developed by Digital Extremes. It appeared in 2013 and was originally intended for PCs and laptops with Windows. The general emblem of Warframe (there are several editions of the game) contains a flower with three petals. The central element comprises three pointed arches, the side ones – of two.

Farmers Insurance

Farmers Insurance Logo

This American group insures small businesses, vehicles, housing, and other buildings. It appeared in 1928 and is located in Los Angeles, California. The Farmers Insurance logo, which has been used since 2015, features a two-dimensional white flower in a blue semicircle. Against its background is a red shield, and below – it is a two-level name.


IDBI Bank Logo

The full name of this financial institution is the Industrial Development Bank of India. But it is used in an abbreviated version, becoming the basis of the IDBI Bank logo in the form of a blossoming lotus. The inscription is to the right of the orange flower. Both elements are located in an emerald rectangle.


该文《Most Famous Logos with a Flower》来源国外logo世界网“logos-world.net”,由翻译软件直译,文章内容责权归属原作者,不代表本站即UCI深圳vi设计公司立场。

本文关键词:最著名的花卉logo,最著名的花卉logo寓意,Most Famous Logos with a Flower


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